Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3814: Deterred from 40 Great Immortals

When Ye Chen displayed the taboo magical power of "Opening the Universe".


   A vast and boundless phantom of the ancient chaotic universe suddenly emerged, with more than hundreds of millions of miles in length and breadth, which is comparable to the vast and majestic primitive world of a chaos.

The vast world between the thirty-seventh level and the thirty-eighth level of immortality is almost completely squeezed into every inch of space. It is conceivable how majestic and majestic the phantom of the chaotic ancient universe evolved. .

In this chaotic ancient universe, it seems illusory, but in reality there are space, time, destiny, nothingness, truth... the heavens and all the ways are there, there are also hundreds of millions of stars, there are heavens and worlds, and even there are The existence of all races and spirits has constructed a truly chaotic ancient universe.

   Even if it's just the phantom of the universe.

   But this is based on the original small universe that Ye Chen has.

As soon as    emerged, an unprecedented coercion of the ancient chaotic universe spread and spread, spreading to the previous thirty-seven levels of immortality, and even shocking the subsequent and more immortal Supreme Immortal Pass.

  Especially in the subsequent reigning immortal gates, there are unsurpassed existences who have been dormant here for many years, and have been retreating to enlighten the Tao in order to go further.

   But at this moment, as soon as the phantom of the ancient chaotic universe appeared, the unparalleled power was undoubtedly manifested, and it also shocked their most terrifying existence.

   Among them, after the 40th Great Immortal Pass, there is an eternal giant resurrecting, opening the Wushuang eternal eternal pupil and looking at this place.

I opened my eyes and saw that the phantom of the ancient chaotic universe was pierced through the many immortals, and came into view, with a horror: "Evolved into the ancient chaotic universe? And it has reached the coexistence of evolution of ten thousand ways, all souls, and all worlds. Seriously Extraordinary!"

  Instructions, even if it is an eternal giant, it is extremely difficult to evolve such a chaotic ancient universe phantom.

   can do this step, enough to show the other party's extraordinary.

   But it's just a surprise. With their ability, even if it is difficult, they can do it.

   Besides, the opponent is just a quasi-giant, and they don't put too much emphasis on it.

   I don't know what happened after the forty-fold immortal pass. Ye Chen only felt that the original small universe in his body was also undergoing special resonance. A wave of unparalleled cosmic power emerged out of the shadow of the ancient chaotic universe.

   The phantom of the chaotic ancient universe is more real, as if it is the real manifestation of the original small universe in the body.

Obviously, using the quasi-giant-level cultivation base to use this trick to "open the universe" is so much more powerful than before, and even the phantom of the ancient chaotic universe is more solid, although it cannot be compared with the real chaos. The ancient universe is on the same level, but the mighty power is definitely shocking the past and the present.

   Ye Chen has a kind of self-confidence, even if a quasi-giant is here, he can still explode!

   "Bring it to me!"

   With a loud roar, Ye Chen pushed the phantom of the ancient chaotic universe, pushed it horizontally, and slammed into the 38th Heavenly Gate.

   The thirty-eighth level of immortal pass is a late immortal pass of the quasi-giant level. The rules of the immortal road are densely packed, countless and intertwined.

   is as powerful as Ye Chen. The previous frantic attacks with many supernatural powers took a long time, but it was just crumbling, showing the immortality of this heavy immortal gate.

   is Ye Chen, a chaotic quasi-giant of the fighting sage who is known for his attacking power, otherwise he would be replaced by another ancient emperor or supreme immortal, and he would not be able to shake anything at all.

   It’s just that, this time the ‘Open Sky Universe’ was used, and the endless chaotic ancient universe phantom emerged and hit the past.

   Unparalleled impact force!

   is just the first impact.


  The unattainable Xianguan is crumbling, showing numerous cracks, intertwining the entire surface of Xianguan.

   I don't know how many quasi-immortal king-level immortal patterns are shattered, and the thirty-eighth level of immortal gates is crumbling, without the slightest sense of immobility and tranquility as before.

   This is the strongest taboo magic power-open the universe!

   Ye Chen is unparalleled, and the chaos is boundless, and his fist continues to push forward!

   The phantom of the chaotic ancient universe continued to push forward, hitting Xianguan.

  Only a moment!


   The thirty-eighth level of immortality was suddenly opened!

   completely exploded!

   Ye Chen passed through, facing the Thirty and Nine Fairies!

   This is a celestial gate that is more immortal than the thirty-eighth celestial gate. The quasi-immortal king-level Dao patterns are densely packed to the most extreme, and even on the celestial gate, a strong immortal king aura is transmitted.

   This is a great immortal gate that represents a real immortal king!

In a trance, if a world-famous immortal king is sleeping and pressed here, even if it has not fully recovered and is in a deep sleep, there is still an endless aura of the immortal king who is gushing out of his body, far surpassing the ordinary quasi-immortal king. Above.

   If the quasi-immortal kings, quasi-giants, and other great realms are subdivided into the tenth heaven, the ninth heaven is the quasi-immortal king.

   Of course, not really.

Regardless of whether it is an emperor, a supreme, or a quasi-giant, at the same level, the gap between each other is unlikely to be too large. At most, it is only because of their own expertise or methods, etc., which cause a certain gap, but it is far from the huge emperor's tenth heaven. gap.

   In other words, the same quasi-giant, it is extremely difficult to kill another quasi-giant.

   The secret realm of the Forty-Nine Immortal Pass in front of me is just more accurate and precise.

   Facing the thirty-ninth level of immortal gate that is almost like a sleepy fairy king, Ye Chen is naturally not afraid. The more difficult the level, the more challenging it is.

   It has been four thousand years since he became the eternal emperor. He also wants to know, where exactly his true strength has reached?


   With a loud roar, Ye Chen then attacked the 39th Great Immortal Pass.

   The phantom of the ancient chaotic universe never completely shattered, and then hit the thirty-ninth level of the immortal gate. The unparalleled power of the ancient chaotic universe hit the immortal gate severely.


   The unparalleled stalwart power shook Xianguan, and the sound of rumbling was endless.

   If there is a world world before the 39th Great Immortal Pass, then at this moment, no matter how many world worlds, they will all be destroyed.

   The original emperor world will also be annihilated.

   There was a crack in the 39th Great Immortal Pass, which could almost collapse, but the majestic Immortal King's rules emerged, with hundreds of millions of ways, intertwined with it, and it was the most powerful attack of the ‘Opening Universe’.

   "In that case, what about this trick?"

Ye Chen smiled lightly, and the phantom of the chaotic universe in front of him suddenly went to an annihilation state. The unprecedented destruction power was enough to severely injure or even kill the quasi-giant. The black hole-like infinite destructive power suddenly collapsed because the phantom of the chaotic universe instantly collapsed. break out.


   Like the collapse of a chaotic ancient universe, the destructive power derived from it can be called shocking the ancients and shimmering the present, and the river will tremble over the years.

   In the end, all the power of destruction instantly acted on the thirty-ninth level.

   After a full half an hour, when the phantom of the ancient chaotic universe completely collapsed and annihilated, the thirty-ninth stage of the immortal gate suddenly exploded and annihilated.

   In front of my eyes, suddenly enlightened, the 40th Immortal Pass.

   represents the 40th immortal gate of the eternal giant.


   Ye Chen,

   has the unparalleled power of the quasi-giant!

   As for the fortieth level of immortality, he has never rushed, even if his energy is still extremely prosperous, and even left some back players, which have not been completely exhausted.

   But there is no need to continue.

   The back hand must be hidden, stay a line in everything, knowing which step one can reach is enough.

   It's just that Ye Chen silently looked at the 40th Great Immortal Pass, or after the 40th Great Immortal Pass, there was a faint sense of resonance that made the original small universe in his body resonate.

   is the forty-ninth grand celestial pass?

   He didn't know, he stared deeply for a while, then turned and left.

   Where the thirty-seventh Immortal Pass is located, the three quasi-immortal kings Haotian, Nangong, and Beiming are still attacking, and they have not blasted open.

   Of course, the 37th Immortal Pass is also in a shaky state. As long as the impact continues, it shouldn't be a big problem.

At this moment, Ye Chen went back and forth, ignoring the barriers of Xianguan, and returned to the location of the thirty-seventh immortal pass, causing the three quasi-immortal kings to exclaim, "Ye Daoyou, how many immortal passes have you reached? ?"

   Ye Chen said: "Step back in front of the 40th Great Immortal Pass."

   "You, you actually broke through the thirty-ninth level!?"

   The three quasi-immortal kings were shocked, Ye Chen, after breaking through the thirty-ninth celestial gate, was only deterred from facing the 40th celestial gate corresponding to the eternal giant level.

   Doesn't it mean that his strength belongs to the absolute level of quasi-giant?

And they don’t think that Ye Chen is lying, because the latter is vaguely showing the imprint of thirty-nine levels of immortality, and cannot be faked. Only by passing through the immortal passes can it be engraved on it. The aura of the imprint is different and cannot be imitated.

The Nangong quasi-immortal king looks like a pretty handsome man in his early surrounds his body, immortal and unparalleled, and sets off incomparably handsome. He is a rare beautiful man in the world, second only to Ye Chen Waiting for the perfect person.

   Even if it exceeds two epochs, it can be regarded as a real old antique, but when it comes to this situation, the years can not leave the slightest footprint on his body, on the contrary, he has increased and decreased his way.

   Looking at the realm of the prehistoric immortal world, his Nangong quasi-immortal king can definitely be regarded as a giant under the immortal king, and there are also supreme immortals under his command.

However, he has two epochs to become immortal, but compared to the young quasi-giant of the Pangu universe who is less than one hundred thousand years old, he finds that there is such a big gap between them, and he is not as good as the young quasi-giant. Giant.

   North Ming quasi-immortal king also sighed softly, how can there be such a person in the world?

   The quasi-immortal king Haotian gave a wry smile: "You Daoyou Ye, you are too enchanting, I am willing to bow down."

   What else can he say? He has cultivated for so many tens of thousands of years, and he is actually not as good as a young quasi-giant who hasn't even had a few years of cultivation.

   Ye Chen smiled and said, "Go back."

   "Good!" Haotian quasi-immortal king said.

  Nangong quasi-immortal king and Beiming quasi-immortal king glanced at each other and said: "We are also leaving here, and want to see the grand competition of this year's Chaos Haitianjiao event."

   They learned just now that Ye Chen is leading the Pangu Universe's strongest Tianjiao to participate in the Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Tournament, and they want to have a good exchange with Ye Chen, the strongest evildoer in the ages.

  :. :

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