Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3833: Immortal king kills foreign race

"The foreign race is too courageous. Not long ago, my fairy royal family was with them to deal with the fighting holy king. Behind them, I dared to sneak into the fairy king domain and steal your majesty's fairy king palace, fairy king cave mansion and ninety-nine fairy veins. It's so bold. Your Majesty, you must not let go of these alien races." A Supreme Immortal said indignantly.

   Purple sun quasi-immortal king's wisps of purple-golden flames, belonging to the quasi-immortal king-level flame, can burn the supreme, burn the quasi-immortal king, coldly said: "Father, please let me do it."

  He is sitting here personally, but he has no way to perceive it, allowing these alien races to sneak in silently and steal the most precious Immortal King Cave Mansion. He feels guilty and he only wants to redeem his sins.

   "No need, today, I personally shoot."

Immortal King Zixiao said indifferently. He paid such a high price not long ago. Even if the immortal king’s undisturbed mood has caused many waves, it is difficult to stop. Now it is stolen from the Immortal King’s cave. A slap in the face makes him sit back and watch.

   Not long ago, the Immortal King Pandao used him to establish his prestige, and today he also uses a foreign race to establish his prestige.


   At this moment, the Immortal King Zixiao left, and the Supreme Immortal King moved, not only the Immortal King Realm, but even most of the prehistoric immortal realms felt.

   The sentient beings looked at the immortal king Zixiao with the flaming light beams all over his body in shock. The immortal king's magical image did not know how stalwart he was, and he directly crossed the endless sky.

   The Immortal King Zixiao rushed to the border and wilderness gate at an unimaginable speed, just a few breaths, and he stopped the alien race who was leaving.

   "Your Majesty, Immortal King Zixiao, why are you intercepting me and waiting?"

   An alien great emperor respectfully and authentically, he noticed the immortal king's anger, and the infinite immortal king's might was released without concealment, making him feel a strong sense of oppression.

   This coercion is too strong!

   "Why do I want you to wait for this seat?" Immortal King Zixiao snorted coldly, without concealing his anger, and shouted: "Dare to steal the Immortal King's Cave Mansion, and dare you not admit it?"


   A strong shot, surpassing the eternal giants on the supreme level, broke out.

   The extremely flaming fairy king beam is blooming.


   was just a blow, and an alien emperor exploded directly without any resistance!

   I don’t know how many hundreds of millions of miles the earth sank, and the land of the star sky was also stained with the blood of the emperor.

   This is the power of the Immortal King, especially the Immortal King Zixiao, not even an ordinary Immortal King, who has achieved the status of the Immortal King for many years, and his skills are astonishingly strong.

Naturally, even so, it is impossible to kill an ancient emperor in one shot. It is as strong as the fairy king and cannot be done, but it is enough to completely damage the alien emperor. I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years or even one or two epochs are needed. Rejuvenate.

   At the same time, the Immortal King Zixiao was furious, and the infinite immortal king's killing thought turned into the light of killing, which fell from the sky and slashed towards the many foreign emperors headed by the Destiny Great.

   The light of the Immortal King-level slaughter fell, and each of them was as magnificent as a galaxy, with infinite power, and the supreme would also see the color change.

   The remaining foreign race great emperors changed their colors, and they had never stolen the Immortal King's Cave Mansion of Immortal King Zixiao.

The headed quasi-giant Destiny the Great stepped forward with a very solemn expression. At this moment, he evolved Destiny's Dao, heavy and illusory destiny's power to build a phantom world out of thin air, killing this extremely terrifying Immortal King Zixiao. The light was resisted, divided, and never left.

  These methods have caused many quasi-immortal kings and even the immortal kings to constrict their eyes slightly, with extraordinary detached methods.

   The Great Emperor Destiny said: "Your Majesty, Immortal King Zixiao, please stop, you have misunderstood, I have never waited to steal your Immortal King Cave House."

   "Hmph, are you suspecting that this seat cannot be performed? You aliens, really think that this seat is good for you?" The expression of the immortal king Zixiao became gloomy.

   At the same time, the entire prehistoric immortal world knew about it, and the world was shocked!

   Immortal King Zixiao’s Immortal King Cave House was actually stolen?

   Who is it, so bold?

Is    really foreign? They were bold enough to enter the prehistoric immortal realm, and steal his Immortal King Cave Mansion while Immortal King Zixiao was away. They were too bold.

   This is the prehistoric immortal realm, the territory of the cultivators, and the immortal king is the master of the prehistoric immortal realm. Such stealing is simply seeking death.

   In the realm of the Immortal King of Pan Dao, Ye Chen looked at this scene from a distance. Unlike the others who were surprised and gloating, he was the only person who knew the inside story because he was the one who shot it, not a foreign race.

   But, don’t forget who he is?

  The cultivator of Chaos Avenue is a quasi-giant of Chaos, who has refined the characters of the supreme heirs of the alien race and even the alien emperor, and evolved the origin of the alien universe. It is easy, and the Immortal King Zixiao was also deceived.

   Now, the real Immortal King Dongfu, etc., are in the original small universe, blocked by the universe, even if the Zixiao Immortal King is close to him, it is impossible to detect it.


   The Immortal King Zixiao is extremely angry, and the immortal king is majestic. How can these emperors and quasi-giants question it?

The immortal king pressed his hand down and grabbed one of the alien emperors. The infinite fairy light was burning. The supreme power of the immortal king level was not the supreme to stop it. He directly squeezed the alien emperor and said coldly: "Today, if you don't hand it over, I won't mind killing you and let the immortal world become your burial ground."


   Other people may still be afraid of alien races, but that is because they are not strong enough. However, the immortal king Zixiao himself is the supreme immortal king, and one of the rulers of the prehistoric immortal world, he is not afraid of the alien ancient universe.

   Kill if you want!

   Alien Ancient Universe dared to go to war, directly suppress it!

"Wait, Immortal King Zixiao, please allow me to use the gate of destiny to perform one or two." The emperor of Destiny took action to rescue the squeezed alien emperor, and the door of destiny appeared behind him, that was the quasi-giant-level Destiny emperor. Tao has evolved into scenes of illusory destiny scenes emerge.

   The Immortal King Zixiao also gave up. He also knew something about the way of fate. It was a top avenue, no less than the avenue of time and space, and could control all the destiny of sentient beings.

  Although the emperor of Destiny cannot control all the destiny of all living beings with the power of the emperor of destiny, he can penetrate various destinies through the gate of destiny, and he can gain insight into the past and the truth.

   The magnificent and mysterious gate of destiny is emerging, the light of destiny is blooming, and the scene of stealing the Zixiao fairy king city is emerging.

   A quasi-giant-class existence appeared silently, covering up everything, if it was a foreign race, but in fact it was a quasi-immortal king. That special quasi-giant-class qi machine was different from the quasi-giant qi machine.

   "Quasi Immortal King?" Zixiao Immortal King's face suddenly sank, and it was a quasi-immortal king from the prehistoric realm that made the move, stealing his Immortal King Dongfu and his ninety-nine immortal veins.

   Who on earth is so bold.

   Of course, he didn't believe in the Emperor Destiny from the bottom to the bottom, how could he know if this was the result of the Emperor Destiny changing it.

   The gate of destiny is shaking, and it can be reversed, and it is about to show the true face of the quasi-immortal king.

   Suddenly, the emperor of Destiny felt a deep sense of fatal crisis, which originated from behind him, and he almost moved away without even thinking about it.


   A mouthful of the great chaotic cauldron tore through the void, just like this, it fell from the sky, and slammed it **** the back of the destiny emperor who was unable to avoid it after all.

  :. :

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