Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3880: Deduction

When Shenrong saw the expressions of Tianhe Supreme and Ye Cangqiong, he knew what was in his mind and gave a wry smile.

Not long ago, I actually had the same idea, but after I really felt it up close, I would truly understand how big the gap was.

The giants of the ages are looking at the past, the present and the future.

That is the strongest and invincible existence in the Era of the Ages. In the eyes of the supreme giants, the Supreme is just a stronger young dragon, but if you want to kill, you can do it easily.

A snap of the finger hit the Alien Supreme, Ye Chen grabbed it with a big hand, and grabbed it back. The dignified and complete Emperor Realm Supreme had no resistance in front of him, his aura was weakened, and he was directly sealed and lay down on the ground.

Not far away, the black-clothed Cang Sui Zhizun desperately turned and fled with lightning.

But how did he escape Ye Chen's Five Finger Mountain.

The big Chaos hand opened, covering the infinite time and space, and instantly confined the fleeing Cang Sui Zhi Zun, unable to move.

With a sudden force, the entire expanse of time and space collapsed and compressed to an extreme.

Cang Sui Supreme Xing Shen tore, suffered the most terrible damage.

Later, he was also caught and thrown in front of his eyes casually. The vast mana was sealed, and he couldn't make it out.

In a few moments, two Great Perfection Emperor Realm Supremes, one after the other, were completely suppressed and sealed and thrown on the ground.

Such a scene can be said to completely shake the hearts of several people.

This is too abnormal...

Ye Chen said: "You can deal with him."

Shenrong looked at Tianhe Supreme: "Leave it to Tianhe Taoist fellow for your disposal."

Tianhe Supreme waved his hand with a wry smile: "Don't dare, let this adult handle it."

Shenrong looked at Ye Chen. The latter nodded slightly. It just so happened that there were two more supreme corpses. It was a suppression and annihilated the true spirit of the alien supreme. It was collected in the body and became a trophy. It will be refined in the future. Reuse the door.

Here, Ye Cangqiong was crossing the catastrophe.

It seems that because Ye Chen has returned as an eternal magnate, he was greatly stimulated, bathed in the infinite emperor's robbery, even if his body was broken again and again, but he was also reorganizing his flesh and blood again and again, becoming stronger and moving forward. Stepping into the territory of the Supreme Emperor, the whole body releases the immortal Supreme Qi.

He is going to truly become an emperor, breaking and standing, becoming the supreme ancient emperor!

After three days and three nights, Ye Cangqiong had finished crossing the Tribulation, covered in blood, but swallowed the Immeasurable Tribulation, and was greatly recovered.

Ye Chen's shot attracted infinite ancient chaos, and instantly refined into the purest chaotic essence, penetrated into Ye Cangqi's body, making him gradually move towards the Great Perfection stage in all aspects.

At this moment, Ye Cangqiong has completely become an ancient emperor, surpassing the ten thousand dao, standing on the top of the avenue, swallowing hundreds of millions of chaotic ancient energy, and disregarding ancient and modern.

He is not as badly injured as Shenrong, so he does not need the Flesh Emperor Pill, and with enough chaotic energy, he can further advance to the Great Perfection Emperor Realm Supreme.

"Thank you." Ye Cangqiong thanked him, both in public and in private, all worthy of thanks.

Although far inferior to Ye Chen, his peers are fighting for the top, as the emperor, he enjoys the most powerful innate talent and resources, and is still far behind by his peer Ye Chen.

But some are just catching up, not jealous.

As the Pangu universe, Ye Cangqiong was chasing after Ye Chen, and hoped that the latter would become stronger, so that the Pangu universe would be more stable and powerful.

Ye Chen smiled: "You're welcome."

Ye Cangqiong also smiled, and immediately hit Ye Chen's shoulder with a punch. The emperor's punch could destroy the world, but it was only clanging, and he was more and more amazed at the latter's defense against the sky.

"You guy, I haven't seen you for a hundred thousand years. You have come this far. It is so easy to catch up." Ye Cangqiong shook his head helplessly. So far, it is not easy to be able to prove the supremacy of the Dao, let alone the future. The eternal giants of China are even more difficult.

That is, Ye Chen, the strongest evil in the ages, otherwise, how could other people be so against the sky.

"What about the others?" Ye Chen asked. Twenty thousand years ago, all the emperors and daughters of the Human Race, and even the other Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao who reached the level of the emperor, basically left the Pangu Universe, looking for opportunities to prove the way to become an emperor.

Right now, only Ye Cangqiong and Shenrong were walking together.

I don’t know how the others are currently?

After all, Ye Chen and the others are a little worried. Not everyone is so lucky to be able to successfully prove the Dao to the Supreme, and the Chaos Sea in the Bloodstained Era is too dangerous, and the Supreme is in danger of perishing at every turn, not to mention the others. People, I am afraid that the situation is more precarious.

Ye Cangqiong and Shen Rong shook their heads, it is not that they did not leave the corresponding means of communication, but all of this is difficult to apply in Chaos Sea.

After all, the Chaos Sea is too vast, and in the blood-stained era, many sages were lost, and there are no lack of quasi-giants, and even eternal giants. The impact on Chaos Sea is extremely huge. I want to find other people. It was much harder and was terribly blocked.

Deduction is also extremely difficult.

"let me try."

Ye Chen said that he had fought side by side with the emperors and daughters of the human race in the past, and he was naturally familiar with each other's original aura, and he was deducing at this moment.

On the top of his head, a universe and gossip-like fate chart appeared, and Shenrong and Ye Cangqiong exclaimed: "The gossip mirror of the universe!"


Ye Chen shook his head. Naturally, this is not a mirror of the universe and gossip, but the Supreme Emperor controls the chaos and is proficient in the yin and yang gossip, and the gossip contains the eight origins of the universe, so it also contains unpredictable power in deduction.

He palms the chaos, observes the universe and gossip mirror, and develops the universe and gossip chart, which can further improve the deduction ability.

It should be noted that he was originally a giant of chaos, palm chaos, almost omnipotent, and now he has evolved the universe and gossip chart, the power of deduction is even further, the chaotic sea seems endless, but there is nothing that cannot be deduced~www. universe and gossip life chart is blooming, and countless information emerges, mainly chaos, deducing the gossip universe.

Just a moment later, the Qiankun Gossip Chart rushed out of multiple rays of light, rushing to several completely different directions, Ye Chen said: "The location of the other people is where the rays of light point."

The two were shocked. In today's Chaos Sea, Supreme Communication is not necessarily useful, and the shielding is too big, but Ye Chen just pushed the relevant position in a moment, I have to say, it is really amazing.

Along the place pointed by the light, soon everyone came to a lonely place.

At this time, Tianhe Supreme also followed, hoping to follow Ye Chen.

Because they sheltered Ye Cangqiong and Shenrong to prove the Dao Supreme, they have completely gone to the opposite side of the foreign race.

Once the aliens come to their door, Tianhe Great World and Tianhe Supreme will undoubtedly die.

Therefore, there is no other way but to seek refuge in the Pangu universe.

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