Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3894: Out of the ancient alien universe

Ye Chen looked at Emperor Qingtian. He knew that the latter surrendered to the Alien Ancient Universe, but he had never learned of all this.

Cut across the five great human race great emperors, slaughtered hundreds of thousands of races, annihilated hundreds of millions of sentient beings, cut nine days, and collapsed the heavens.

He knew that Emperor Qingtian would definitely not want to, what kind of pressure this should be.

But in the past, his betrayal must have been known to the emperors and asked him to do it.

Qingtian the Great, bears an eternal infamy.

Ye Chen could see that there was endless sorrow in the eyes of the Great Emperor Qingtian, all that he didn't want to do.

But in the old days there was no other way.

He has a big responsibility.

Ye Chen respected Emperor Qingtian more and more, saying: "Senior, you are not suitable to kill him, let me slaughter him, but you need your cooperation."

The Great Emperor Qingtian understood that if he wanted to stay dormant, he couldn't kill the Emperor Jiyuan, otherwise he would be noticed by other alien giants, which would be very dangerous to him.

"Want to kill me? You can't do it yet." The Emperor Ji Yuan shouted, waved his sword, cut time and space, cut years, cut thousands of ways, and slammed towards Ye Chen.

This is the strongest blow of the eternal giant, which defeats the ten thousand ways, annihilates all the spirits, and breaks the eternal age!

"In this world, there is nothing I can't do!"


At this time, Ye Chen suddenly broke out with all his strength, using the taboo technique, and his combat power suddenly rose by a large amount.

The light of chaos shines through the eternal era, penetrates the past, the present and the future, and falls together with the great chaos cauldron, and strikes at the emperor of Jiyuan.

His fist, exerting the power of taboos, is the strongest force that has transformed from sleep for 100,000 years, rebelling against chaos.

The years will be thoroughly penetrated!


Immortal Sacred Fist has infinite power and contains the highest level of chaotic power. It collides with the giant sword, bursts with a loud explosion, and sparks splashing.

The battle knife was also smashed aside, and even Ye Chen's fist only showed a white mark, and there was no real damage.

The Emperor Ji Yuan was surprised, the body of this child was so powerful that it was strengthened to this point, and the giant-class war knife had never split it.

Looking at the entire Chaos Sea, only a handful of giants, such as the Fighting Saint Ancestor and the Heaven-defying Warlord, have refined and strengthened their bodies to such an extent.

Ye Chen cast his fist unabated.


As strong as Jiyuan Huangzun, he couldn't bear it either. With a scream, he was punched through his chest and grabbed the giant's heart.

Then the immortal body was torn apart, and the Great Chaos Cauldron fell from the sky, crashing every inch of his body.

The extremely terrifying fluctuations, after all, broke through the blockade of this cosmic starry sky and turbulent the entire alien ancient universe.

At this moment, at the origin of the ancient alien universe, a supreme giant was alarmed, looking at this place, and aware of all this.

The place of ancestral temples is home to the most powerful emergency existence in the ancient universe of alien races, relying on it to squeeze the Chaos Sea, the ultimate heritage of invincible ancient and modern.

The majestic and majestic figure towered into the depths of the universe and opened the highest sky, with bright stars falling and exploding, demonstrating infinite power.

Everything is trembling, retreating, and surrendering.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor said in shock: "No, there are eternal giants who have mixed into the ancient universe of our realm, and launched a giant war, and they are very clever, blocking all that, so I can't wait to know.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Suddenly, he and another eternal giant left the origin of the universe, crossed the endless galaxy, and headed to that place.

The ancient alien universe quake, two supreme giants set off, how can they shock the heavens silently.

The Great Emperor Qingtian sighed softly, and could only remove the heavy sky curtain and disperse the heavy shielding.

If he continues to be enveloped by Heaven, he will be very dangerous.

It is not time to be exposed.

He transmitted to Ye Chen: "Little friend, be careful. Two giants of foreign races are coming. You should leave immediately. You shouldn't stay here for long!"

"it is good!"

Ye Chen was unparalleled in the world, after blasting Jiyuan Huangzun's form and spirit, taking advantage of his weakness, directly took the foreign giant, Jiyuan Huangzun, to suppress it.

At the same time, a punch slammed into the Great Emperor Qingtian, all avenues collapsed, countless star fields were annihilated and shattered!

Although this is acting, but real power must be used, otherwise others will know that this is a fake.

This blow, the chaotic light boiled, directly concealing the trajectory of the Heavenly Dao, erasing all traces of the Heavenly Dao, the Great Emperor Qingtian, and shouting: "There are too many people to bully fewer people. Foreign races have never been so shameless. I fight one-on-one, and I dare to slaughter the first generation!"

The sound is boundless, shook the entire land of the ancient alien universe and the starry sky. I don't know how many stars have exploded, permanently dying into the sky!

The entire alien ancient universe was shocked, and hundreds of millions of sentient beings looked into the depths of the universe.

Although most alien races can't see anything, they can feel the invincible power that shakes the past and shines.

"Who is it? Dare to invade our ancient universe?"

All beings are shocked, and there is an unknown enemy who has entered the ancient alien universe, and it is definitely an infinite enemy, at least the supreme, and even the supreme taboo existence above the supreme.

The infinite fragments of time rushed to all parts of the universe. Through the fragments of time, foreign races from all over the world can see that in the border of the broken universe, a majestic human figure stands tall in the broken heavens, and the heavens are collapsed. He concealed hundreds of thousands of chaotic lights, like the supreme great heavenly Lord, facing nine days and facing eternity.

His eyes, insight into the ages, overlooking the past and the present, are supreme.

His strong and supreme vitality flooded half of the ancient chaotic universe, vast and vast and vast in time and space.

"It's Human Race, and it's the supreme giant of Human Race!"

The supreme emperor and quasi-giant of all different races were awakened. Only at their level can they understand the terrible human race through the fragments of time. He is the supreme magnate, surpassing the supreme and quasi-giant.

An invincible human race giant dared to enter the ancient alien universe.

However, even the eternal giants should not be so bold.

Alien Ancient Universe, there are all alien giants, more than the number of hands, and one person enters, it is obviously looking for death.

On an ancient and super huge emperor star, an alien emperor looked at the human giant in the fragments of time for a long time.

Although the appearance of this human giant is unfamiliar, his temperament is unforgettable. He, who has been an emperor for many years, rarely shows a deep shock of shock, saying: "I recognize him, he seems to be the past. The fighting king."

This alien emperor’s father was the ancient emperor, and he was shocked when he heard the words: "The holy king of fighting back then? Impossible. One hundred thousand years ago, before the beginning of the blood-stained era, he was his Majesty the Emperor of the Longevity God of the Ancient Universe. Assaulted, severely wounded and dying, and was attacked by the burial owner of Origin. There is no doubt that he will die. He cannot be alive.

"No, there is no one other than him. Even the Supreme Sage Emperor cannot have this special temperament." The alien emperor said with a certainty. Although in the past he did not compete in the ultimate ancient road or ten-day realm, but the alien race The Fighting Saint King has always been listed as a must-kill list, and all the great emperors have their voice, appearance and other related characteristics, especially their temperament, which cannot be imitated.

Even if the voice and appearance have changed long ago, but the temperament is hard to change, plus that is the terrible control of the chaotic avenue, only then can he be convinced that he is the former fighting king.

Other foreign emperors and daughters also recognized them, and were shocked that it was actually the fighting king.

And learned from his parents that this fighting sage king has become the supreme giant.


At the same time, they also learned of a heavenly change message that made the entire alien ancient universe turbulent--

The Emperor Jiyuan was suppressed by the Saint King of Fighting!

These alien emperors and daughters were silent, horrified, and could not believe them.

How shocking the ancients are!

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and they were released in the same period in the past, and now they have become emperors for 100,000 years. They are working hard towards the supreme emperor realm, and continue to accumulate, in the hope that one day they can prove the Dao Emperor and become the supreme supreme.

Even, someone has truly succeeded in proving that they have become the leader of foreign emperors and daughters.

However, when they looked at the human giant fighting the saint king who stood above the ten thousand roads and suppressed the Emperor Jiyuan, they were silent.

Just when most of them are working hard for the direction of the Supreme Being, in the past, the peers were fighting for the front, or the fighting king who once regarded it as the goal, not only has become the supreme giant, but also suppressed several invincibles. Jiyuan's supreme giant Jiyuan Huangzun.

This is the gap!

On a majestic emperor star near the origin of the universe, Emperor Wentian raised his head, looked at the frontier of the universe, saw Ye Chen, recognized it, and was shocked, and immediately revealed a deep bitter smile: "One hundred thousand years , I thought I had succeeded in Proving Dao the Great, and had the opportunity to enter the field of quasi-giants, but could catch up with you, but I did not expect you to become the supreme giant."

Ye Chen became an eternal giant, shaking the entire alien ancient universe, and the impact was too great.

In this life, this era, and throughout the ages, the light of all the aliens' Tianjiao was overwhelmed by him alone.

At the border of the universe, Ye Chen stands in the deepest part of the starry sky, with blood and energy, flooding the boundless star field, showing infinite power.

The Great Emperor Qingtian shot and shouted: "Fighting Saint King, you dare to take action against fellow daoists of the ancient universe in our realm, and return to fellow daoist Jiyuan quickly, otherwise you will undoubtedly die."

Hundreds of millions of cyan light curtains fell from the sky and blasted towards Ye Chen.

That is the power of eternal giants, which makes sentient beings discolored.

"Return me!"

Ye Chen yelled with a roar and exploded hundreds of millions of galaxies, and collided with Emperor Qingtian.

The terrifying giant's mighty force bloomed, annihilated an unknown number of galaxies, and collapsed countless stars. Ye Chen also turned and left with the help of the broken border, leaving the ancient alien universe along the broken border.

"Where to go!"

Emperor Qingtian rushed over with endless blue light, and other foreign giants followed one by one.

In addition to the Qingtian Great Emperor, the ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty, and a supreme giant who has been silent for several epochs, this time the foreign giants have dispatched as many as three, which can be described as an extremely terrifying lineup, which is definitely enough to destroy a chaotic ancient universe.

"The Chaos Giant Body, the Spirit of the Chaos Emperor."

Ye Chen no longer kept his hands, and directly evolved two invincible Dao Bodies, which are the evolution of the former Chaos Supreme Bodies and the Chaos God King's spirit. They have the strength of eternal giants, never retreat, and stand in the ancient alien universe. In turn, the border gate blocked the three giants who were chasing and killing them, displaying the terrifying power of the supreme giant.

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