Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3873: Shenrong

At the same time, Ye Chen also understood the general situation: "It’s no wonder that this guy was hunted down and it didn’t take long for him to prove that he became the emperor. He had just passed the emperor’s calamity and was injured. He has not been fully consummated. It will take some time. Transition. It can be seen that it is not in the Pangu universe to prove Dao becoming emperor, otherwise the starry sky will be celebrated, and the origin of the universe will be irrigated. Even if it is not in the shortest time to become a Dzogchen Emperor, it will replenish a lot of strength and recover injuries. Now two A true Dzogchen imperial realm supreme chased and killed, ha ha, there are actually three Dzogchen imperial realm supreme quietly following behind, it is really not a weak lineup."

What a person he is, he can see through all the enemy's numbers at a glance, and behind the two Dzogchen Emperor Realm Supremes who are chasing the gods, there are three similar Dzogchen Emperor Realm Supremes quietly following.

In total, there are a total of five Great Perfection Emperor Realm Supreme.

I am afraid, I want to draw the snake out of the cave, attract more human supreme, and catch it all in one go.

This abacus is pretty good.

But it is destined that the five supreme abacus will not be implemented.

Because he Ye Chen is here.

Stepping on the Avenue of Chaos, rushing towards the direction of the gods: "Today, I want to see, where did you supreme daring to chase and kill the human supreme of the Pangu universe."

Shen Rong was very embarrassed today, but he did not expect that one day he would encounter such a sad, helpless, and desperate situation.

In particular, he was in a state of being quite weak physically and mentally after the triumph was completed shortly after the supreme demonstrative accomplishment.

It's nothing more than fighting alone. He is the Supreme Emperor, with an invincible heart, and is not afraid of a battle of the same rank, but he never expected that the two Supremes of the enemy would chase him together.

The two supreme sages, and both of them are the supreme sacreds of the Dzogchen Emperor Realm. Even though he has the power to reach the sky, he is definitely not an opponent.

"Damn it, it didn't take long to prove Dao Chengdi, and I encountered two Dzogchen Emperor Realm Supreme from the other race. How would you be afraid if you wait for this Supreme Emperor Dao to reach Consummation." Shen Rong gritted his teeth, after all, he said Proving Dao to become emperor, but not in the Pangu universe, naturally did not attract the starry sky to congratulate Yao, let alone the irrigation of the origin of the universe, and did not immediately reach the Dzogchen Emperor realm.

The two Supremes in front of them were both great emperors of the Dzogchen Supreme level. They were more powerful than him, and they were also opponents at the same time. He was far from being an opponent at all. To continue, there was only way to perish.

Unless there are other supreme coming to support.

However, this place is far away from the Pangu Universe, even if the Supreme Emperor who has transmitted the Pangu Universe comes to support it, it will take a certain amount of time, and he may not be able to support that step.

What's more, the current situation in the Pangu universe is also quite precarious, and the alien races are staring at it.

In the hundreds of thousands of years of war, all the giants of the ancient alien universe are recovering and born. The situation of the Pangu universe is quite similar, and the supreme dare not come out easily, otherwise it has been besieged by the enemy supreme.

Therefore, Shenrong did not dare to communicate with Pangu Universe easily, asking for support.

"Damn, although I was lucky enough to prove that the Supreme Master succeeded, but I don't know if other people succeeded. If it is discovered, the situation will not be too good. You must take these aliens to stay away from this realm. Knowing that there are others who are attacking the Emperor Realm." He gritted his teeth.


Shen Rong and the two great alien supreme shook up, exploding the many worlds that are gestating in the Chaos Sea, the whole person is retreating violently, and blood is emerging from all the pores, as if he has become a blood man. His body was about to split and almost fell apart, but he also used this force to rush into the distance frantically.

"Unfortunately, the Primordial Chaos World I was defending was breached, and I am afraid that Tianhe Supreme is also in danger. It is I who hurt him and the Tianhe Great World."

Shenrong sighed, he was originally in a retreat in a chaotic primitive world not far from here, Tianhe Great World, and he was able to prove Dao Supreme.

Because he avoided absorbing the origin of the Primordial Chaos World of Tianhe, he had no choice but to leave and entered the Chaos Sea to choose to cross the catastrophe and break through.

Because he had sheltered him, the supreme human race, the Tianhe Great World was also invaded by foreign races. I am afraid that the current situation is also quite dangerous. In the current chaotic sea of ​​chaos, the danger of destruction of the great world will happen at every turn.

For this, Shenrong also had more than one heart but was not enough. After all, he is currently unable to protect himself, let alone helping Tianhe Great World escape danger.

What he can do is try to attract the supreme of these alien races away from the place where the Tianhe Great World is located.

Compared to Shenrong suffered heavy losses and became blood men, the two alien supreme beings chased by the rear were also quite embarrassed. Although Shenrong had just been promoted, but desperately made them both pay some price.

What's more, in the final analysis, God honors his father, Emperor Zhuxian, the famous ancient emperor in the mythical era, extremely powerful, and truly exists at the supreme giant level.

With the help of the giant bloodline of Emperor Zhuxian and the eight forms of Zhuxian left behind, Shenrong made use of the giant bloodline to exert an amazing combat power even after proving the Dao Supreme, which made the two great aliens also paid a lot during the chase. The price.

Naturally, after struggling to hunt down the gods, and after chasing them for so long, there have never been other human kings from the Pangu universe to come out to support gods, so that they want to kill more human supreme or supreme seeds. There was a sign of disillusionment, and several alien supreme inevitably became a little irritable.

"It doesn't matter, kill this newly advanced human supreme first!"

The two alien sages glanced at each other, their eyes were cold, and their hearts moved at the same time.

When the words fell, the supreme emperor on the two great alien supreme suddenly became much stronger, the chaotic sea exploded heavily, setting off infinite stormy waves, and the two supreme figures exploded and rushed to where the gods were.

Shen Rong, who was exhausting his life, obviously also felt the terrifying fluctuations of the supreme rear, his expression changed slightly, and he accelerated suddenly.

It’s just that he was severely injured when he was chased down by the two great alien Dzogchen Emperor Realm Supreme, and even the Xing Shen exploded several times, and the origin of the emperor’s Dao was also damaged. This acceleration also caused the Dao injury to deepen, but it is also now There is no other way.


Suddenly, the wounds that had been suppressed broke out, and the glory of the gods plummeted, and it was wilting for some reason.

At this time, one of the alien supreme rushed up, sacrificed a roulette, shining with emperor light, fell from the sky, and slammed Shenrong's back hard.


The emperor's blood splashed, and the small half of Shenrong's emperor body exploded, **** and bloody, and fell from the sky into a chaotic world that looked like an emperor. The terrifying air machine directly exploded this chaotic world.

At the moment when a dilapidated supercontinent in the center of the chaotic world where the glory fell and shattered, the two alien supreme also descended from the sky, condescending, looking down at the blood-covered and particularly embarrassed god, among them, the alien supreme was taking the final blow. Yin test said: "Finally, you can't run anymore? As the heir of Emperor Zhuxian, you are really good. The blood of the giant in your body must be very good. Maybe you can take the opportunity to attract Emperor Zhuxian."

"Emperor Zhuxian?" Another alien supreme sneered: "It disappeared after the era of mythology. I am afraid that it was also annihilated after the myth was destroyed. Why should I call a dead person?"

"My father will not die, he is one of the strongest giants in the ages." Only one eye on Shen Rong's face revealed infinite fierce light. From beginning to end, he did not believe that his father was dead. Fell.

Emperor Zhuxian, but one of the eternal giants, created the prestigious eight styles of Zhuxian in the past, can kill immortals, omnipotence, fierce and unparalleled, how can he perish.

"Whether your father is dead or not is not your final decision. It is better to abolish him, seal it, and hang it on the edge of the universe to show people in Pangu universe and see if they dare to come and rescue him. This newcomer is supreme." The second alien supreme said again.

"Okay, this plan is good, it's worth a try. Now it's deprived of his emperor's origin, disintegrated his emperor soul, and sealed his emperor body."

The two great alien supreme shots immediately, and the infinite supreme emperor gathered and turned into a huge roulette and a bottle, shining with extremely flaming emperor light, suddenly blasting towards the gods below.

"Eight styles of Zhuxian, Tuxian!"

Shenrong gritted his teeth fiercely, roared, and ran the Supreme Dili, displayed a trick of the emperor's forbidden magical powers, and greeted him, but it was disintegrated in an instant, and there was no way to block it.

He was too weak, and he had just proclaimed the Supreme Dao, and not long after the Tribulation, he was far from reaching the level of the Dzogchen Emperor, and he was heavily wounded, and he was far from the opponents of the two foreign races.

"Is it so difficult for me to prove that the Dao becomes emperor is successful, so I will perish, and end my short life of supremacy?"

Shen Rong watched with a bit of despair at the fall of the Supreme Emperor ~ The extremely terrifying power was enough to tear through the world, as if to crush his whole body.

But at this time, he gritted his teeth and screamed in his heart: "Want to kill me, God's honor? Don't think about it, even if you die, you have to drag you foreign races down and give me a funeral!"


In an instant, his whole body was lit up, from the inside out, the form and spirit were in the burning room, freeing up hundreds of thousands of horrible emperor Huadao flames, to self-immolate, and the two Great Perfection emperors of the foreign race were buried together.

The two supreme aliens were suddenly frightened, and in their eyes, this newly promoted human supreme was so crazy that he did not hesitate to ignite the spirit and forcibly transform the way.

In this way, there is no chance of resurrection.

However, at this moment, a warm palm fell on his shoulders out of thin air, revealing a relatively unfamiliar, but strangely familiar face: "God, I haven’t seen you for many years, your The temper is still so irritable that the act of self-immolation cannot be used."

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