Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3807: Can't speak well

The quasi-immortal king of Haotian could clearly feel the surging fighting spirit on Ye Chen's body, and he was slightly startled, and a faint smile appeared on the handsome face of the banished immortal who was covered by the bright celestial light: "It is worthy of being a fighting saint. The strongest arrogant of the same line, who has heard of fighting and fighting, is invincible. I saw it today and it is true. I am Haotian."


   Ye Chen was slightly taken aback. The name was very familiar. The first quasi-monarch he met in the Ten Heaven Realm in the past was the Haotian God of War.

   Unexpectedly, the quasi-immortal king in front of him is also known as Haotian.

The quasi-immortal king of Haotian nodded his head and smiled more and more: "Fighting Saint King, you don't have to be too hostile, and I am not hostile. This time I am here to invite you and Pangu Universe's strongest Tianjiao to the fairy palace in the center of the fairy world. "

   "Master Haotian!"

The five supreme immortals were taken aback, especially the ancient immortal Moyang, who hurriedly said: "This is absolutely impossible. The fighting sage relies on strong cultivation, ignoring the rules of the immortal world, and forcibly smashing the immortal gates, hurting us, etc. Breaking down a section of immortal gates is clearly an enemy of my prehistoric fairyland.

  How did you know that the quasi-immortal king Haotian had a cold look, glanced at him, and said, "I need you to teach me when I do something?"

   Moyang Guxian's face turned pale, but he dared not say another word.

   Publicly questioned the quasi-immortal king, that was seeking death.

   Ye Chen glanced at Haotian Quasi-Sovereign, and saw that his expression was sincere, not like a fake, but also a brave man, and said: "Okay, I can see the sincerity of the prehistoric immortal world, this matter will not be investigated."

   After all, this trip came, he was devastated, the five supreme immortals were severely injured in public, the gate of the immortal Dao was broken, and Xianguan was destroyed for a long time, and the anger was finally vented.

   The five supreme immortals were both frightened and angry. The Saint King of Fighting took a big advantage and injured them. Now they still say that they will not be blamed.

   It's just that the quasi-immortal King Haotian is here, they don't want to say much, they dare not say anything.

   At this stage, the appearance of the Haotian quasi-immortal king without any action is enough to explain the attitude of the immortal kings in the deepest part of the fairy world.

   also coldly hummed in his heart, this fighting saint king really has taken a big **** luck.

   "Fighting Saint King, please!"

   The quasi-immortal king Haotian had a very good attitude. He completely regarded Ye Chen as being equal, rather than looking down like a junior.

   "Okay." Ye Chen nodded, leading the 30 strongest arrogances of the Pangu universe, standing side by side with the Haotian quasi-immortal king.

   A avenue of fairy lights and a avenue of chaos, parallel to the deepest part of the fairy world.

   The vast and desolate fairy world is vast and boundless, far superior to the heavens and domains. It is unbelievable how big it is.

During the period, I passed through a celestial domain. Each celestial domain represented the territory ruled by a supreme immortal. It was basically as huge as the hundreds of domains in the heavens, and even more celestial domains. , To reach the vastness of the Primordial Realm.

   I have to say that the prehistoric world is really huge.

   The two were talking, both of them were quasi-giants and the same way, so there was no difference.

   "Friend of Haotian Daoist, I have experienced before and met a quasi-monarch against the sky, named Haotian War God, do you know?"

   After talking for a while, Ye Chen still asked.

The Haotian quasi-immortal king smiled: "You said he did know him. He is a descendant of mine. The immortal clan I belong to is called the Haotian immortal clan, named after me. Within the immortal clan, in every era, As long as the most outstanding descendants can be awarded the title of'Vast Sky'. Vast Sky War God was once one of them."

   Ye Chen nodded, the Haotian quasi-immortal king, was the strongest of the Haotian immortal clan, and was also the ancestor. It is the greatest honor for the descendants to be able to obtain the title of'Haotian'.

   Of course, the real Haotian is the quasi-immortal king in front of him.

   In the name of one person, he created a huge eternal fairy clan.

"Fighting Saint King, I think you are strong, I don't know how many epochs I have practiced. I have practiced for an epoch before I have come to this point." The quasi-immortal King Haotian sighed slightly, but he was somewhat proud The color.

   can become a quasi-immortal king in just one epoch, which shows how high its potential is.

   After all, in the sea of ​​chaos, many supreme lords have spent their entire lives, and it is still difficult to break through the slightest.

  Like the Moyang ancient immortal, after three epochs, he still has not broken through the quasi-immortal king, and is still the supreme immortal.

   The Great Emperor Wanyan, the strongest heir of the ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty, perfectly inherited the blood of the strongest emperor of the ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty, and it took three epochs to reach the quasi-giant level.

   In contrast, the Haotian Quasi Immortal King can definitely be regarded as a man of heaven.

   In his youth, he must be among the strongest arrogances of the enchanting world.

   Ye Chen glanced at him and said, "More than six thousand years."

   "For six thousand years, fortunately, the cultivation speed is not bad." The quasi-immortal king Haotian replied with a smile, and it is not bad for six thousand years to reach this point.

   But soon, his smile froze on his face, and he looked at Ye Chen dumbfounded: "Six...six thousand years!?"

   Six thousand years?

how is this possible?

   Isn't it six eras?

   "Yes, it is six thousand years!" Ye Chen smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

The quasi-immortal king of Haotian has been in retreat all year round. He could one day break through the realm of the immortal king. He was born recently and had no knowledge of external affairs at all. However, not long after he left the customs, he witnessed Ye Chen oppressing the five supreme immortals, thinking that he too Quasi-giant, how could this guy be the biggest evildoer.

   Six thousand years to reach the level of Is this true?

  Rao is his detached state of mind, and he can't help but have the urge to collapse.

  People are more angry than people!

With his talent, he can prove Dao to become emperor in an era, and step into the ranks of quasi-immortal kings. There is definitely hope of breaking the king, but compared with the evildoer who has reached the level of quasi-giant for six thousand years, it is a world of difference. Up.

Behind him, the strongest heaven of the Pangu universe said proudly: "Your Majesty the quasi-immortal king, you are afraid that you don’t know the news of my Pangu universe fighting the Saint King. If you understand it, you will find that it is actually more than you think. It's amazing!"

   Chihiro even said: "My father could suppress the ancient emperor thousands of years ago."

They looked at the quasi-immortal king of Haotian with amusement. The Saint King of Fighting Battle did not reach the level of quasi-giant in six thousand years, but became eternal emperor in two thousand years. At that time, he was considered to be infinitely close to, or even equivalent to, quasi-giant. .

   The Haotian Quasi Immortal King was very friendly at first, but now he doesn't want to speak at all.

   was hit.

Ye Chen looked at the quasi-immortal king Haotian amused, and thought that the quasi-immortal king was quite interesting, and said: "Friends, you don't need to be like that. I spent six thousand years to get there for some reason. "

   "What's the reason?" Haotian Quasi Immortal King was curious.

   "Too enchanting!" Ye Chen was serious.

   Haotian quasi-immortal king: "..."

   Is it possible to speak well?

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