Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3834: Cang?? shot

The Great Chaos Cauldron, which was much heavier than countless star fields, directly smashed the gate of Destiny and disintegrated the picture, causing the quasi-giant Emperor Destiny to fly horizontally and cough up blood.

   A drop of emperor's blood splashed down, and I don't know how much land was destroyed.

   On the other hand, ten sealed gates, as magnificent as the sky, appeared at the same time, and the town sealed the four alien emperors who had not reacted.

   Silently, it was Ye Chen who appeared.

   It was that he suddenly shot and killed the alien by surprise.

   It was almost in the blink of an eye, the alien side, almost the entire army was destroyed.

   Ye Chen moved towards the Immortal King Zixiao slightly bowed his body: "Thank you, your Majesty, Immortal King Zixiao, for bewildering them, allowing the younger generation to take the opportunity to take the opportunity and severely injure them."

   Yes, Ye Chen's reason is simple, he took the opportunity to attack the alien race.

   After all, the two chaotic ancient universes are the enemies of life and death.

   Of course, it was also quite abrupt, because at this time the Immortal King Zixiao was about to find the real murderer, but the Fighting Saint King took action at a critical moment, ruining his major event.

   Everyone was stunned, why did the fighting king choose this time to shoot?

   Everyone didn't understand, but they didn't connect him with the quasi-immortal king who stole the immortal king's cave mansion, because Ye Chen was just a quasi-giant, and it was different from the quasi-immortal king. This was a difference in the way of cultivation.

   "Battle Saint King!"

The Immortal King Zixiao was furious, and finally he was about to find the real culprit who stole the Immortal King’s Cave Mansion, but now because of the sudden attack of the Fighting Saint King, the screen was interrupted. I only knew it was a quasi-immortal king, but didn’t know it was. who.

  Especially the Saint King of Fighting, dare to make a move at this time, is he really afraid to make a move at this time?

  The immortal king's infinite power emerged violently, swept across this borderless fairyland area, and slapped it severely, enough to severely damage any quasi-giant.

Ye Chen glanced at Emperor Destiny, who was vomiting blood at the corner of his mouth, and sighed. At the critical moment, he was still unable to kill this terrifying foreign quasi-giant. The sense of threat that Emperor Destiny gave him was even stronger than Emperor Wanyan. Much, if there is a chance, he must kill the opponent.

   Especially just now, he really felt a sense of crisis, because the truth was about to be pushed out, and that kind of destiny was really terrifying.

   Facing the Immortal King Zixiao, Ye Chen is certainly not an opponent.

   He chose to retreat, turning back to the chaotic passage behind him.

   "Want to go?"

   The Immortal King Zixiao hummed coldly, how could Ye Chen leave calmly, otherwise, from now on, where will his dignified face of the Immortal King go?

  Xian Wangwei blocked everything, and Ye Chen's figure was also stopped.

   That's good, Ye Chen was only able to escape the catastrophe because of the help of the Immortal King Pan Dao. He was unwilling to do so, and now he dared to run over, purely looking for death.


   Now, even if the Immortal King Pandao wants to stop, Immortal King Zixiao firmly believes that he can kill the Saint King of Fighting before the former arrives.


   abruptly, infinite time and space power emerged, breaking the blockade between heaven and earth, and even the supreme giant was taking action, pulling Ye Chen's figure back.

  On the other side of the fairy gate, Cang Yan Great Heavenly Sovereign appeared, holding the tower, the tower is like the world's ancestor tree, swaying, endless time and space power is released, letting Ye Chen's figure appear beside him.

   Cang Yan Datian said: "The fighting saint king is the person of my Pangu universe. He just wants to attack and kill the foreign race, and he has no intention to provoke the majesty of the Zixiao Immortal King. Please keep your hands."

   Immortal King Zixiao can't manage that much. He has always been domineering and accustomed to it. But now a new giant in this area, he dare to provoke his old giant?

First, he was stolen by the Immortal King Pan Dao, and then he was stolen from the Immortal King’s Cave Mansion. Today, the Saint King of Fighting Fights and kills foreign races in front of him, and the new giants of Pangu universe dare to run over. The old immortal king of many epochs is not in sight.

   The Immortal King Zixiao was so angry that he was so angry that his anger was rushing into the sky, almost burning the entire vast sky, shaking the vast earth.

"A new tycoon who has been newly promoted for less than ten thousand years. Since you want to provoke the majesty of this seat, this seat will have to see how capable you are." Immortal King Zixiao snorted coldly. At this moment, the fairy king's mace also appeared. Out, exuding the power of the infinite fairy king that shook the heavens and the world.

   This kind of power can spread into the Pangu universe even if it is isolated from the fairy gate.

   Cang Yan Da Tianzun said to Ye Chen: "Little friend, you go back first and leave it to me here."

   Ye Chen understands that staying here is just a burden, nodded and said: "Senior, be careful."

   turned and returned to the Pangu universe. As for the strongest arrogances of the Pangu universe, they had long been included in the body world, and only a few children such as Qianxun stayed behind to practice in the Immortal King's cave.

   That Immortal King Cave Mansion was in the Immortal King City of Pan Dao Immortal King, and the Immortal King Pan Dao was sitting in person, Ye Chen was quite relieved.

   "Hahaha, since Immortal King Zixiao is willing, I also want to know how far you are from the old giants like you."

   Cang Yan Datianzun laughed, standing at the immortal gate, the eternal immortal body appeared, and the whole body was shining with immortal light.

   Moreover, the tower of the realm appeared above the head, fully revived, and a world tree emerged from the top of the earth, swaying, deriving the heavens and the world, making the 33 heavens, constructing a new dimension of time and space, and it is extraordinary.

   boom boom boom——

   A new eternal giant an old immortal king is colliding.

Half an hour later, the immortal gate was closed and Cang Yan Da Tianzun returned. At this moment, a wisp of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and a terrible immortal king aura was looming on his body. It was the escaping immortal king's Taoist rule, which surprised everyone. .

   Ye Chen stepped forward and said worriedly: "Senior, are you okay?"

   Cang Yan Da Tianzun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, smiled lightly and said: "It's okay, it's just a little hurt, it won't hurt the root."

   Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Cang Yan Datianzun is currently the only eternal giant in the Pangu universe. Once injured, if the alien ancient universe takes the opportunity to invade and use the eternal giant level existence, what should it be?

Cang Yan sighed: "The Immortal King Zixiao is indeed a supreme immortal king who has attained the fruit status of the Immortal King in multiple epochs. It is not because of the realm tower, and because the Ziji Lingxiao Temple has been enlightened for more time, faster Towards Consummation, today is not so easy to retreat."

   It's not that you can be truly invincible when you become a giant of the ages. Both are giants of the ages, both strong and weak.

   Cang Yan Great Heavenly Sovereign, after all, it has been a Proving Dao for thousands of years, and it has never been Dzogchen, otherwise it will be Dzogchen in all aspects. Even if the Immortal King Zixiao is strong, it is not easy to hurt him who is sitting on the realm tower.

   "Unfortunately, he didn't kill Destiny the Great, and he took the opportunity to escape to the ancient alien universe." Cang Yan Datianzun also sighed, and he also felt a sense of crisis from the Destiny Great.

   I'm afraid that within a few years, Destiny the Great will become a giant of the ages.

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