Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3813: 4 quasi-giants break through immortals together

But seeing Ye Chen's horizontal appearance, Haotian Quasi Immortal King was even astonished.

   He knew that these fairy gates could not stop Ye Chen, but he didn't expect to be rushed through so soon.

   is too fast.

   is only a quarter of an hour slower than him.

   You know, he is straight through, unable to pass the previous thirty-one levels.

   Haotian quasi-immortal king knew that Ye Chen had stayed for a while on the way, I am afraid it would be even more shocked.

   There are thirty levels of immortals in front, how could Ye Chen be blocked.

   Even if it corresponds to the ten-fold immortal gates of the Supreme Realm, it seems that the ten supreme interceptors, with his unparalleled attacking power, can also be pushed horizontally.

   appeared in front of the quasi-immortal king of Haotian, the chaotic light was violent.

  Before the thirty-first level of immortality, not only the Haotian quasi-immortal king, but also two other quasi-immortal kings, both were famous and peerless quasi-immortal kings in the prehistoric world, possessing the posture of aspiring fairy kings.

   Ye Chen's appearance also shocked them.

   Of course, it was also the Haotian quasi-immortal king, calling for the arrival of the two quasi-immortal kings.

"very young!"

   The two quasi-immortal kings naturally felt the majestic vigor contained in Ye Chen's blood. They were people no more than one hundred thousand years old. Such a young quasi-giant was absolutely rare in ancient and modern times, and they were all amazed.

   You know, they have passed two epochs since they became immortals.

   The Haotian Quasi Immortal King, among the three of them, can be said to be the youngest, but he did not expect a younger quasi giant to come.

   However, I can feel that the Dao cultivated by the other party is not the Immortal Dao, and I am afraid it is the quasi-giant of other chaotic ancient universes outside the realm.


   The two quasi-immortal kings handed over their salutes, and Ye Chen returned the salutes, "Two fellow Taoists!"

"This is a fellow warrior sage, from the Pangu universe. This is the Nangong quasi-immortal king, and this is the Beiming quasi-immortal king." Haotian quasi-immortal king knows Ye Chen and the two quasi-immortal kings. .

  Pangu universe! ?

   The two quasi-immortal kings were amazed. Naturally, they knew the Pangu universe, but they didn’t expect that a dilapidated chaotic ancient universe would be able to get out of such a young quasi-giant.

   Ye Chen looked at the quasi-immortal king Haotian and said, "How many levels did you reach?"

   Haotian quasi-immortal king smiled: "Thirty-fourth pass."

   spoke plainly, with a bit of color.

   The thirty-fourth level, belongs to the midstream of the quasi-giant.

   Of course, this is not his limit. It was a record many thousands of years ago. No one knows how many levels can be reached now.

   However, he really wanted to know how many levels of immortality Ye Chen, who had reached the quasi-giant in six thousand years, could break through.

"it is good."

   Ye Chen nodded slightly. The emperor, the emperor, the supreme, and the quasi-giant each have ten immortals.

The more immortals    crossed, the higher the strength.

  Of course, such as the emperor, the supreme, and the quasi-giant, there is no clear realm at all, especially the supreme and the quasi-giant, not as good as the emperor and the eternal emperor, the gap between them is not very large.

   Therefore, in the ten-fold immortal gates of the supreme and quasi-giant, the gap between them is not large, and the actual gap is very likely to be only a slight gap of one to two percent or even one or two lines, nothing more.

   Ye Chen stepped forward. At this moment, the eternal emperor of Chaos that belonged to him broke out to the extreme in an instant.


   The heaven and the earth trembled, even if they were isolated from the magnificent celestial gates, but in the first thirty celestial gates, one could still feel the infinite power that could tear the universe into the world.

   Even the numerous immortal gates behind have been affected by such a majestic prestige.


   spit out one word!

   Ye Chen Mo condenses into a chaotic light beam, striking the 31st level of immortality corresponding to the quasi-giant.


A punch, condensing his essence, qi, and **** in one, bombarding the 31st level of immortality, which is densely covered with immortal patterns, and is more immortal than the immortal pass, the chaotic power bursts out, and the infinite chaos Light rushes into the sky.


   There was a loud bang, which could stop the thirty-first level of the strongest and supreme immortal pass. The immortal pattern was obliterated by the chaotic holy fist. The fist sentiment shocked the world, shattered everything, and blasted the immortal pass.

   Ye Chen disappeared from the castration, and the aura of his body was already condensed to the most extreme level. He once again swung the chaos holy fist, bombarding the 32nd Zhongxianguan.

   The unattainable Thirty-Second Level of Immortal Pass, trembling violently and precariously, was finally opened after a while.

   Ye Chen arrived strongly and continued to blast open the 33rd Great Immortal Pass.

   The thirty-third layer of immortal gates is more immortal than the previous two layers of immortal gates. It contains a stronger quasi-immortal king level immortal pattern, interweaving the world, evolving the quasi-immortal king's road, and strengthening the defense of the immortal gate.

   But, who is Ye Chen.

  The peerless evildoer of the line of fighting saints, mastering the strongest attacking power, is also the master of chaos, the invincible strongest eternal emperor.

   The strength of the Chaos Eucharist can also overwhelm the quasi giants and quasi kings of the world.

After becoming the eternal emperor, four thousand years of retreat, four thousand years of submerged cultivation, four thousand years of enlightenment, four thousand years of insight into the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy relationship, his way is unfathomable, who in the world knows his true depth?

   No one!

   Cang Yan Da Tianzun did not know either.

   I only know that the fighting sage of the Emperor-Sovereign Realm is so powerful that it is probably stronger than the average quasi-giant.

   Now, Ye Chen has demonstrated the fruits of four thousand years of cultivation in front of the three quasi-immortal kings.

   Chaos soars into the sky, evolves all the ways, all worlds, all spirits, all belong to the origin.

   The strongest attacking power is displayed.


   After a while, the celestial light of the 33rd Great Immortal Pass was dimmed. Under Ye Chen's terrifying attack, after all, he couldn't bear it and was blasted open, pierced through a huge gap, and passed through.

   In front of his eyes, the more magnificent 34th Immortal Pass stands, revealing a more vigorous immortal pattern, and more immortal.

  Yes, how can you stop the world's invincible fighting king!

   Ye Chen's fighting spirit was rising, facing the thirty-fourth immortal gate where the Haotian quasi-immortal king was located, and he was only separated from him.


   is still just a word, Ye Chen used the Chaos Taoism, pushed it horizontally, and the infinite quasi-giant-level power fell in an all-round way.

   In just a few breaths, it will tremble and tremble, and a huge crack will open, like a closed door in the sky.

   With one step, you can cross over and reach the state of the Haotian quasi-immortal king.

   Of course, Ye Chen disdains such tricks.

   "Pour it down!"

   With a loud shout, he kicked out suddenly.


  The unattainable majestic celestial pass fell straight to a large section, reaching hundreds of millions of miles.

   The dust is rolling, alarming the secret realm of'Forty-nine Immortal Pass'.

   Ye Chen, the **** and demon of Gedai who is born without appearance, the chaos and light are rolling, and ten thousand ways are surging.

   When he arrived at the 34th Immortal Pass, he stood side by side with the Haotian Quasi-immortal King waiting here.

  Nangong and Beiming are also here.

  Everything is amazed, this young quasi-giant is really unimaginable, and he came here so quickly.

   "Crush?" Haotian Quasi Immortal King asked.




Ye Chen, Nangong, and Beiming yelled, and the power of condensed energy rushed into the sky in an instant, almost covering the entire secret realm of'Forty-Nine Immortals', at least the thirty-four layers of immortals could be sensed in front, I don't know. Can the rear Xianguan perceive it?

   The four quasi-giants, ranked in the four positions of the thirty-fifth level, are separated by hundreds of millions of miles.

   One person is like a heavy sky!

   Four of them, at the same time, break through the fairy gate.





   The four quasi-giants, demonstrating the power of the world without enemies, and knocking at the same time.

   The quasi-giant-level cultivation base is fully demonstrated.

   In the vast world, how many people can reach this state?

   The terrifying attack power continued to fall, and the thirty-fifth level of the immortal gate gradually showed signs of collapse.

   So, after a few quarters of an hour, at almost the same time, the four of them blasted through the Fairy Pass at the same time.

  Nangong and Beiming quasi-immortal kings looked at Ye Chen, exclaimed.

   They have become quasi-immortal kings for more than two epochs, and Haotian quasi-immortal kings have also had half an era. However, Ye Chen has only been able to do so for how many years.

   Break in again!

   The four continue to break through the fairy gates.

At this time, Ye Chen punched and punched, constantly bombarding Xianguan, and even more chaotic Taoism displayed, pouring out, under such a terrifying crazy offensive, it was enough to win a peak powerhouse who is just beginning to be a giant. It was a complete hit.

   is only the thirty-sixth level of immortality, it only appears to be crumbling, with infinite fairy light and secret patterns intertwined, resisting all kinds of destruction.

   The three quasi-immortal kings of Nangong, Beiming, and Haotian are the same.

   "Breaking the sky!"


   "Ten Thousand Worlds!"


   The four chaotic forms are displayed at the same time, and there are also the four-pole holy form, evolving the four mythological holy spirits of Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, and the strongest power bursts to the extreme in the world.


   After a while, Ye Chen took the lead to open Xianguan and enter the next level.

   Castrate unabated, continue to attack.

   At this time, all the peerless magical powers that I have learned in my life, whether it is emperor magic or immortal magic, or supreme taboo magical powers, are all displayed, annihilating Liuhe and Eight Desolates, and bombarding the thirty-seventh immortal pass.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

When the three quasi-immortal kings of Haotian, Nangong and Beiming finally smashed the thirty-sixth celestial horrified, Ye Chen had already opened the thirty-seventh celestial pass. The thirty-eighth heavy immortal pass is located.

   The three looked at each other, all in horror.

   Ye Chen, how strong is it! ?

   You know, they are already exhausted now, and they can't continue to hit the next level.

   However, it is clearly visible that Ye Chen is just at the time when his momentum is growing, and that power is even above them.

   The Haotian quasi-immortal king is the most terrifying.

  Because he is the only one of the three to know that Ye Chen Xiu Dao has only been in his 6,000 years, and his age is far less than a fraction of the three of them, but the strength he showed is stronger than the above.

   How can such a monster be born in the world?

   Boom boom boom boom boom boom—

   After the thirty-seventh stage where the mysterious power was restored, Ye Chen almost shot with all his strength, bombarding the thirty-eighth stage madly.

At this point, he was also a little tired, because the immortal nature of the 38th Heavenly Pass was much better than the 37th Heavenly Pass. It was as powerful as him, and it took a full half a day. It was just barely letting it falter.

   Stop ahead?

   Ye Chen sneered.

   The strongest taboo magic power——

  Open the universe!

  :. :

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