Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3885: Let me slaughter the foreign race

"Ye Chen?"

This name is already quite unfamiliar to the Pangu Universe. When I first heard it, all the strongest people at Panguguan looked blank and stunned.

After all, one hundred thousand years is not long, but short and continuous, enough to change dynasties many times in the world, and enough to make many people forget the strongest arrogant in history that countless young generations in the entire ancient chaotic universe looked up to.

It's just that not everyone forgets, on the contrary, some people still remember deeply.

The name of the peerless Tianjiao one hundred thousand years ago, even now, even if it is temporarily forgotten, but once mentioned, all kinds of related memories of the owner of this name spontaneously emerge from the deepest part of my mind and emerge before my eyes.

After a while, Pangu closed, and one of them was a white-haired supreme man. He exclaimed abruptly and looked at Ye Chen suddenly: "Ye Chen? Did you say that Ye Chen was a hundred thousand years ago? The first heavenly arrogant of Chaos Sea, who created Chaos Tianfu, His Majesty Ye Chen?"

The sound fell, Pangu closed, and immediately looked at Ye Chen with shocked eyes.

If Ye Chen's name is a bit strange, then Chaos Tianfu is to make everyone in the Pangu universe not the slightest stranger, on the contrary, it is like a thunderous.

And when it comes to Chaos Tianfu, it will naturally be reminded of the great heavenly arrogant who created Chaos Tianfu in the past.

Even though it has disappeared for 100,000 years, the various rumors in the Pangu universe about that world-famous arrogant will never dissipate.

And the heavenly arrogant man who created Chaos Tianfu was also the master of Chaos Tianfu. His name seemed to be Ye Chen.

Could it be that the majestic young man in front of him is Ye Chen, the lord of Chaos Tianfu, the legendary fighting king?

"Ye Chen? Could it be that he was invincible one hundred thousand years ago and overwhelmed all ancient and modern Tianjiao Your Majesty the Fighting Saint King?"

"Except for that majesty, who else would dare to be called the fighting king."

"His Majesty the Fighting Saint King, didn't he disappeared when the Bloodstained Era came, and was suspected of being lost?"

"Impossible, your Majesty the Fighting Saint King has long since disappeared, you don't know the life or death, and your Majesty the Fighting Saint King looks the most flawless. The person in front of you can only be regarded as handsome at best, and it is impossible to be the Fighting Saint King."

"He can't be. His Majesty the Fighting Saint King has the Pangu universe sentient beings in his heart. If he hadn't perished, how could a foreign giant invaded the Pangu universe tens of thousands of years ago and caused a terrible disaster.

"Although His Majesty the Fighting Saint King claimed to be missing, he may have died long ago, otherwise, with his temperament, how could he just sit idly by."


At Pangu Pass, the most powerful people are basically super powers who have risen in the past 100,000 years. They have all grown up listening to the legends of the king of fighting and invincibility. Many of the most powerful people also regarded the king of fighting in their youth. It is a goal to look at.

At this point in their cultivation, they are considered to be of high authority, and they naturally understand a lot of inside stories, knowing that 100,000 years ago, when the blood-stained era came, the Fighting Saint King was missing overnight.

Even the people of Chaos Tianfu firmly believe that the palace lord's fighting sage king has never died and is always alive. The world also thinks so, but most of them are expected to encounter terrible disasters and it is difficult to be born.

Otherwise, tens of thousands of years ago, the alien giants invaded, and the Pangu universe was once faced with the disaster of extinction, and even the Supreme was lost, and there were countless deaths and injuries under the Supreme, hundreds of millions.

Back then, the world-famous figure who was better than the unphased king and had the hope of the Dao giants also suffered a tragic end.

The Dao of Heaven collapsed and the Dao of Ten Thousands of Years later returned to the world where the Dao could not be the Supreme.

How can you just ignore the temper of the saint king?

The person in front of him could not be the King of Fighting.

What's more, Ye Chen's appearance has undergone tremendous changes from the perfect appearance one hundred thousand years ago. Pangu closed the most powerful people, and even more did not believe that he was the sage king of fighting one hundred thousand years ago.

Ye Chen's face remained unchanged, his eyes were very deep, more unfathomable than black holes, not to mention ordinary people, even the supreme stared at him for a long time, and he was easily lost.

He looked at Pangu Pass, silently, a supreme came here.

Emperor Xuanshen!

The ancient emperor of the mythical era, he has come, apparently received the wind, and appeared for the first time.

"Meet His Majesty the Great Emperor Profound God!"

At Pangu Pass, the most powerful people paid great salutes.

The figure of Emperor Xuanshen was a little embarrassing, and the white hair on his head was more than that of the past, and he looked a lot older.

The supreme time is immortal, immortal, and it is impossible to be so old, but the Profound God Great Emperor has such a face, it is obvious that these 100,000 years have not been well, and he has suffered terrible injuries, involving the origin of the emperor's way.

Emperor Xuanshen stared at Ye Chen deeply, and Ye Chen was also staring at him, revealing a smile.

After a long time, Emperor Profound God smiled slightly: "Although his appearance has changed, I can be sure that he is the Saint King of Fighting. Open the door immediately and welcome him in."

The strongest people exclaimed, "Your Majesty, don't let it in easily, what if it's an alien eternal giant in disguise?"

An emperor who guarded Pangu Pass also solemnly said: "Your Majesty Profound God, this matter needs to be discussed in the long term!"

Over the past 100,000 years, there is no shortage of supreme aliens who have mixed in, causing heavy casualties in the Pangu universe. In the most terrible time, there was the death of the supreme, the Pangu Pass was opened, and the eternal magnates of the alien race once entered.

Therefore, the Pangu universe has not been switched on and off several times in the past 100,000 years, and Pangu Pass can only be opened as a last resort.

The Great Emperor Profound God frowned and said, "Are you doubting this Emperor's gaze?"

"I can't wait."

The strongest smile, how dare to doubt.

However, once they were bitten by a snake and feared the ropes for ten years, they did not dare to forget the big mistakes they made in the past, and naturally they did not dare to open Pangu Pass easily.

If once again be mixed in by the supreme existence of a foreign race, and the Pangu Pass is opened, then the entire Pangu universe will be extremely dangerous.

You should know that the current Pangu universe is not as good as before, and the situation is very critical and it is not allowed to switch easily.

The Emperor Profound God was about to speak, but Ye Chen outside Pangu Pass stopped him, smiled slightly, and said, "It's okay to see you all right and feel at ease. It just so happened that after 100,000 years, foreign races have captured my Pangu universe again and again. I want to see where they have the courage. Today, I will slaughter the alien race myself."

After a word, Ye Chen turned and left.

Everyone at Panguguan was stunned. This heroic young man who was suspected of fighting against the Holy King wanted to kill the foreign race alone.

The Emperor Profound God changed his expression and hurriedly said, "Little friends stay for the walk. Over the past few years, the great tycoons of different races have been competing to be born. You will go there alone and you will die forever."

Nine deaths for a lifetime, but to say it is light, it is very likely that ten deaths have no life.

"Senior, please rest assured, for 100,000 years, I will not stand still." Ye Chen didn't stay a little bit.

A life of nine deaths?

He slept and transformed for a hundred thousand years, only knowing that his strength had greatly increased, no less than a real eternal giant, but he didn't know exactly what level.

It is said that once the extreme quasi-giant breaks through, it will be the first-generation giant level.

Ye Chen also wanted to know if he could reach this level.

At Pangu Pass, the Emperor Profound God was taken aback, suddenly showing excitement. Could it be that for 100,000 years, the Fighting Saint King has successfully taken that extremely crucial step, finally made a leap, and became a true supreme giant?

At this time, Ye Cangqiong, Shenrong, Angel Emperor Son and others just ascended to the sky, Pangu Guan saw their appearance, and sensed the aura of several people, all of them the Supreme Emperor. They were shocked: "Several people The emperor became the ancient emperor?"

Not only shocked, but also delighted.

The return of several supreme emperors is also a great happy event for the Pangu universe, and it can increase the power of the supreme level.

Ye Cangqiong frowned: "Are you only questioning the truth of the Fighting Saint King?"

Shen Rong also had poor eyesight, Ye Chen was an eternal giant, and his return had a far greater effect on the entire Pangu universe than they did.

In particular, I have witnessed that Ye Chen's combat power is an indispensable and important force to guard the Pangu universe. How dare you doubt it?

"I dare not wait, but also ask the emperor to forgive me." The most powerful people hurriedly asked for sin.

The Emperor Profound God yelled, "Don't open Pangu Pass quickly."


The strongest guards did not dare to neglect, and immediately opened Pangu Pass.

The emperor Profound God was the first to leave the gate and was about to rush to the position of the ancient alien universe, catching up with Ye Chen, and wanting to bring him back, but Shen Rong said: "Senior Profound God, the Saint King of Fighting and Fighting is here alone, you Don't have to catch up by yourself, it's not good for me to wait for the Supreme to catch up, maybe it will become a burden to the fighting king."

Supreme is the highest combat power of a chaotic ancient universe. Often times, it is the master of an era, so it is a burden.

However, both Shenrong and Ye Cangqiong knew that Ye Chen was the existence of the eternal magnate class. This time to catch up, once the ancient and modern war of the eternal magnate class occurred, the supreme was really just a burden.

Ye Cangqiong said: "Senior, please also summon the quasi-giants of the Pangu universe. It is best to invite the eternal giants to come in person."

Emperor Xuanshen nodded, knowing the risks here.

He doesn't know how strong Ye Chen is, but he has a deep understanding of the terrible alien race. He has many giants of the ages. Once the giants of the ages are born, the giants of the ages cannot compete!

At this time Chen a few steps, he crossed the infinite distance and came to the borderland of the ancient alien universe.

As always, but at this moment, there is an endless army in the border area, and there are eight supreme beings, and even a quasi-giant.

Vaguely, he could feel that within the ancient alien universe, there was the aura of the supreme giant rippling.

There are supreme giants, not far from the border of foreign races.

Ye Chen condescendingly looked down at these alien army, smiled slightly, revealing endless killing intent.

Flip the palm of the hand and press it down.


But seeing an extremely huge palm, out of thin air, now closed by the alien race, covering the sky and the sun is not enough to describe it, it is too huge, enough to cover countless star fields, with an incomparable chaotic power, crashing down.

In an instant, the endless alien army was wiped out.

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