Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3892: Blood stained the future

The Emperor Ji Yuan was surprised: "This tripod? This door? You are not the Supreme Emperor, the Supreme Emperor only possesses the Universe Eight Diagrams Mirror!"

Ye Chen said coldly: "I never said that I was the Supreme Emperor."

"Who are you?" Emperor Jiyuan frowned, this human giant is not too holy emperor, who is it?

Just a little deduction in the heart, immediately, the Emperor Ji Yuan knew who the other party was, and a stormy sea was immediately set off in his heart.

It turned out to be him, the fighting saint king who disappeared 100,000 years ago!

The extreme quasi-giant of that year has actually broken and then stood up, truly becoming a supreme giant.

He really grew up completely and reached this level.

Even Emperor Jiyuan was shocked.

How many epochs have passed, no one has ever made him feel this way, but the energetic fighting sage in front of him has done it.

"It seems that you know my identity." Ye Chen smiled slightly and suddenly turned cold: "Unfortunately, you know too much, you can only send you to death!"


The Great Chaos Cauldron descended from the sky, entraining boundless power, and crashed down.

The entire starry sky of the universe dies directly, surpassing this vast territory and rushing to the eight wastes of the universe.

Emperor Qingtian ran the heavens to suppress it and kept it within one percent of the territory.

The great chaotic cauldron exudes infinite chaotic light, a single strand of light is enough to crush a star field, and now it seems that an ancient chaotic universe is falling down, heavy.

Emperor Jiyuan’s arms were folded, and the whole person stepped backwards, with drops of giant Dao blood spilling, constantly annihilating the starry sky.

Ye Chen rushed over.


Emperor Jiyuan’s expression was cold and naturally fearless, but at this moment, the long river of years actually fell from the sky, and both of them smashed in and entered the mysterious space-time dimension.

The supreme is able to cross time and space and make some time that does not affect the years, not to mention the invincible eternal giants, even more so.

It's just that it can't really affect the changes of the past, the present, and the future, otherwise the impact will be too great.

The two supreme tycoons, fighting on the river of time, are unmatched in power, and almost want to tear the river of time.

Ye Chen's fighting strength is overwhelming, and the chaos is incomparable, killing the Emperor Jiyuan constantly shed blood, dyeing the river red.

At this time, Ye Chen, intentionally or unintentionally, was advancing towards the future.

In the past years, he did not have this strength, even the extreme quasi-giant, he was a little jealous. He didn't dare to make a move easily. Worrying about causing the most terrifying cause and effect, he was defeated.

Now, he has become the supreme chaos giant, his strength overwhelms the ancient and modern, and can even suppress the old giants such as Jiyuan Huangzun. Naturally, he will not miss this opportunity. He wants to see the future and also wants to meet his future self. , I really want to understand.

Although, the fall of the burial owner of the origin led to the advent of the blood-stained era.

But he always felt that the truth would not be that simple, otherwise in the future, everyone around him would not be buried, and only himself would be left.


Ye Chen roared, showing the strongest combat power in his life, shattering the immortal battle armor of the Emperor Ji Yuan, and splitting his whole body in half.

Countless blood is surging, shaking the ancient and modern future.

If you change to the past, it will inevitably alarm the supreme existence of the ancient and the present, but it will not be anymore. The death of the original burial owner and the emergence of the supreme giants one after another will cause the beginning of the blood-stained era to be impossible to explore. Being shielded to a great extent, no one can really see everything in the blood-stained future.

Ye Chen only dared to do this when he was in the blood-stained era.

The Great Chaos Cauldron pushed across, smashing the Emperor Jiyuan directly, and the endless blood of the giant Dao spilled on the long river of years, forming a unique blood path.

Ye Chen is taking steps, trying to reach the end of the blood-stained future.


The long river riots over the years, the endless power of cause and effect emerged, and the endless forbidden thunder fell from the sky, bombarding Ye Chen frantically.

This is punishment, punishment for those who try to travel through time and space and spy on the future.

However, due to the **** road, Emperor Jiyuan became the root cause, the infinite taboo sky thunder fell, but not a single trace of it fell on Ye Chen, but on Emperor Jiyuan.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Each of the taboo sky thunders stretched for hundreds of millions of miles, containing the power to extinguish everything. Even if the Emperor Jiyuan had an immortal armor to resist, the skin of his body was open and the blood of the giants was spilled.

Emperor Jiyuan wanted to struggle, but he couldn't. Ye Chen used the Great Chaos Cauldron to suppress it, and while striding towards the blood-stained future, he was hitting him hard, making him shed blood all the time.


At the back, Emperor Jiyuan’s blood path could not be completely resisted, and the Taboo Sky Thunder found Ye Chen and fell on him.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Ye Chen's Chaos Saint Body was bombarded by billions of heavenly thunders, but he became a giant of Chaos, and even the Chaos Saint Body was transformed and stronger. It can be said to be immortal and immortal. When the sky thunder falls, it is only There are white marks on the body surface, nothing more.

The Emperor Ji Yuan was shocked, the physical body of this fighting saint king was so strong that he would be able to catch up with the fighting saint ancestor and the warlord against the sky in the past.

The sky thunder blasted, Ye Chen endured the endless thunder light to go to the blood-stained future, every step he took was the bombardment of countless taboo sky thunder.

Finally, after arriving at the back, the Chaos Eucharist as strong as Ye Chen couldn't bear it, and began to cough up blood.

Taboo Sky Thunder, the bigger the back, the greater the power, and the more terrifying the power of cause and effect.

Ye Chen caught the Emperor Jiyuan, displayed the supreme Dafa, and brought all the taboo heavenly thunders to him.

The emperor of Jiyuan roared, the taboo sky thunder contained endless causal power. It was as strong as he could not bear, and he continued to sprinkle blood. The injury became more and more serious, but he couldn't struggle because Ye Chen had already completely suppressed him and it was difficult to break free. .


In the end, the horror of the Taboo Sky Thunder reached an extremely terrifying level, flooding the entire river of years, and all fell on the Emperor Jiyuan.

A loud noise shook the past, present and future.

The Emperor Jiyuan exploded, as powerful as him. The supreme tycoon of the foreign race who could compete with the Emperor Hunyuan in the past could not bear it. The immortal body exploded, and the blood stained the river of years.

At the same time, it also resisted most of the taboo thunders.

Ye Chen roared and blasted the Great Chaos Cauldron with a punch, and the absolute power burst out, piercing through all the taboo thunders and forming a path.


Ye Chen rushed past like lightning, straddling endless years, and descending into the blood-stained future.

As far as the eye can see, this is a lonely universe.

The starry sky is silent, there are not even a few stars, more of the broken star skeletal, dim black light.

The whole universe starry sky, vitality is slim, it is difficult to find many living creatures.

It is hard to imagine what kind of terrible battle this has gone through. The entire ancient chaotic universe seemed to collapse, running through the sea of ​​chaos, with huge caves.

Inside these caves, there is an immeasurable amount of ancient chaos, which is constantly surging into it, filling this big universe.

The entire ancient chaotic universe almost collapsed, and the ten thousand ways dissipated, making it difficult to cultivate, let alone proving that Dao became an emperor.

Ye Chen's heart sank, is this a blood-stained future? It's just that there is a gap with what I saw in the past.

In the old days, the lonely space of the universe, the supreme self in the future, the world is invincible and the world is lonely, sitting alone, behind is the withered tree of the world after the dying of Ya Ya, and there is a world where all the old people are buried. .

But in front of him, there was nothing left.

In the end what happened?

What about the supreme self in the future?

Ye Chen stood in this lonely universe and looked around.


The terrifying taboo sky thunder strikes, not only the long river of years, but also the starry sky of this universe.

It's hard to imagine that this ancient chaotic universe is almost broken and broken, ten thousand ways are broken, and such terrible forbidden sky thunder can be derived, endless, and drown him, a person from the past.

Ye Chen opened the tenth heaven divine aperture, and the heavenly path projected to temporarily resist.

"You, are you a father?"

Suddenly, a voice that was somewhat surprised, somewhat unbelievable, but also somewhat pleasantly surprised, resounded suddenly.

Ye Chen opened his eyes and looked at the past, only to see that in the deepest part of this depleted cosmos starry sky, there is a powerful and inexhaustible woman, she is beautiful and beautiful.

Even in such a cosmic environment, she is still very strong, releasing the great fluctuations of the next supreme level.

She was dressed in imperial clothes, and she was a strong empress.


Ye Chen was surprised and delighted, even though the changes were so great that he could hardly recognize it, he could still clearly feel the original aura of the empress, it was his little daughter Ye Jing.

Unexpectedly, I could still meet Ye Jing here, and she was still there, survived the most terrifying blood-stained era, and survived the last.

"Father, it's really you, you are finally back."

The female emperor shed tears and never thought that she could see her father again, how many years have passed since.

She wanted to rush over, but the forbidden sky thunder was boundless, drowning the boundless starry sky and couldn't get close.

She is very strong, but after all, she is not a supreme giant. Once approached, she will be directly annihilated by the taboo thunder.

"Don't come here, I am not in this life, I came from"


When this sentence was finished, the Taboo Sky Thunder became more infinite, and even more powerful, Ye Chen's tenth heaven divine aperture exploded and fell on him.


Ye Chen coughed up The power of causality was too terrifying, and he couldn't do something that would affect the past, present, and the future, even by talking.


The female emperor exclaimed, trying to stop it, but Ye Chen yelled up to the sky and shook the eternal sky: "I am the fighting saint king, suppressing the past, the present, and the future."


Chaos Dao Fa was surging, and the infinite chaotic light actually countered, colliding with the taboo thunder, and suddenly exploded.

Ye Chen resisted. After all, he was the supreme giant, qualified to resist.

He didn't speak, but looked at the female emperor Ye Jing, wanting to know what happened in the future.

Where is the supreme self in the future?

What about the rest?

Ye Jing understands naturally, and the words are concise, two words: "Origin!"

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