Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3810: Invitation card

Qianxun took it, holding a luxurious invitation letter made of the rare king-level **** material fairy meteorite in the prehistoric immortal realm with both fingers. It was leaking with monstrous power, which was unbearable for ordinary kings.

I turned to the invitation letter, but saw that there was a concise and concise word on it, which basically means that the strongest Tianjiao of the ancient universe of Chaos Chaos. On the eve of participating in the Chaos Sea Tianjiao event, the strongest Tianjiao feast was specially held. Hope each Fang Chaos Ancient Universe's strongest Tianjiao can participate in one or two by then, which can be regarded as an understanding.

  Naturally, there are also invited the strongest Tianjiao of Pangu universe to participate.

   Ye Jing said: "Father, I'm afraid this is a feast for a grand feast."

   Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Hongmen Banquet? Do you want to participate?"

   Yanshen smiled: "It's kind of interesting, but what about the Hongmen Banquet? Could it be that they still dare not make a move against us on the eve of the Tianjiao Grand Tournament, not to mention that he really dared to make a move. Don't think that Pangu Universe is so foolish."

  He really has such confidence, because his friend Ye Chen is a quasi-giant, Master Yan is a newly promoted eternal giant, and he is also an emperor, so he has no fear of anyone.

   Ya Ya chuckled: "Dad, they provoke us. Can you say we can kill them directly."

   Ye Chen nodded on the smooth forehead of the eldest daughter, and said helplessly: "You are so temperamental, be careful that you will not find a Taoist companion in the future."

Ya Ya Jiao snorted: "Dad, this is too much. I have a unique talent for Ya Ya, and a beautiful face. There are countless suitors like a crucian carp that crosses the river. There are countless people who are not worried at all, let alone who said I am Ya Ya I have to make friends with Daoists, and one person is enough. If I want to find a useless trash, I might as well live by myself."

   "Support Sister Ya Ya!" Chen Xi smiled, and Ye Jing also supported her.

   Ye Chen felt helpless for his three daughters.

The three of them are all princesses of the Chaos Tianfu, and they are the masters who are loved by thousands of people. Their looks, cultivation talents, Taoism cultivation, backgrounds, etc., are all top ranks, and ordinary arrogant leaders are true. Not worthy of them, even the Supreme Tianjiao.

   The strongest Tianjiao of a large chaotic ancient universe is almost the same.

  Of course, Ye Chen is not like ordinary emperors and immortals, who deprive children of their freedom, even the supreme of the heavens could not be like this. He has his own pride and allows his children to choose freely, let alone him.

   Even if the three daughters do not marry, Ye Chen will not blame it.

   Qianxun proudly said: "What about the Hongmen Banquet, you might as well participate, they don't dare to do anything to us, and I really want to see how the strongest arrogance of the other Primal Chaos universe is."

   He has an intent to fight, especially after becoming the eternal king, and now he stands at the pinnacle of the eternal king, and his strength is far beyond the average emperor.

   Anyone who dares to provoke will directly fight back.

   The Chaos Haitianjiao event is much better than before. It is also a good idea to test the strength of the strongest Tianjiao of other chaotic ancient universes.

   Ye Chen didn't stop him, saying: "Go ahead, something happened, I will bear everything."

   Needless to say, just this sentence is enough.

   Of course, it is impossible for him to go there. The so-called Grand Tournament of the Strongest Tianjiao, in his eyes, is just a battle between the juniors. He has long been surpassed.

   The night is getting darker, and a group of the strongest arrogances of the Pangu universe, headed by Qianxun, Yaya, Dawn, Ye Jing, and Huanggu Demon God, will participate in the feast of the strongest arrogance.

   Ye Chen stayed in the Pan Sanctuary, but a ray of divine consciousness fell on them. Once something happened, it would come immediately.

   So, after midnight, he raised his eyes and looked at a huge temple in the central area of ​​the Immortal King City. There were sudden and powerful fluctuations. There were multiple strong auras vying to erupt, and a fierce battle was suspected.

Half an hour later, Qianxun and the others came back, laughing and happily: "The grandsons of the foreign race, dare to persuade the strongest arrogant of the ancient Chaos universe to provoke us, the so-called strongest arrogant of the ancient universe. They were all stupid too. I really dared to rush forward and want to fight us. No, Ya Ya stepped forward and directly sealed off a large number of the strongest arrogances. Only the emperor broke free, but it was too late to rescue me. I directly Called back."

   At the feast, the Pangu universe and the alien ancient universe have always been enemies of life and death, and the natural enemies meet, especially jealous.

   No, someone is willing to become a dog in the ancient universe of another race and fight against the strongest arrogance of the Pangu universe.

It is a pity that everyone underestimated the capabilities of Pangu universe. Yaya is the tree of the world. It is even more unfathomable to cultivate to the emperor realm. He preemptively releases the time and space emperor art, and will be caught off guard in the blink of an eye. For most of the suppression, only the three emperors competed with strength and were not suppressed.

   It's just that the power of the strongest Tianjiao in the Pangu universe is beyond anyone's imagination. Qianxun and Yanshen stepped forward and directly resisted it.

   If it weren't for worrying about showing the absolute strength of the Eternal King's pinnacle stage too soon, Qianxun would have already shot.

  Rao is so, the strongest arrogances of the ancient universe still suffered a big loss.

   The feast was a big shock, and no one expected that a pangu universe that was declining would be able to show its glory this time and overwhelm the strongest arrogance of a chaotic ancient universe.

  Pangu universe has really risen!

   Ye Chen nodded slightly and did not ask too much. The process of the matter has long been understood. The so-called Tianjiao Feast is fundamentally a Hongmen feast.

   In the feast, under the provocation of the alien ancient universe, many chaotic ancient universes were aimed at the Pangu universe.

   In the prehistoric world, although the strongest Tianjiao came to participate, it did not help Pangu universe.

Perhaps it is because Ye Chen pointed to the broken heaven gate today and crushed the five supreme immortals. They are unmatched. Many of the supreme immortals in the prehistoric immortal realm are quite angry, so they all passed the order to the strongest Tianjiao in the immortal Don't get it right.

   However, just wanting to make the Pangu Universe side's strongest arrogant suffer, is a bit whimsical.

After all, with the advent of the golden age, the Pangu universe is not Amon in the past. Today, the Pangu universe is much stronger than many chaotic ancient universes. These chaotic ancient universes are still thinking about giving Pangu universe lessons are simply impossible.

   is a foreign race, Chihiro directly pointed to the nose and yelled, a brave gangster who can only provoke right and wrong behind his back. He has the ability to come out and fight with me Chihiro. Whoever loses calls the other person the father.

   With these words, the face of Alien Ancient Universe turned black with anger.

   Although they don't know where Chihiro's confidence came from, they know that behind him is the quasi-giant-class existence of the Fighting Saint King. They really dare to fight. The ghost knows that the Fighting Saint King will take the opportunity to shoot.

   That's right, that's a lunatic!

   It is recognized by the ancient universe of foreign races that the Fighting Saint King is a big madman. Has he done few madman and mad things over the years?

   Not long ago, when I entered the realm of prehistoric immortals, I did a crazy thing, breaking the immortal gate, crushing the five supreme immortals, and tumbling down the immortal gate, all of which were the craziest.

   The feast ended, and the strongest Tianjiao of the Pangu Universe returned with an eye-catching halo, causing cloud movement in all directions.

   Everyone knows that this time the Pangu universe is very different from the past.

   In the middle of the night, the Haotian quasi-immortal king suddenly appeared and boarded the Pan Temple.

  :. :

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