Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3879: Finger Smashing Supreme

Tianhe Supreme does not regret allowing Shenrong and Ye Cangqiong to enter the Tianhe Great World to prove Dao Supreme. After all, in the supreme battle that year, if it were not for Shenrong and Ye Cangqiong, he would be in danger.

Now, it's just that the date of death has been greatly delayed.

It’s just helpless to affect the entire Tianhe Great World and the billions of innocent sentient beings inside.


Tianhe Supreme yelled: "Foreign race, even if the Emperor falls today, it will cost you a heavy price."

"Haha, isn't it? Several fellow daoists, please take action together and send him to death." Jinyi and Heiyi Zhizun said towards the Supreme who was rushing over.

"Send him to die? From my point of view, you are the one who is going to die!"

A cold snort sounded like a thunder in the sea of ​​chaos, killing intent permeated, but seeing that the supreme who descended from the sky not only did not kill the supreme Tianhe, but the supreme of the foreign race, he stepped forward and shouted: "Tuxian!"

The extremely terrifying aura suddenly bloomed, tearing time and space, and hitting the alien supreme.

Jin Yi Zhizun changed his color, that was a taboo magical power. The other party went crazy, suddenly shot, and shouted: "Who are you?"


The terrifying offensive came in an instant, blood spattered, and half of the Jinyi Supreme Emperor's body exploded.

"Who am I, have you forgotten?"

The supreme who descended from the sky diffused the flaming emperor light that filled the whole body, revealing a young and uninhibited face, who was it not a god?

"Shenrong Daoist friend?" Tianhe Supreme was slightly stunned. Wasn't he being pursued and killed by a number of aliens? Why is it here now?

Ye Cangqiong's expression was joyful, and he laughed suddenly: "I knew it, you fellow didn't die so easily."

"It's you!"

The two supreme members of the alien race changed color, and never expected that the gods would appear here.

He appeared there, could it be that the other five supreme ——

"Impossible, five Supreme Daoist fellows will go to chase you together, and they are all the Supremes of the Dzogchen Emperor Realm, far better than you, the newly promoted Supreme, how can you be alive?" The black-clothed Cang Sui Zhizun I can't believe that the five Dzogchen Emperor Realm Supremes chased and killed them, even if they faced the quasi-giant.

Shenrong is just a mere newly promoted supreme who has just proclaimed Daocheng Emperor and has just crossed the Tribulation, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to be an opponent of the Dzogchen Emperor Realm supreme, let alone no one, he will undoubtedly die.

Tianhe Supreme is also different. Facing the mortal situation, he, the Great Perfection Emperor Realm Supreme, will die forever. Shenrong talks about how to escape back alive.

Jinyi Supreme, Tianhe Supreme, and Ye Cangqiong were equally puzzled.

In that mortal situation, how Shenrong escaped a catastrophe, and it can be seen that the current Shenrong spirit and spirit are all consummate and strong, not like the weak state of just crossing the catastrophe, obviously much stronger than when he left.

"because I."

An ethereal sound resounded through this chaotic sea, but saw a stalwart figure standing on the sky, surging in chaos, as if the supreme chaos ruler, exuding the invincible air machine that crushed the eternal era, commanding it.

Under this majestic and unparalleled aura, but seeing Tianhe Supreme, Alien Supreme, and Ye Cangqiong trembled physically and mentally, their stature stiffened, and he looked at the figure of Gedai in horror.

"Giant... Giant!?"

Then wait for the Qi machine, not the eternal giant, who is it?

Behind Shenrong, there was an eternal tycoon who was shocked while being hunted down.

When Tianhe Supreme was shocked, he was also a little bit happy.

The emergence of the eternal giants behind Shenrong represents hope that the Tianhe Great World will not be destroyed, at least there will be no extinction at this moment.

The supreme alien of the alien race was extremely horrified. Unexpectedly, behind the newly promoted supremacy of the human race, there was an eternal giant behind Shenrong.

The emergence of the eternal tycoon does not mean that the five supreme who went to chase and kill will all be lost.

Only in this way can Shenrong return safely.

Only Ye Cangqiong always felt a sense of deja vu when he looked at that figure.

It seems that I have met this eternal giant, and there has been an intersection in the past.

Shen Rong said to Tianhe Supreme: "Senior Tianhe, leave it to us next."

"Well, friends of the gods, you and I are the supreme, but the same generation." Tianhe Zhizun said, naturally happy to see him become a god-honored side of the shot, and at this moment is also fortunate, fortunate to have a good relationship with the gods, wait if Invisibly also made friends with an eternal giant, especially at this critical moment of this blood-stained era, the supreme is always in danger of life, standing behind the eternal giant, undoubtedly appears to be much more stable.

Shenrong nodded and said to Ye Chen: "Brother Ye, please do it."

Brother Ye?

Tianhe Supreme was surprised. Looking at the title, the relationship between Shenrong and the eternal giant seems to be extraordinary. Otherwise, in general, the strong is respected. Even if the supreme meets the eternal giant, he must be called an adult or your majesty.

Ye Cangqiong was even more shocked. At this time, he suddenly woke up, and said in amazement: "Are you the fighting king?"

"Brother Cang Qiong, long time no see, you still recognize me." Ye Chen smiled, "Let's wait for me to take action, kill these two little sages and renew the old."

When the finger fell, it was the Chaos Finger. Suddenly, it was extremely huge, no less than a primitive world of Chaos, breaking through the chaos, and hitting the gold-clothed Supreme.

Jinyi Supreme is facing an unprecedented fatal crisis at this moment.

Unable to escape, because the giant chaotic finger locked him, and also confined the surrounding time and space, as powerful as he could not break through in a short time.

That being the case, the only choice is to make a positive shock.

With a long roar, the golden clothing Supreme's body shone with billions of emperor light, the majestic and boundless power is surging, boiling time and space, manifesting the Supreme Dharma, extremely huge, the heavens and stars, the heavens and the world, all appearing, with all strength Resist this giant chaotic finger.


The blood exploded, dyeing red and boundless territory.

Jinyi Supreme Emperor's body was torn apart his whole body was shattered.

Although it had never exploded, it was bombed infinitely far away, falling into the depths of the Chaos Sea, splashing infinite blood.

Snap your fingers to the extreme!

Tianhe Supreme and Ye Cangqiong's eyes widened, taking a breath of cold air.

This is the power of the eternal giant, one finger falling, stronger than the Dzogchen Emperor Realm supreme, can not withstand a single blow, being blown away by a finger, torn apart, and his form is severely damaged.

If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe all this in front of him.

When proving Tao to become emperor, he was sitting on an invincible belief, and asked himself that even if he encounters an eternal giant, he may not be an opponent because of his realm, but he definitely has the power to fight.

But after witnessing it with my own eyes, I really realized that even as the supreme of the Dzogchen Emperor Realm, even as the invincible of the same generation, walking proudly, reaching the top of the Emperor Realm, and facing the real eternal giants, you will feel the gap.

The difference between the world and the mud!

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