Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3811: 49 cents, can measure supreme

"Friend Haotian."

   Ye Chen walked out, greeted him personally, and was puzzled. This quasi-immortal king suddenly appeared, so why?

   "Friend Daoist Ye, I will call you like this from now on." The quasi-immortal king Haotian said familiarly, "It should be your first time to enter the central immortal realm of the prehistoric immortal world."

   Ye Chen nodded. In the past several times, the primordial immortal realm was nothing more than a hastily passed by. Most of them were just outside the immortal realm. As for the deepest immortal realm, it was the first time.

Haotian quasi-immortal king said: "The prehistoric immortal world is vast and boundless. It is also one of the most remote and mysterious ancient chaos universes in the sea of ​​chaos. There are many places in the fairy world. Some secrets exist in nature, and some are born artificially. , But one of the secret realms is one of the most unpredictable secret realms in the entire prehistoric immortal realm. It is called the'Forty-nine Fairy Pass' secret realm. Fellow Ye Dao, you are willing to go with me tonight. Climbing into this secret realm is one of the places many supreme must go to enter the prehistoric fairyland."

   Hearing this, Ye Chen was quite moved.

The cultivation base has reached his level. When he was in the Pangu universe, he had already learned a lot of important information about the ancient Chaos universe and even the Chaos Sea. Of course, the information related to the strongest Chaos Ancient Universe of the Honghuangxianjie also had '49 Xianguan’s secrets and other information.

   Indeed, the vastness of the prehistoric fairy world is incalculable and unimaginable.

   Only the twelve immortal king domains in the central immortal domain are combined, and it is even larger than the upper bounds of the heavens and ten thousand domains of the Pangu universe, which is evident.

   The core fairyland is so vast, and the outer fairyland is even more unimaginable.

  As the first Chaos Ancient Universe recognized by the Chaos Sea, there are naturally many cosmic secrets in the prehistoric immortal realm, which are also called celestial secrets, which may exist after the creation of the heavens and the earth, or be created by human beings.

   But without exception, the secret realm of the fairy world is an extraordinary place.

   Among them, the secret realm of the Forty-Nine Fairy Pass is one of the most unpredictable secret realms in the prehistoric fairy realm.

   Knowing that the quasi-immortal King Haotian was not telling lies, he nodded and agreed.

   Leaving Pan Sanctuary, and walking with the Haotian Quasi Immortal King, silently and silently, to the mysterious and unpredictable'Forty Nine Immortal Pass'.

   The prestigious "Forty-Nine Immortal Pass" secret realm of the Honghuangxian Realm is not in the Pandao Fairy King Realm, or even the twelve Fairy King Realm entrenched in the center of the Fairy Realm.

   This extreme depth, and the extreme depth on the other side of the ancient road to the origin, are two extremes, located in two completely different directions.

   Both are quasi-giants, even though the prehistoric world is vast, it is not a problem.

   The Supreme Dao controls the 10,000 Dao, and travels at extreme speed. It only took less than half an hour. Still on the usual rush, the two quasi-giants came to the secret realm of the legendary "Forty-nine Fairy Pass".

   In front of my eyes, the endless chaotic haze covers the sky and the sun, and the heaven is difficult to approach. Vaguely you can see a series of magnificent gates standing upright, rushing straight into the sky, intercepting sentient beings.

   The Secret Realm of the universe concealed by the chaos is filled with the endless power of the supreme avenue.

   The supreme must come in awe for a few minutes.

   Forty-nine Celestial Pass, as the name suggests, possesses seven-seven-forty-nine celestial pass.

   Naturally, this celestial gate is not the celestial gate of Ye Chen's collapse, but the celestial gate of congenital nature.

  Each celestial gate is formed by nature, and it is born with the supreme innate chaotic pattern.

   The so-called ‘Forty-nine Fairy Pass’ secret realm, in a sense, is also a strange secret realm based on the supreme strength.

   One heavy is better than one heavy.

   In the beginning, one to ten celestial gates corresponded to the king.

   eleven to twenty layers of immortals, corresponding to the emperor realm.

   Twenty-one to thirty levels of immortality, corresponding to the Supreme Realm.

   Thirty-one to forty levels of immortality, corresponding to the quasi-giant.

   Forty-one to forty-nine levels of immortality, corresponding to the eternal giants.

   In the corresponding Xianguan, the more levels you pass, the stronger your strength.

   Haotian quasi-immortal king gave Ye Chen a detailed explanation.

   Ye Chen was very surprised that such an extraordinary cosmic mystery still exists in the world, capable of measuring the supreme strength.

  Instructions, the supreme is the supreme existence of the heavens, the power of the supreme can cause chaos in the years, a single thought can disperse thousands of ways, and destroy the great world.

   Not to mention the quasi-giant, it is powerful and unmatched, and the universe can turn the world upside down.

  Eternal giants can be extinct with one thought, overlooking the past, present and future, immortal.

Knowing Ye Chen’s doubts, the quasi-immortal King Haotian also showed complex expressions: "In the beginning, I didn’t believe that the power of the supreme can almost push any secret realm in the world, no one can stop it. Not to mention the eternal giants, there is no secret. Blocked, with full strength, the ancient chaos universe is enough to penetrate. But in the world, there really is such an unpredictable secret."

"According to reports, the secret realm of the Forty-Nine Immortal Pass was created by the sea of ​​chaos. Perhaps it was not born from the prehistoric immortal realm at all, but was left behind by the suspected eternal "Pangu", or originated from the most unfathomable origin. "

There are many sayings about the secret realm of the Forty-Nine Fairy Pass. There are no fewer than thousands of so-called rumors circulating in the world, and some even seem to be true, even some people can quote the classics, without exception, All are explaining the extraordinary of this secret realm.

   "Even the giants of the ages are also breaking through?" Ye Chen asked.

"Yes!" Haotian quasi-immortal king said with gleaming eyes: "At first I discovered that the'Forty-Nine Immortal Pass' was not someone else, but an early-generation giant. It is difficult to find an enemy in the world. He does not believe in the world. What secret realm should be blocked, and directly rush into it. But he found that the'Forty-nine Immortal Pass' is extraordinary and stronger than their eternal giants, and found that it can indeed smash the Immortal Pass, but the strange thing is that the Fairy Pass It can be reorganized continuously, and after the first time of smashing, the second time is for the smashers, etc. If there is nothing, it contains some special power."

   "Later, the first generation giants also knew that they were indestructible, and they did have the ability to measure emperors, emperors, supreme, quasi-giants, and eternal giants."

"Of course, there is another saying that makes people believe that the secret realm of the Forty-Nine Fairy Pass is indeed mysterious, but it must not be crushed, but the eternal giants are unwilling to break them, because this is the only way to measure the eternal The place where giants are strong and weak is the only place in the world. This secret is deliberately left, allowing the world's top existence to measure strength and weakness."

   Ye Chen also thinks this statement is more reasonable. He doesn't think there is any secret in the world that can completely ignore the eternal giants and cannot be broken.

   is the power of the eternal giant, which has far surpassed the supreme, almost forming a new realm.

   "Can someone make it to the end?" Ye Chen was curious.

   Seven seven forty-nine levels, the last nine levels correspond to the eternal giants.

"Yes!" The quasi-immortal King Haotian said sternly, "In fact, you should also know that one is the emperor of your Pangu universe, one is the first generation, the other is the emperor of the universe, and the other is the ancestor of my primordial immortal world. There are also the ancestors of the holy race of origin, who are rumored to have reached the 49th level."

   Ye Chen nodded. He knew the first three. The Chaos Sea recognized the strongest person, even if he looked at the eternal giant domain, it was beyond doubt.

   Among the eight saints of origin, he also knew that there was such an invincible one.

   As for the Invincible Immortal Ancestor of the Primordial Realm, I have never seen it before, but I also know the existence of this Chaos Sea Invincible.

   The five invincibles are all rumored to have reached the level of seven or forty-nine.

   It is handed down in the world, and it is precisely because they broke through the forty-nine level that they were recognized as invincible in the Chaos Sea.

   Of course, most of them are just rumors, which were passed down endless years ago, and it is difficult to judge whether it is true or false.

   But the only recognized invincible, the Gaidai Immortal Ancestor of the Primordial Immortal Realm, the first person in the immortal world, it is rumored that he is just after the seventy-seventh forty-nine pass.

   "After the forty-nine level, what's there?"

"I don't know, I don't know." The quasi-immortal King Haotian shook his head, revealing a rare confusion. "According to legend, after the forty-ninth pass, there is all the'ultimate' of the Chaos Sea, one of the five invincibles of the Chaos Sea. So so invincible, it is to master the'ultimate'!"

   "Is it'Ultimate'?" Ye Chen was in a daze. He was wondering whether the'Ultimate' after the seven-seven-forty-nine level had anything to do with the'Ultimate Supreme' fairy fate he got?

   "If that's the case, let's take a break."

   Ye Chen said, he also wanted to know how the so-called "Forty-Nine Immortal Pass" secret realm could stop him, a quasi-giant.

   also wants to know how far he can reach in such a secret realm that can measure the cultivation base of all cultivators in the world.

   Step into the secret territory, the world changes, and a majestic fairy gate no less than the immortal gate stands in front of you. Not only is it high with the sky, it also towers into the highest part of the sky, unattainable.

   is like the Immortal Pass.

   This secret realm is extremely huge. It is just the area before the first immortal pass. It is a vast area with mountains and mountains.

  The towering magical mountains standing straight into the of mountains, or billions of mountains, is not an exaggeration.

   Such a vast area is like a merger of half a hundred domains comparable to the universe of the heavens.

   Magnificent territory!

   At least Ye Chen felt that his divine consciousness could not explore the end, because many immortal gates were blocked in front of him, which contained the effect of intercepting divine consciousness, and because in the depths, there was terrible power that could prevent his divine consciousness from continuing to explore.

  Instructions, his spiritual consciousness belongs to the quasi-giant level, and it is not an ordinary quasi-giant level, and it is still blocked, which is evident.


   At this moment, Ye Chen sensed that his original universe had sent waves of special fluctuations.


   "This'Forty-Nine Immortal Pass' secret realm can actually make my original universe feel like resonance, which is strange."

Before the first immortal pass, Ye Chen raised his head, and saw that among the billions of mountains, faintly, there is a primordial emperor here, and there is also a half-step immortal monarch Pangen, and the number of people can reach seven. There are quite a few people.

   It can be seen clearly that among the hundreds of millions of mountains and rivers, vast sacred land and ancient kingdoms have been opened up, and the territory is vast for hundreds of thousands of miles, like dozens of separated regions.

  The ancient kingdom of holy land, dominated by the Primordial King.

  Before the first immortal pass, it deduce a brilliant and prosperous human civilization.

   I just don’t know whether there is a civilization in the depths of the Forty-Nine Immortal Pass.

  :. :

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