Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3805: Tiandao projection

There was a touch of enthusiasm in the words of the ancient immortal Moyang, and said: "Junior, what methods did you use to achieve such power? If you can tell, this immortal can guarantee that you can let you go."

  District emperor can actually master such a power above the supreme, what kind of concept is that?

   If he is mastered by such immortal masters, it may be comparable to the eternal giants!

   The other four supreme immortals also showed hot colors.

   There is no doubt that he has the same mentality as Moyang Guxian.

   Ye Chen burst into chaos light on his body, enveloping many of the strongest arrogances, without being oppressed by Xianwei.

   He looked at Moyang Ancient Immortal, then glanced at the other Supreme Immortals, and said, "You really want to know?"

   The ancient immortal Moyang breathed a little bit quickly: "But you said, this immortal can guarantee that he will protect you safely."

   Other supreme immortals also said: "Say!"

   It can be seen that they are really eager.

   It's just that Ye Chen sneered, and said, "You can let me go and protect me? It's just a defeat."

   "You" Mo Yang Guxian was frightened, and his face sank at the moment: "Junior, you toast and not drink fine wine!"

   The other four supreme immortals also kill in awe-inspiring manner, and this vast expanse of immortal territory is plunged into an atmosphere of killing!

   "Hand it over and let you go!"

   "If you don't hand it over, you will destroy your body, refine your soul, destroy your true spirit, search your memory!"

   The five supreme immortals took a step at the same time, further pressing Ye Chen, the majestic immortal might, and squeezing them at the same time, it was enough to make an immortal king shattered and destroyed!

   All parties shook their heads, fighting the saint king is really arrogant and too arrogant, thinking that by himself, he is enough to deal with the five supreme immortals at the same time?

   However, facing the five supreme immortals, Ye Chen's expression was not scared or fearful, and he looked at the five supreme immortals calmly and said: "War?"

   The five supreme immortals are awe-inspiring, this fighting saint king is so powerful that he wants a battle, not mediation!

   A supreme fairy's eyes condensed: "Fight against the Saint King, wait for a battle with me, you have to think about the consequences."

   How do you know that the chaotic light on Ye Chen's body is blazing countless times, and the power is rising steadily in an instant, reaching the extreme in an instant, breaking through the oppression of the five supreme immortals, soaring to the sky, and everything is surrender.

   He stepped out in one step, and the lofty mountains and rivers trembled more than hundreds of millions of miles, and the heavens and stars were all eclipsed, but he was alone.

   "Consequence? You should think about it!"

   The voice resounded through the heavens!

   Ye Chen took the initiative!

What about the five supreme immortals? He is the fighting sage. Thousands of years ago, he was able to slay the emperor like a dog. A few years ago, he could suppress the incarnation of the Qingyu immortal with one hand, and smash the supreme armor with two blows. Could it be that they are only five People, can they kill themselves?


   Chihiro shouted.

   "Chihiro, the line of fighting saints, has always been invincible, unparalleled in martial arts, and indomitable, even if the enemy in front is strong!"

   Ye Chen said, this moment, accompanied by his immortal holy fist, blasted straight out, and the chaotic light burst out, like opening up a big universe.

   The heavens and myriad worlds emerged, directly bombarding a supreme immortal.

   "No, he really did!"

   The five supreme immortals were a little panicked at once, and never thought that the fighting sage king was a lunatic, and he was so crazy that he really made a move.

   You need to know that throughout the ages, few supreme dared to shoot casually in the realm of prehistoric immortals, let alone facing the Supreme Immortal, or five Supreme Immortals at once.

   This is simply a challenge to the majesty of the prehistoric fairy world!

However, when Ye Chen was promoted to a quasi-monarch, he dared to be alone, carrying the infinite calamity, and breaking into the peerless fierce inside the alien ancient universe. What's more, now, when he is like a quasi magnate and his path is unfathomable, why not dare .

   has absolute strength, natural and bold.

   Besides, behind him, it is not without the support of the eternal giants.

   The chaos is radiant and boundless, the chaos holy fist is like falling from the universe, with a bang. The first among them, the supreme immortal immediately changed his expression and said in shock: "Impossible, how can you be so strong?"


With a punch, the dignified supreme immortal, the real supreme Immortal Dao, is now so vulnerable. Under a punch, he flew directly from the sky, I don’t know how many hundreds of millions of miles of infinite distance, fell out. This piece of fairyland outside.

   Moreover, it was not simply being beaten up, but severely injured and coughing up blood. Under that punch, the immortal supreme immortal body was cracked, like cracks in porcelain, almost exploding.

   A drop of fairy blood splashed and fell on the ground, the mountains and valleys were collapsing, sinking many vast areas with a radius of more than tens of millions of miles.

   Falling on the starry sky, the many stars in the star field after annihilation become ashes, losing their light permanently.

   The supreme immortal is terrifying!

"You can withstand my fist, you really are much stronger than the fairy incarnation of Qing Yuxian, very good." Ye Chen exclaimed, the incarnation of the fairy in Qing Yuxian, the strength is only the deity. Two or three tenths of it, with one punch, it was directly annihilated into ashes.

   In front of his eyes, the deity of the Supreme Immortal was far superior to it, the immortal body was immortal, so strong as Ye Chen that it could not be blown with a single punch.

  Instructions, he belongs to a quasi-giant, and he is also a super fighter with the best combat power in the quasi-giant field.

   The power of the strongest punch is so terrifying that the emperor has to blast and smash it directly, while the supreme soldier can smash it twice.

   is like the supreme armour of the blue feather fairy, so it is.

   was able to withstand his punch without exploding, which was enough to prove the power of the supreme, and even to some extent, it was no less than the fairy armor.

   However, the more terrifying thing is actually the Supreme Immortal.

   A simple punch actually hit him badly!

   His supreme fairy body, but no less than the Supreme Soldier.


   The world is terrifying!

   "I miscalculated, the fighting king has a quasi-giant-class combat power!"

   "He is too strong to fight alone, let's shoot together and kill him!"

"it is good!"

   Moyang Guxian and the other four supreme immortals glanced at each other, dare not to be careless, and at the same time killed Ye Chen.

   Immortal mighty, even more immortal soldiers came out, and directly recovered to the extreme, Qi Qi killed Ye Chen, and directly exploded the power of the Supreme Immortal to the extreme.

   The Great Earthquake of the Immortal Realm, at least the realm of the immortal realm within this area was greatly shaken, and the trembling of thousands of immortals, one after another of the supreme immortals blooming, suppressing the ten thousand.

   The vast and desolate fairy world is boundless, vast and endless, far beyond the heavens and ten thousand domains.

   Under the full eruption of the four supreme immortals, the other supreme immortals in the depths of the prehistoric immortal world were also alarmed. Looking at this place, I don't know what happened.

   "Be careful, father!"

   Chihiro, Yaya, Chen Xi, Ye Jing and other children shouted and worried.

   Although his father is strong, he is after all the four supreme immortals, the supreme Dzogchen.

   Even if you are a semi-giant, you can't completely ignore it.

  Ye Chen showed a ten-fold divine aperture on his body, which was invaded by all laws and all evils. As his cultivation reached the level of a quasi-giant, he was even more unparalleled and possessed the power of heaven.

   The attacks of the four supreme immortals fell on the body, and that devastating attack collapsed the borderless territory with far-reaching impact.

   But strangely, all the attacks fell on Ye Chen, but were swallowed by the tenth heaven divine aperture, including the four attacks that were enough to severely injure or even kill the Supreme, the same.


   The four supreme immortals are shocked!

   Within the tenth heaven divine aperture, Ye Chen's shape is like a world-famous **** and demon, with hair hanging down, and strands of chaotic light drifting away.

   Quartet, the four supreme immortals furiously attacked with immortal soldiers, trying to break the defense.

   However, the defense of the tenth heaven divine aperture is beyond imagination and can be called an absolute defense. No matter how the fairy soldiers attacked, they could not break the seemingly thin layer of aperture.

   "You have let me down. With the strength of the four of you, you can't break the defense with a full blow, let alone hurt me or even kill me."

   Ye Chen raised his eyes and glanced indifferently at the four supreme immortals. The tone was very calm, but when it fell in the ears of the four, he appeared to be so contemptuous and disdainful.

   In fact, the tenth heaven divine aperture originally corresponds to the tenth heaven, but Ye Chen has become the master of the heavens and can control the tenth heaven of the Pangu universe, and over the years, he has often practiced in the heavens and condensed the power of the heavens.

   The tenth heaven divine aperture, to some extent, it is a projection of the heavenly path.

   and it is the projection of the complete heaven!

  Heavenly defense, who can break through?


   "Junior Hugh is arrogant!"

   The four supreme immortals are furious, what a look in their eyes with contempt.

Being the Supreme Immortal, the Supreme Immortal is a generation of invincibles of the same generation. He has crushed countless arrogances and walked on the immortal road made of flesh and blood and bones. So despised.

   Even if the person in front of him, known as the strongest Tianjiao of Chaos Sea in the past and present, is above them at the same time in the past, it will not work.

   "It's useless to get angry, and you have to have matching strength!"

   Ye Chen said faintly, and immediately moved, taking the initiative to attack.

   "Chaos, shake the sky!"

   The palm finger flicks, it is the chaos shaking the sky hand.

Hundreds of thousands of chaotic brilliance appeared between the palms of the fingers, protruding from the tenth heaven divine aperture, and struck a supreme immortal, and even collided with the supreme immortal soldier, the sound of clang is endless, and the force of destruction is scattered. Open, the sky of this vast immortal realm has been sunk for life, and even affects other celestial realms.

   That's just the slightest force diffused by the collision of the supreme levels, rushing out of the domain, it will explode the infinite stars.

   Fortunately, there are immortal gates standing here and resist it, otherwise I don’t know how vast the world will be sunk!

Of course, Ye Chen pointed to immortality, his own chaos originally smelted ten thousand ways, and it was superimposed with the peerless power of the fighting saints to shake the sky, the 18-story fairy tower trembling sharply , Was photographed so that the fairy light fell dimly, and the rules of the fairy road were obliterated, and it flew directly, passing through the fairyland, falling into nowhere.

   The palm fingers cast their momentum unabated and landed on the Supreme Immortal.

   The second Supreme Immortal was beaten into the air, his chest sank, his bones collapsed, and blood spattered.

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