Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3812: Chapter 31




   is far in the horizon, and there is a king who is rushing through the barrier.

   You can only go to the next level if you break through the fairy pass.

  Of course, there are quasi-kings with invincible beliefs who are in the process of rushing through the pass, hoping to defeat the world as a quasi-king, break the one-fold immortal pass, and achieve the best posture.

   A avenue of chaos, a avenue of immortal light descended in front of the first immortal pass, and in an instant, the supreme coercion spread open, alarming all beings.

   "Your Majesty Haotian!"

   The many immortal monarchs and kings present are all great figures in the prehistoric immortal realm, but I can see the Haotian quasi-immortal king, all bowing their heads, worshipping in awe, and looking respectful.

   Similarly, he looked at Ye Chen next to him in a puzzled manner, and was surprised that such a perfect and consummate person is unprecedented, and I don't know where he is sacred.

   But being able to come with the Haotian quasi-immortal king, most of them are extraordinary.

"Friend Ye Daoist, I am waiting for you at the thirty-first pass." The Immortal King Haotian left a sentence and stepped on the Avenue of Immortal Lights, and directly penetrated through a lot of majestic passes, like nothing, passing straight through. Block.

   On the way here, the quasi-immortal king Haotian had already explained that, as long as he passed through the immortal gates, he would not block him, but could go straight to the place where he had never passed through.

   In other words, if Ye Chen wants to go, he must pass through all immortal passes to reach the thirty-first pass where the Haotian Quasi Immortal King is.

   It’s just that the thirty-first pass is the starting place of the quasi-giant immortal, I don’t know which quasi-immortal King Haotian has broken into.

   Ye Chen ignored it, came to the first immortal pass and stopped here.

   On the scene, all the ancient kings of all sides showed awe.

   The Haotian quasi-immortal king said that he was a friend, which is enough to explain a lot. How can it be called a Daoist if it is not the same as the quasi-immortal king.

   moved away one after another, not daring to approach, for fear of disturbing the quasi-immortal king who had never been seen before.

   A sacred land and ancient country, under the veil of kings left by the great ancient kings and ancestors, infinite creatures are looking in the distance, what shocking power is possessed by the supreme existence that is astonishing as heaven and human.

   The quasi-celestial king-level existence of Chuangxianguan is rare in the ages, enough to be recorded in the history.

   "Are you forty-nine cents? It's interesting, I'll make a breakthrough today."

   Ye Chen laughed, and stepped forward, the majestic and majestic chaotic avenue suddenly appeared under his feet, and the heaven and the earth gathered together, and under its control, it rushed straight to the immortal gate, like a chaotic Optimus Prime smashing into the immortal gate.


   The supreme chaos is permeating, and in an instant, it seems that the secret realm of the "Forty-Nine Fairy Pass" is also shaking, and even beyond the secret realm, the infinite territory of billions of miles is shaking.

   Supreme and invincible, chaotic quasi giants break through the barriers.


   The first immortal pass broke up at the sound, and it couldn't cause any effective blocking at all.

   He passed through!

   Immediately, under the heads of the celestial monarchs and kings of the First Chongxian Pass, and the sacred places and ancient countries, hundreds of millions of sentient beings worshipped, and the magnificent avenue of chaos actually directly penetrated through a series of immortals.

   As long as the majestic immortal gates hinder the eyes, even if the gleaming infinite immortal patterns, and even the supreme immortal power looms, they are all unstoppable, and they are completely destroyed and pierced.

  The closer to the immortal pass, the more unbreakable the immortal pass, and the more supreme immortal patterns it contains.

   Of course, in front of Ye Chen, who is at the quasi-giant level, he is also as weak as paper.

   In the blink of an eye, Ye Chen reached the twenty-first level.

   All the way, I really saw the ancient kingdoms of holy land located at different places of immortality, all left by the ancient kings and immortal kings who rushed through the pass in the past.

   The Secret Realm of "Forty-Nine Immortals Pass" is a cosmic secret realm, and it is also a new world, a land of many worlds isolated from the world, one level and one world!

   The area separated from each other by every two layers of immortals is too big to imagine.

   Mysterious territory, the cultivation environment is blessed, it is easier to reproduce the strongest offspring and strengthen the inheritance.

   What's more, throughout the ages, I don’t know how many supreme, quasi-giant, and eternal giants have broken through the forty-nine levels of immortality, and there are also many supreme ones, leaving behind their emperor and fairy relics, and even the corresponding inheritance.

   various reasons, so those who pass the barrier are willing to leave the corresponding inheritance or descendants here.

  Of course, you have to bear the corresponding risks. The passers-by are the supreme beings that are difficult to find in the world, and they will inevitably be affected...

   Ye Chen passed by in an instant and came to the twenty-first pass.

   In front of his eyes, even the starting immortal gate of the supreme realm, contains a strong supreme power, which is slightly weaker than the supreme power who first stepped into the supreme realm.

   I am afraid that even the eternal emperor of the early emperor has three or four points of qualifications to pass through.

   And before this heavy immortal pass, many worlds were also established, most of which were left by the immortal monarchs, and there were also the supreme immortals. They attacked and reproduced here.

When    came here, he saw that there were actually four figures sitting here, with strong supreme power in their bodies, but the three of them were not really supreme.

   The eternal fairy!

   Ye Chen's eyes condensed slightly, and when he swept across the four people, he could feel that three of them were actually at the eternal immortal level, just like the emperor at the beginning, they were all at the immortal level and then set foot on the eternal path.

   They passed 20 levels and were intercepted before the 21st level.

   sighed secretly, this is worthy of being a prehistoric immortal world, and it has three eternal immortals at the same time.

Naturally, the four of them also saw the appearance of Ye Chen, and they were slightly startled. As the eternal fairy king, they could feel the breath of the eternal road on Ye Chen, but their expressions were shocked, all because of the eternal road on Ye Chen. The breath is far beyond them, I don't know how much.

   If the breath of the eternal road on them is a pond, then the breath of the eternal road on Ye Chen's body is the vast ocean, vast.

"how is this possible!?"

   The three eternal immortals were horrified, with such a strong breath of the eternal road like never before.

The remaining person is not the eternal fairy, but a supreme immortal. He stayed before the twenty-first level, and he felt the majestic aura of Ye Chen's body more clearly than the three. Lighter, far beyond him.

  Only the Haotian quasi-immortal king who just passed by can be compared.

   "Quasi giant!"

   The supreme immortal shuddered, at such a distance, the majesty of the invincible quasi-giant on the opponent could only be sensed most directly by his supreme.

   "Daoist, are you also an emperor?"

   Suddenly, one of the three eternal immortals couldn't help but ask.

   Ye Chen smiled: "Yes, I am the emperor, and you are like three people."


   The three of them took a deep breath.

   Although there are speculations, but still unable to conceal the shock.

   are both emperors and immortals, but the people in front of them are far superior to them and countless!

   "Why are you so strong?"

   An eternal fairy could not help but mutter.

   Ye Chen smiled, did not answer, just paused for a few breaths, and then moved on.

   Pointed out, and instantly turned into an infinite pillar that traversed the world, circling hundreds of millions of ancient chaos, burning thousands of ways, and hitting the twenty-first layer of immortality.


   One finger, Xianguan broken!


   After witnessing the collapse of the Twenty-One Heavy Immortal Pass, all four were shocked and sucked into the cold.

The three eternal immortal monarchs have not been able to open this heavy immortal gate so far, the supreme can open the immortal gate, because he is the supreme immortal, but the supreme immortal who has gained the Tao in the past thousand years belongs to the newly promoted supreme, so his strength has not yet reached To reach Dzogchen, it will take a period of transition and steady improvement.

   As the supreme immortal, he blasted open the twenty-first level of immortality, not impossible, but it would take a lot of effort.

   But like Ye Chen, it was the first time in his life to smash the can stop the supreme fairy gate with just one finger.

   is definitely a worldly existence above the supreme.

Immediately, what made him, the newly promoted Supreme Immortal and even the other three eternal immortals even more horrified, was that that one finger, unabated, after smashing the twenty-one celestial gate, immediately continued to stand up with destruction. Xian's invincible posture pushed it all the way.

   Visible to the naked eye, numerous immortal gates continue to collapse.


   They didn't come back to their senses until the Yizhongzhongxianguan was restored to its original state under the mysterious force of the'Forty-nine Xianguan'.

   How can there be such people in the world?

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

Therefore, Ye Chen pushed the twenty-first to thirty-fold immortal gates horizontally. Along the way, he also saw several supreme immortals, and even saw the existence of the ancient emperor and other foreign sages. He saw one after another, no less than eight people. Also breaking through forty-nine cents.

   There are ten celestial gates in front of you, corresponding to the Supreme Realm.

   Xianguan goes further, the supreme power contained in it becomes more vigorous.

Several supreme immortals are the famous immortal supreme of the prehistoric immortal world, commanding a vast immortal realm, but without exception, they have disappeared from the eyes of the world for endless years. The long is two epochs, the short is half an epoch, and even Yu Rang's immortal domain and immortal clan thought that it might be lost.

   However, few people know that these prestigious supreme immortals are all in the secret territory of the'Forty-Nine Immortal Pass', in order to go further.

   As for several ancient the same is true.

   However, for those speculations, these supreme beings have been ignored.

   At this level, they still don't care much about the power of the world, and they are looking for more powerful forces.

   ‘Forty-nine Immortal Pass’ secret realm, can measure their cultivation level, similarly, it also contains a special supreme power, when passing through the level, you can also feel one or two, invisibly can gradually improve Taoism.

The appearance of Ye Chen self-evidently alarmed the Supreme Immortal and the Ancient Emperor within the ten-fold immortal pass corresponding to the supreme level. They all looked at Ye Chen with shocked eyes in an invincible posture that was rare in the life of the supreme. Lore to the thirty-first level.

   "A quasi-giant again!"

   "A quasi-giant no less than your Majesty Haotian!"

   "I can feel the vitality in him, he is very young, not an old antique with endless years of enlightenment, I am afraid that he is not more than 100,000 years old."

   "Oh my God, you are too young!"

   These ancient emperors and supreme immortals are all shocked.

   Rare in the world, there is such a young Supreme Supreme.

   Before the thirty-first pass, the quasi-immortal king Haotian was standing there, sitting cross-legged in front of the immortal pass, surrounded by infinite celestial light, evolving into a fairyland, and he was cultivating.


  The unattainable immortal gate collapsed suddenly, and a perfect figure appeared out of the sky. Chaos Qi spreads, masters the chaos, controls the world, and is supreme, setting him off like a great master!

  :. :

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