Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3874: Reunion

In front of him, a slender and tall figure appeared in front of Shen Rong.

The strange face carries a special sense of familiarity from deep inside.

He seemed to have known each other before, as if he had met, seen, and perhaps fought side by side, otherwise he would not feel that way.

Just when Shen Rong was stunned, it was immediately obvious that he ignited the emperor soul and the origin of the emperor Dao’s source of the horrifying Dao Emperor Flame, so that the supreme would be in danger of being destroyed by the Dao. Touching, at this moment, under the majestic power of the Yingwei young man's palm, it was like an ordinary flame that had encountered a flood and was easily extinguished.

The violent madness in the body was gradually calmed down.

All this seems to have never happened before.

At the same time, the visitor flicked his sleeves, and the two supreme attacks collapsed out of thin air.


The scene before him shocked the two supreme beings who were honored and chased.

The person in front of him, who is so sacred, has such a powerful ability, even if it is a quasi-giant, it may not be so easy.

Shen Rong looked at the strange face in front of him with three-point shock, three-point shock, and three-point surprise. For some reason, he always felt that the person in front of him had a sense of familiarity, a familiarity from the depths of his soul. sense.

It stands to reason that, as a supreme, he never forgets. Even if he has seen hundreds of millions of people in his life, he can remember it deeply and it is impossible to forget.

But the person in front of him, no matter his face or the original aura, he feels a bit strange, but the familiarity is so special that he doesn't know when he has met such a thing in his past life. A supreme taboo exists throughout the sky and earth.

"Who are you?" At this point, Shen Rong still looked at the majestic young man with a certain amount of alertness and fear. The familiarity fell to familiarity, but he also worried that this is the supreme taboo of the alien race. to make.

After all, in the past 100,000 years, the alien race has not tried such a move, and once caused heavy casualties in the Pangu Universe, and even more supreme perished, Pangu Pass was almost blasted open.

Therefore, he had to be cautious.

Ye Chen could sense Shenrong's worry and smiled, like Mu Chunfeng, and said, "Don't worry, I am a person from the Pangu universe."

He released some of the original aura a little bit, only Shen Rong who was close at hand could sense that it was the original aura of the Pangu universe, which was not imitable, and the eternal giants were also the same, which made Shen Rong a sigh of relief.

Immediately he frowned. Since he is the supreme of the Pangu universe, who is it?

Is it the supreme taboo before the mythical era?

It's not impossible, but he felt the majestic vigor of the other party, it shouldn't be owned by the old antique who has lived for more than one or two epochs.

But where does this sense of deja vu come from?


Just about to ask him where he was sacred, at this time, Shenrong coughed fiercely, and bursts of emperor blood continuously spilled from his mouth and from the wounds on his body.

A drop of blood fell, bursting with infinite blood, and the inner power of the emperor quickly disappeared, becoming a drop of ordinary blood.

Obviously, it was an extremely terrifying wound, and the wounds were left by the Supreme or Emperor Soldier, and could not be healed in the first place.

At this time, Ye Chen put a hand on his shoulder, and smiled warmly: "If you are not afraid of me harming you, let go of your mind and body, and I can recover your injury as quickly as possible."

Seeing his smile like a spring breeze, Shenrong seemed to have seen an old man, who had crushed countless heavenly arrogances in the past, and the strongest arrogant who was invincible in the world, immediately has endless memories. He looked shocked. Looking at the person in front of him, he finally understood where this sense of deja vu came from. He turned out to be back. He opened his mouth in astonishment and said, "You, you are fighting--"


Ye Chen smiled and nodded, immediately letting Shen Rong relax physically and mentally, and at the same time he was excited.

In a hundred thousand years, I didn't expect to see my former comrades-in-arms here again.

It's no wonder that there is such a special vitality. It's just that after a hundred thousand years, this guy's face has changed so much. What happened?


A wave of majestic and gentle life force emerged in Shenrong. It was Ye Chen who used some of his own chaotic true blood. He is a generation of chaotic giants, true blood is unparalleled, and can evolve the purest life force, even if it is. The supreme emperor who cultivated the Dao of Life and proved Dao Cheng Emperor, the life force could not match Ye Chen.

But seeing this life force, he was quickly repairing all the injuries inside and outside Shen Rong, including the Dao wounds, and even the wounds on the Emperor Soul.

All of this was just a blink of an eye, and Shenrong had completely recovered from his injuries.

Of course, there are still injuries on the origin of the Emperor's Dao, as strong as Ye Chen, it is impossible to repair it in an instant. After all, this involves a deeper level, involving the foundation of the supreme, so that the gods are still in a relatively weak time.

Despite this, Shen Rong has improved a lot, and at least half of his combat power has recovered. After all, he is also the Supreme Emperor, possessing the power of a battle.

Shen Rong was amazed by Ye Chen's methods. Such methods are shocking to the world, but he also knows that it is not the time to discuss this. He immediately looked solemn and said: "Be careful, they are both the supreme emperor of Dzogchen, and I vaguely felt that just behind, there seemed to be other alien supreme lurking."

He was very happy to meet Ye Chen, but he didn’t know how powerful the latter was.

I have to say that as the heir of Emperor Zhuxian, Shenrong's induction is extremely keen, and it can sense that there are other alien supremacs quietly dormant behind.

Ye Chen nodded slightly and said, "Yes, there are still three people behind."

Shen Rong was slightly stunned, he could only barely sense that there were other alien supremacists. As for how many people there were, he didn't know the least.

Obviously, Ye Chen's cultivation is still above him.

Suddenly, he remembered that 100,000 years ago, Ye Chen existed like a quasi-giant, and it was only natural that he had such a keen perception.

Although it is not clear what has happened to Ye Chen in the past 100,000 years, why he suddenly disappeared, but as long as he maintains the combat power of 100,000 years ago, even if it is only half of it, facing five big Consummate the supreme emperor, still have the power to fight.

At the same time, he watched Ye Chen appear out of thin air, suppressing the spontaneous combustion of Emperor Huadao Yan, dispelling the terrorist attacks of both of his own parties, and restoring Shenrong’s injuries, almost completely healed. This method is Because Ye Chen himself was an eternal tycoon, the two supreme beings could not accurately sense Ye Chen's true realm, but they were suddenly afraid of several points.

They understand that this heroic young man who appeared out of thin air is afraid that he is an extremely terrifying and extremely strong person. It is not necessarily weaker than them, and even stronger is not impossible.

However, even so, it's just a little dread.

After all, in the final analysis, behind them stood the most terrifying alien ancient universe.

"This supreme fellow, this supreme is the one who will kill in the ancient universe of my realm. I advise you to not be nosy. Even if you seem to be very strong, you offend the ancient universe of my realm, even if you are a giant of the ancients. It's hard to escape." The supreme of the alien race, holding the roulette, said coldly, threatening Ye Chen recklessly.

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