Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3887: Kill the emperor, behead the giants, and meet the blue sky!

The origin of the universe, that is the most terrifying place in the entire alien ancient universe, the real Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and unfathomable place.

Strong as the eternal giants, as strong as Ye Chen, and others are most likely to be the first-generation giants. They dare not rush into the origin of the universe, otherwise they will be chased by all the supreme giants of foreign races, and the entire Chaos Sea is afraid that no one Can really escape.

Of course, this time, it is impossible not to do nothing, at least to make the foreign race suffer completely.

For any ancient chaotic universe, the invasion of any eternal giant, once destroyed, is unbearable.

The eternal giant is above the supreme and quasi-giant. It is too powerful. Every move contains the absolute power to destroy the world. Once destroyed, it will be terrible and terrible for the entire ancient Chaos universe.

For example, tens of thousands of years ago, foreign giants invaded the Pangu universe, causing all beings in the Pangu universe to be wiped out, and the supreme was lost. The unphased kings almost died and disappeared. The heavens collapsed, and more than one-third of the universe died.

This is the horror of the eternal giant.

Ye Chen's eyes penetrated everything, and he could see that on the current emperor star, there was an ancient foreign emperor living in the center of the emperor star, who was practicing in retreat.

His abrupt appearance did not arouse the slightest attention of the alien emperor, or it could be said that he had never felt the existence of Ye Chen.

"In the past, the damage caused by the alien race to the Pangu universe, today, start with you to repay."

Ye Chen used the Supreme Chaos Dafa to shield the heavens and prevent the outside world from sensing what happened to this emperor star.

Silently, he easily penetrated all the imperial formations, runes, etc. arranged by the alien great, and his real body came to the alien great.

After all, the foreign race great emperor was alarmed. After all, the Emperor Formation was arranged by him himself. Using the blood of the emperor as a guide, the supreme giant would also be alarmed when he entered. After feeling, he suddenly woke up and saw Ye Chen's appearance. who are you?"

When he spoke, the Great Alien had already taken action, and the Supreme Emperor's might exploded.

Being able to enter this place silently is enough to prove that the other party is extraordinary, and to feel the human aura in the other party, it is terrified. I never expected that someone in the human race would sneak into the interior of the ancient alien universe. This is a shocking thing to hear. .

However, the Supreme Emperor Prestige Bloom can smash the entire Emperor Star in an instant, but this space does not move at all, and even time and space are extremely stable, which greatly changes the expression of the alien emperor.


"It's useless, it's been blocked by me a long time ago." Ye Chen calmly spoke, and punched out.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

One hundred and eight divine light heavenly dragons flew out, like the 108 supreme being hovering in the void, the unparalleled power completely suppressed the foreign emperor, making his emperor body and soul unable to move, and was completely confined.

With such a power, even a quasi-giant could not have it, and the alien emperor was shocked that this was a supreme giant.

It's just that there was such a supreme giant in the human race, and there was no mythical era.

The most frightening and helpless thing is that such a human giant is in front of him, even if he is the supreme emperor, there is only one way to perish.

"The emperor is unwilling!"

The Great Foreign Race emperor let out a stern roar, actually igniting the emperor's soul autonomously, presenting Emperor Huadao's flames, wanting to die with Ye Chen.

"It's useless."

Ye Chen is indifferent and ruthless, suppressing everything with absolute power.

The emperor is as strong as the ancients, and cannot break the shackles, the fire of the emperor's soul is extinguished by life and suppression.


The Chaos Sacred Fist fell, not knowing how many times stronger than it was in the past, and fell from top to bottom.


Silently, the alien emperor was smashed into pieces, completely extinguished, and no longer exists.

The fall of an alien great emperor should have infinite visions, but Ye Chen directly suppressed it with Chaos Avenue, so that the vision of the fall of the great emperor could not appear.

This is the terrible thing about Chaos Avenue, mastering the core origin.

The endless blood light is condensed in this space, it is all the flesh and blood emperor souls of the alien emperor, and turned into an emperor pill, containing all the essence of an ancient emperor.

Although the ancient emperor is already very weak for him at present, he is the supreme after all, and swallowing such a flesh and blood emperor pill at a critical moment is enough to speed up the recovery speed, and he will not dislike it.

The fall of an alien great emperor left others alone, the Emperor Star was blocked, and the chaos shielded the secret, but the offspring area could be sensed with the help of blood.

"Di Zu!"

On the emperor star, there is the place of the ancient emperor's emperor. Many of the emperor's people have changed color, obviously feeling the death of the emperor.

This is especially true for the emperor and the emperor. Because of his discoloration, she went deep into the heart of the emperor star for the first time, wondering why she suddenly died, could it be the end?

In the end, three emperor sons and daughters appeared, but seeing that Ye Chen was independent, he pinched the flesh and blood emperor pill.

The three emperor sons and daughters obviously felt that the flesh and blood emperor pill contained their father's strong imperial aura. They were furious at it and shouted, "Who are you?"

Although they were furious, they knew the terribleness of the other party, otherwise they would be as powerful as their father, the ancient emperor, and would not perish. They immediately regressed and wanted to leave this place.

Ye Chen glanced at them.


There is an absolute supreme giant coercion in his eyes, falling on the three emperors and emperors, directly crushing their souls.

Suddenly, the great emperor and the two great ancient kings were unbearable, their spirits collapsed, and they died on the spot.

"You have to cut the grass and get rid of the roots, otherwise these alien emperors are also the enemies of the Pangu universe."

Originally, Ye Chen only wanted to kill a few alien emperors, but now he changed his attention.

Leaving the emperor star, a finger fell, the majestic emperor star with a diameter of hundreds of millions of miles exploded, and hundreds of millions of other emperor clan sentient beings were wiped out.

At this point, an emperor star that should have existed forever, accompanied by this alien great emperor, would never exist anymore.

Annihilating an emperor star with a snap of a finger and exterminating hundreds of millions of living creatures was brutal, but Ye Chen's expression was indifferent and there was no fluctuation.

Even if many people are innocent, what about it, if they are not my race, their hearts will be different.

He could not leave these people's lives behind and let the Pangu universe suffer disaster because of his kindness.

Especially the people of these imperial clan, with powerful supreme bloodline power flowing in their bodies, capable of cultivating to become extraordinary cultivators. Once they join the war in the future, it will be terrifying for the human races in the Pangu universe. enemy.

After killing an alien great emperor and annihilating an emperor star, Chaos Dafa still shielded the heavenly secrets here, evolving illusions, and let people know that the emperor star is still alive.

Ye Chen sneaked into the other emperor stars, using the same method to successively kill a foreign emperor and annihilate the emperor star.

After killing the third alien emperor, Ye Chen came to the seat of an alien quasi-giant, and also blocked time and space and shielded secrets.

The Emperor Star where this alien quasi-giant is located is very close to the origin of the universe, so Ye Chen needs to be extremely careful and dare not take care of it.

"Who are you? I dare to break into the ancient universe of our world and look for death. Today, I will punish you!"

That alien quasi-giant is very powerful, stronger than the other seven alien emperors, and has the hope of becoming an eternal giant. The moment he saw Ye Chen was not to break the ban, but to attack him.

During the shot, the fluctuations were extremely terrifying, almost breaking Ye Chen's chaotic imprisonment, exploding the Emperor Star, and getting out of the trap.

But unfortunately, he was facing Ye Chen, a chaotic giant.

Ye Chen is too strong, blocking everything, suppressing everything, not even the foreign quasi-giant, being confined by the birth ground in the seat of the Emperor Star, it is difficult to use the power of the sky, and he cannot break free.

At this moment, the foreign quasi-giants awakened in horror, knowing that those who came were the supreme giants!

However, he wanted to launch a supreme transmission, and it was too late to ask the foreign giants to come to rescue. Ye Chen used supreme power to completely seal the time and space of the place where he was sitting, so that all powers were invalidated, and the quasi giants were also suppressed beyond the reach Break the imprisonment.

After only a little struggle, he was finally killed, the true spirit was annihilated, leaving behind a quasi-giant body and extremely powerful quasi-giant soul power.

All of these were of great use to Ye Chen, he had not been refined into the Flesh Emperor Pill, but had better ideas.

After six hours passed, Ye Chen killed seven alien emperors and two alien quasi-giants in a row.

The record is extremely brilliant.

The death of the nine supreme or quasi-giants is absolutely painful to the entire alien ancient universe.

Even if the ancient alien universe passed down one era after another, many supreme or quasi-giants were born, but it was not the Chinese cabbage on the street. It was the ultimate accumulation of many eras.

At this time, Ye Chen was about to leave, because after so long, the alien race should always be aware of it no matter what.

After all, even if the secret is blocked, it cannot be blocked for too long. Blocking an area is not a problem, but the aliens will search.

In fact, it was true, because when he broke through the border and broke in, the alien race was on guard, and several magnates of the ages also swept the entire alien universe again and again to find the whereabouts of the invaders.

Although they don't know who it is, they know that the comer must be very strong, at least at the quasi-giant level, otherwise how could it be possible to break through the border.

What only made Ye Chen frown was that the great foreign tycoons deliberately searched. These Emperor Stars should be able to find out, but they have not found him yet.

That's weird!

Suddenly, his figure stopped, because I don't know when there was a figure in a green shirt in front of him. It was a stalwart and unparalleled figure that could carry the sky on his shoulders. Looking at him, he seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

Ye Chen's expression condensed suddenly.

There is no doubt that the person in front of you is definitely a supreme giant, otherwise others will not be able to detect his existence, but soon, his eyebrows stretched out, and he immediately clasped his fists and said: "The junior has seen the senior emperor Qingtian."

The person in the green shirt was indeed the Emperor Qingtian, the tenth day of the Pangu universe.

PS: The exact time will be announced on the public and public accounts. I have not got the exact time yet, I only know that it will be within this month~

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