Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3893: Emperor Qingtian exposed


The sky fell apart and the endless taboo sky thunder fell crazily, but this time it was not towards Ye Chen, but Ye Jing.

When it comes to events that affect the past, present and future, a price must be paid.

Ye Jing's expression changed, that forbidden sky thunder was terrifying enough to kill her.

Ye Chen looked cold, and roared: "Who gives you the courage to dare to shoot my daughter. Lead!"

He exercised the supreme taboo Dafa, brought in the endless taboo heaven and thunder, and added everything to himself.

For this, he paid the price, with the chaotic holy blood constantly spilling.

The chaotic Eucharist was also covered in flesh, and even the holy bone in the body was almost broken.

But he didn't care, he could bear it, and he couldn't let his most beloved daughter die before his eyes.

"Father." There were tears in Ye Jing's eyes, and he wanted to rush over, but he couldn't, couldn't.

"Thank you, my child, it's time to go for the father."

Ye Chen took a deep look at Ye Jing. He wanted to stay here for a long time, but he couldn't. If he continued to stay, he would easily have an irreversible impact on the starry sky of the dead universe, and he was worried about affecting his little daughter in the future.

"Father, Jing'er will continue to wait for you and wait for your return." Ye Jing shouted and waved at him, tears constantly falling.

"Don't worry, I will return."

After leaving this sentence, Ye Chen turned and left, leaving this blood-stained future.

It is much easier to return to the time and space in which it is located than to go to the blood-stained future or go against the current to return to the past.

What's more, he led all the taboo sky thunders to the Emperor Jiyuan.

Emperor Jiyuan, the supreme giant of a foreign race, but this day was very sad. He was defeated by a rising star Ye Chen, and then became a sacrifice. He suffered the infinite causal taboo thunder. He was as strong as him and paid a great price. After three times, Xingshen was completely hit.

Now, Ye Chen returned step by step, and the Great Chaos Cauldron descended from the sky, suppressing him, and was stripped of his immortal armor, and the gate of the seal was sealed and suppressed.

"Battle Saint King, wait and see, the other supreme giants of the ancient universe of our world are coming soon, wait for death!"

The Emperor Ji Yuan yelled and struggled, and the Great Chaos Cauldron was shaking, and he was about to be broken free.


Ye Chen pressed the past, causing the Great Chaos Cauldron to increase a lot, making it difficult for Emperor Jiyuan to break free, and said coldly: "By this time you still don't understand, they won't come back."

Emperor Jiyuan changed color: "What do you mean?"

He also noticed something wrong, he should have come long ago, but he has never appeared now, which is too weird.

But it shouldn't. After all, his message broke a little bit, enough to be transmitted to other supreme giants.

But at this time, he didn't have time to think about it, and coldly snorted: "Even so, you can't suppress this seat."

He exploded with all his strength, and temporarily broke free from the suppression of the Great Chaos Cauldron, and even the Immortal Battle Armor was not needed for the time being. To return to the origin of the universe, please invite other foreign giants to come and directly sweep the Pangu universe.


A majestic blue light fell from the sky, and hit the Jieyuan Emperor's body severely. The alien giant was directly blown up, sprinkling blood continuously.

Emperor Jiyuan changed his color: "Who is it? There is a second human giant?"

A fighting saint king is scary enough, and another human giant, even if he is in danger of life.

Suddenly, his expression changed drastically, and he sensed the familiar origin fluctuations, and his expression was completely gloomy: "Di Shitian, it turned out to be you. It turns out that he has always lied to the ancient universe of our world, and the ancient universe of our world treats you so generously. Never despise your identity as a betrayer, allowing you to settle in the origin of the universe."

He saw that the master of that azure light was Shitian, the tenth emperor of Pangu Universe, who was also the emperor Qingtian.

The emperor Qingtian's figure is stalwart like the sky, as if the heavens are completely melted together, standing with his hands holding hands, indifferently said: "Jie Yuan, I have never been a betrayer, just dormant in the ancient alien universe."

While he was talking, he shot, the blue light was infinite, and the vast blue sky evolved, and the ten boundless sky was overwhelmed to suppress the Emperor Jiyuan.

I have to say that the Great Emperor Qingtian is extremely powerful, such as the Emperor Jiyuan also regressing, shed blood constantly on his body, bleeding the heavens.

Emperor Jiyuan’s complexion became more and more ugly, and said: "What an emperor, Shitian, the city is deep enough, and his heart is cruel enough, he did not hesitate to slaughter the thousands of races and hundreds of millions of beings in the Pangu Universe, and break down the other nine heavens. Heavenly Dao, proved his loyalty with endless blood, and finally concealed it from me. It turns out that all this is fake."

In the past years, in order to prove his loyalty, Emperor Qingtian rebelled and slashed five human emperors, slaughtered hundreds of thousands of races, and annihilated hundreds of millions of living beings during the great destruction of the myth. Infinite blood can stain the heavens.

Even his detachment cut off the other Nine Heavens and Cangyu, causing the Pangu Universe and Heavenly Dao to collapse for a while, the ten thousand Dao collapsed, and the situation was extremely dire.

The magnates and sages of the alien ancient universe only believed in the surrender of the Qingtian Emperor.

How do you know that, at all costs, the fundamental purpose is to hibernate in the ancient alien universe, and he is always on the side of the Pangu universe.

But what is the fundamental purpose?

Since this epoch, the Great Emperor Qingtian has been quite calmly guarding himself, and Emperor Jiyuan is a little confused.

Suddenly, he sensed that he was completely cut off from the origin of the universe, and suddenly understood, and roared: "Di Shitian, you are so ambitious, you actually refined the heavenly ways of the ancient universe in our world."

Only by mastering the heavenly path of the entire alien ancient universe can the interaction between the alien giants and the origin of the universe be blocked.

How this was done, Emperor Jiyuan had never noticed it. Obviously, Emperor Qingtian spent the entire epoch planning, very patiently, and proceeded bit by bit.

Moreover, he was originally the master of the Heavenly Dao of the Pangu universe, and his control over the Heavenly Dao surpassed other eternal giants, and even settled in the alien ancient universe, and had direct contact with the origin of the universe, naturally, he could do all this quietly.

Only at this moment did Emperor Jiyuan understand the fundamental purpose of Emperor Qingtian, which was really great ambition, and he actually succeeded, refining the heavenly ways of the ancient alien universe.

In the past the Qingtian Emperor was extremely powerful, let alone today, even more amazingly powerful.

Emperor Qingtian said indifferently: "You finally wake up, it seems that you are not completely stupid."

Emperor Jiyuan roared: "Di Shitian, this seat is going to slaughter you, a traitor."

He held a giant soldier in his hand and ascended to the sky. It was a battle sword, more than a battle armor on his body. It could cut through the eternal ages, screamed loudly, and slashed towards the Emperor Qingtian.

"Everlasting blue sky!"

The emperor Qingtian yelled, displayed supreme magical powers, the azure light was infinite, and the vast expanse of billions of sky fell, shaking the emperor of Jiyuan.


The emperor Qingtian did not retreat, and the Emperor Jiyuan retreated, splashing out more blood, very embarrassed.

The Emperor Jiyuan roared angrily: "Di Shitian, if you don't refine the heavenly way of our ancient universe, you must not suppress this seat like this, this seat is angry!"

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