Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3806: Haotian Fairy King

"Big Sun Tathagata, Sun Seal!"

   Ye Chen drank softly, pinching the sun mark.

This is the magical power he mastered in the early stage of cultivation. Of course, as his cultivation reached this step, and he learned the corresponding methods of the three great emperors, quasi-giant, and eternal giant, such as the Sun, the Golden Crow, and the Yan. Being the master of chaos, the Sun Seal has naturally undergone an unprecedented transformation, evolving into an unprecedented chaotic sky, which is larger than many star fields, burning the chaotic flames and bombarding the third Supreme Immortal.


   The third supreme immortal's body was burnt to death by the flames of the chaotic sun. The whole body was scorched black, and the clothes were burned. After being burned, the celestial body exuded bursts of scorched fragrance and fell to infinity.

   At the same time, Ye Chen evolved the four-pole sacred form, the left green dragon, the right white tiger, the upper vermilion, the lower basalt, and the four mythological holy spirits emerged, all possessing supreme power.

   The four great holy spirits came out together, condensing the energy of the earth, water, fire, and wind, suddenly burst to the extreme, and swept the fourth supreme immortal.


   The fourth supreme immortal was unbearable and was severely injured. The supreme immortal body was slain so that it tended to be torn apart and flew far away.

  The great quake in the desolate world of immortals, the world quake, the fighting sage king is unparalleled, with his own power, the four supreme celestial beings are forcefully crushed, such a combat power is rare in ancient and modern times!

  At this time, how the world still doesn't know, the strength of the fighting king must be above the supreme.


   An emperor has mastered the infinite power of the quasi-giant?

   At the same time, Ye Chen looked at the last person-Moyang Ancient Immortal.

   "You are the last one, send you on the road!"

  While speaking, he raised his hand and grabbed it, showing the Chaos Taoism, and directly blocked it.

   "You dare, junior, this is the prehistoric immortal realm. If you dare to take action against this immortal, you are guaranteed to leave without returning!"

   The ancient immortal Moyang was shocked and angry, but shocked, because he knew that he was indeed not the opponent of this fighting king.

   The top priority, I have to be so threatening.

   "If you dare not, your four companions have already been by your side!"

   Ye Chen's cold exposure caused Guxian Mo Yang's heart to sink.


As a quasi-giant, it is crushing to the supreme. Even if the ancient immortal of Moyang has lived for three epochs, it is stronger than other supreme immortals, but it still belongs to the category of supreme. Ye Chen, almost detached, stepped into the realm of the eternal giant with one foot, and that power was far above it.

   Almost without the strength to fight back, Moyang Ancient Immortal was arrested!

   The eyes of all the people are watching, this ancient supreme being who has been in the three eras of the prehistoric immortal realm, was grabbed by Ye Chen's neck with one hand, as if he was holding a chicken, and could not fight back.

   This is simply a shame and shame, the ancient immortal Moyang can't wait to explode, and pulls Ye Chen to die together.

   But not!

   Because he was horrified and sad to discover that he could not explode. The opponent's chaotic avenue reached an unbelievable state. He domineeringly blocked his immortal way rules and suppressed the original immortal realm in his body. The immortal soul was also suppressed and could not explode.

   Generally speaking, only Wangu giants can do it.

   But Ye Chen’s Chaos Avenue is the source of all the avenues, and it is oppressive to any avenue.

   Sendo is the same!

   "Friends, trouble, you need to switch!"

   Ye Chen spoke, Moyang Ancient Immortal was horrified, the next moment, but seeing his whole person lifted up, the whole body was suddenly burning.


   The ancient Moyang immortal was thrown out by Ye Chen, and the supreme immortal shadow appeared, accompanied by infinite phenomena, but at this moment, it was forced to be helpless, and it appeared, but it was also burning, hitting the immortal gate.


The majestic and magnificent immortal gate, with a big shock, under the impact of the supreme shadow of the ancient immortal Moyang, there is a burning vision, and there is also the chaotic power of Ye Chen, which is enough to beat the quasi giant , Actually collapsed.

   A section of Xianguan, which was more than one billion li long, fell.

   The Great Earthquake!

   This is the majestic immortal gate guarding the border of the immortal world. It was beaten and collapsed. The impact was profound.

   At this moment, even in the deepest part of the prehistoric fairy world, which belongs to the center of the fairy world, several fairy kings who have been awakening and guarding the fairy world are also shocked.

   Ye Chen looked at the deepest part of the primordial immortal realm. At this moment, he could feel that there were stalwart and infinite auras rising and falling above each other, even above himself.

   Fairy King!

  The eternal giant of the prehistoric world!

   They were finally shocked.

   Just, I don’t know how they reacted?

   But Ye Chen is fearless, he stands on the sky of the immortal world, watching the wasteland, suppressing the supreme immortal.

   Behind, the broken immortal gate valve, the boundless energy is quietly emerging.

   The Great Heavenly Sovereign Cang Yan is here, he is holding the tower, his eyes are deep, paying attention to all this.

   Once the immortal king of the prehistoric immortal world was dissatisfied, he immediately took Ye Chen and others away.

   Of course, he also believes that even if the Immortal King makes a move and is so far away, with Ye Chen's energy, he will definitely be able to return to Pangu Universe for the first time.

   In the depths of the wild fairy world, there was a vaguely cold snort, like a thunder exploding.

   I'm afraid that the fairy king will show dissatisfaction.

   But in the end, no fairy king really appeared, and he seemed silent.

   Soon after, from the deepest part of the prehistoric immortal realm, the immortal light was infinite. Ye Chen raised his eyes, and he felt threatening. A supreme immortal figure appeared. The aura was stronger than the five supreme immortals, but he was not the immortal king.

   Quasi-giant, can also be called Quasi-Xianwang!

   The quasi-immortal king was born, and the Fairy Light Avenue is even better than all the The celestial light is so powerful that even the supreme can hardly penetrate its true face.

   He came from the deepest place, came to the sky above the collapsed Xianguan, saw this scene, and looked at Ye Chen.

   Ye Chen also looked at the opponent, the chaotic divine power in his body was surging, containing a monstrous fighting spirit.

   After all, since he became a quasi-giant, he has not really fought a quasi-giant.

   If this quasi-immortal king is like Moyang Guxian and others, and wants to shoot him, he doesn't mind a fight.

   also wanted to know, which one is stronger than the real quasi-giant.

   Seeing the quasi-immortal king appearing, in this vast world, the cultivators of the immortal world dared not neglect, and immediately knelt down and worshiped: "I have seen your Majesty Haotian!"

   Several seriously injured Supreme Immortals also endured their injuries and rose into the air, bowing slightly to salute: "Master Haotian!"

   In the wild and desolate fairy world, the supreme immortal is the ruler of the immortal realm.

   Immortal practitioners who are not affiliated to the immortal realm can be called adults.

   But the fairy king, as well as the second-class quasi-immortal king, the primordial immortal world, under the immortal must be called your majesty.

   Even if the Supreme Immortal is facing a stronger quasi-immortal king, he must be called an adult.

   If facing the fairy king, it is even more called your majesty.

   Haotian, the existence of the quasi-immortal king, second only to the immortal king, has the potential to be king among the immortals, and has a high status.

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