Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3886: Strongly enter the ancient alien universe

On the vast battlefield, an extremely huge palm print appeared, and the super continent that carried this alien ancient universe on the battlefield was directly destroyed!

The seven alien supreme figures in the infinite army were hit hard, their bodies exploded and they almost broke to pieces.

Even the most powerful alien quasi-giant also shattered, the emperor's blood splashed, and the whole person fell below the punctured super continent.

With a slap, he almost smashed the Seven Supremes and hit a quasi-giant.

Invincible power!

At an infinite distance, everyone at Panguguan was stunned by the projection.

Fighting Saint King is too strong, right?

Eternal giants, I am afraid that is nothing more than that.

The Emperor Profound God opened his eyes wide and muttered to himself: "Sure enough, he really broke the shackles of the extreme realm, and he has become an eternal giant!"

Only this explanation is the most reasonable. Otherwise, how could it be possible to create such a powerful force in one palm, and even the supreme and quasi-giant would not be able to evade and be hit hard.

"Who are you?"

The blood was surging, and the Seven Alien Supremes quickly repaired their injuries, and the Alien quasi-giants quickly healed their injuries, but the Qi machine had already fallen and it was difficult to recover in a short time.

They were horrified, and the person who came was definitely a giant of the ages, otherwise with their strength, it would be impossible to withstand a slap and cause a complete blow.

Moreover, the opponent shot too fast, and the power contained in it was too overbearing, far superior to them.

"You are not qualified to know."

Ye Chen said lightly, the Chaos Big Hand did not disappear, on the contrary, he caught the Seven Supremes and the One Daquan Giants, no matter how they struggled, it would not help, and they couldn't break free.

The alien quasi-giants and the Seven Supremes were desperate. For the first time, they had such a sense of powerlessness. They were actually as weak as an ant when they cultivated to their level, and they were vulnerable.

"Oh, you still have some use."

The Chaos Master blasted and smashed them forcefully again and again, constantly weakening their strength, and finally after several bursts, it was directly suppressed.

After flipping hands, the seven supreme and one quasi-giant were resolved.

This is the current him, far beyond the past, otherwise it would be difficult for the extreme quasi-giants to reach this point.

If these alien quasi-giants and supreme still had some usefulness, Ye Chen wouldn't mind killing them directly.

At this moment, he stands tall in the sky, condescending, looking down at the border of the ancient alien universe.

Ye Chen raised his hand to destroy the endless army, making the guards on the border of the foreign race horrified one by one. Facing such an invincible former, he trembled and frightened, as if the ant faced a giant dragon soaring in the nine heavens. Get by.

He pointed out that the power was as terrible, as if Optimus Prime hit the past.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The border quake violently, but unexpectedly, it resisted Ye Chen's finger.

Although this is an ordinary finger, it can still easily smash the supreme and fly the quasi giant, but it cannot break the border.

It seems that the alien border has also been reinforced, and even the supreme giants personally blessed it, otherwise it would not be so immortal.

"It's interesting, but do you really think it can be resisted?" Ye Chen sneered. This time, he increased his strength and attacked the border of the ancient alien universe, and an infinite number of giant-level Dao patterns appeared.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Ye Chenyi slapped it thirty-three times, and finally, the alien side could not bear it and exploded.

Today, he is unparalleled in the world, has truly grown up, turned into a supreme giant, arrogant to the past and present, and hard to find many rivals.

It is difficult to really resist him at the border crossing.

The magnificent border gate of the Immortal Pass was exploded, with endless fragments, sweeping the foreign army stationed in the nearby star field.

But it can be seen that the huge stars exploded, and the endless alien powerhouses were wiped out.

The entire alien ancient universe, with open borders, runs through the universe inside and outside.

It was clear that Ye Chen drove straight in, and drove into the ancient alien universe alone.

Here, the most powerful people at Pangu Pass were stunned. At this moment, they were completely convinced that the Yingwei Youth was the fighting king, because only he could do such a crazy thing. One hundred thousand years ago, the same There have been similar moves.

They were dumbfounded and swallowed continuously, unbelievable the scene before them.

How many tens of thousands of years have passed, when the Pangu Universe has such a mighty power, in turn, it will drive straight into the alien ancient universe.

Only during the period of the Fighting Saint King before the Bloodstained Era, he attacked again and again, and went straight into the ancient alien universe several times, greatly boosting the morale of the Pangu universe.

One hundred thousand years later, the King of Fighting Zhan reappeared, reappearing the invincible style of the past, rushing to Huanglong, and breaking into the ancient alien universe.

The Emperor Profound God had a solemn expression on his face, and he had already sent the information to the eternal giants in the Pangu universe for the first time.

Ye Chen entered the ancient alien universe alone, even if he had become an eternal giant, it was very dangerous. He must be rescued and nothing happened.

The alien border was breached and exploded, and naturally the alien was also alarmed. Soon, very quickly, a large number of strongest people gathered.

Moreover, a supreme and quasi-giant arrived quickly, and the eternal giant was also alarmed.

The terrifying world and law emerged in the star space of the ancient alien universe, and the infinite stars exploded. Only the incomparable power and lightning came and went to the alien border.

It’s just that, even though they are all very close, it’s just relative to their supreme beings at or above the level. Really speaking, they don’t know how many star fields are far away. If you want to really come, you need A certain amount of time.

At this time, Ye Chen naturally bypassed them far, penetrated time and space, and directly penetrated into the central territory of the ancient alien universe.

At the same time, he completely restrained his Qi machine, just like an ordinary cultivator.

It is important to know as far as his chaos cultivator is concerned, he can simulate all Qi machine, and it is the supreme giant level. The foreign giants come in person, and they may not be able to find him.

At this moment, in the central area of ​​this alien ancient universe, there are super stars with a diameter of hundreds of millions of miles. They belong to alien royal families, emperors, and royal families. They are all descendants of alien ancient emperors, quasi-giants, and eternal giants. left behind.

In the past, Ye Chen had entered and was washed with the blood of Heavenly Tribulation. Later, when he came here, it was the Burial Immortal Realm, which was the weird intersection between the alien race and the prehistoric immortal realm, and even the Emperor Yan recovered and returned from here.

Coming back to the Alien Ancient Universe, Ye Chen is no longer what he used to be, but now he, after 100,000 years of sleep and transformation, is surpassed and possesses the power of the supreme giant state.

He is now able to do a lot of things, and he will never be the same as he used to be, and he needs to use external forces to break through.

Silently, Ye Chen appeared on an emperor star, looking at the origin of the ancient alien universe, only to see the ancestral temples up and down, and each ancestral temple was inhabited by a supreme giant.

Even the most terrifying original generation is among them.

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