Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3901: The truth of the myth

Ye Chen frowned: "It is reported that the only'eternal' Pangu who opened up all the chaotic ancient universes, because of the creation of the Pangu universe, died of exhaustion, and finally merged with the Pangu universe. The reason why the alien ancient universe took action against the Pangu universe is right. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain the "eternal" secret of the origin of the universe in the Pangu universe."

These words were what the former time and space emperor said to him.

"You are right, but this is only one of the reasons." Human Emperor said, "The other reason is that the giants of all parties believe that once the number of eternal giants in the Pangu universe reaches the number of'ten', it will cause quantitative changes. The qualitative change inspires the direct recovery of the "Eternal Mystery" contained in the Pangu universe, opening the true door of eternity, allowing the creatures in the Pangu universe to detach and achieve "eternity"."

"Open the door of eternity?" Ye Chen condensed his eyebrows.

"Yes, this is the speculation of the giants of the Chaos Sea. Nine is the ultimate number, and ten is the number that is truly perfect, such as the ten heavens." Human Emperor said, "The past and present, in fact, the Pangu universe has eternal The number of giants has always been limited to nine people. The first Heavenly Emperor, later the Qingtian Emperor, the Six Dao Emperors, the Taisheng Emperor, the Guards Against the Heavens, the Fighting Saint Ancestor, the Qin Shihuang, the Zhuxian Emperor, the Hunyuan Emperor, the Time and Space Emperor, Me, Emperor Yan, and you."

"But if you look carefully at the past history, you will know that the Pangu universe has never really gathered ten eternal giants. Before the myth was broken, the warlord against the sky, as the predecessor of the fighting ancestor, has already gone to the past. Time and space. It was this era that Emperor Yan became an eternal giant, and so did you."

"Even so, in the era of mythology, there are nine people in the Pangu universe, including the Emperor of Heaven, Emperor Qingtian, Emperor Reincarnation, Emperor Taisheng, Saint Ancestor of Fighting Battle, Emperor Qin Shihuang, Emperor Hunyuan, Emperor Time and Space, and I. At that time, as long as Qin Shihuang returned, or If other quasi-giants become eternal giants, it is very possible to inspire the legendary gate of eternity, and the real secret of eternity will appear."

"The day when the myth is broken is the day when Emperor Zhuxian became a giant of the ages. He will become the tenth giant of the ages in the Pangu universe."

"All parties in the Sea of ​​Chaos are afraid of Pangu universe opening the door to eternity, and there is even the existence of the emperor, the strongest person in the Sea of ​​Chaos, who is afraid that he will become the real only eternity, so at this time, the alien race directly launched the mythological destruction. Pangu universe invasion."

"Of course, with the foundation of the Pangu universe, even if it is inferior to the alien ancient universe, it is not far from it. It is difficult to achieve the mythological destruction."

"But Shidai this person is the most terrifying person in the Chaos Sea. He has a deep plan and inspired those peerless antiques that have been hidden deep throughout the ages. There are no lack of true eternal giants, and he has descended over the years to make the Pangu universe the strongest. The emperor of the sky dragged onto the long river of years, gradually getting higher and higher, making the emperor unable to take care of him."

"Although the Pangu universe is still very powerful, there were still many eternal giants at that time, but the myth was shattered. Not only were foreign races intervening, but there were also people in the prehistoric immortal world."

The human emperor tells the myths of the ancient myths that are unknown to the world. They are too big, not only foreign races, but also the primordial immortal world. Even the supreme and the quasi-giant must be jealous, that is, the predecessor of the human emperor is the reincarnation. , The supreme taboos of the first generation giants only exist, this is how much we understand.

Of course, it was also because the current Ye Chen was qualified to know all this.

Ye Chen was not too surprised, after all, he understood something.

Back then, there were traces of the Supreme Immortal among the supreme sages of the siege and battle.

At this moment, how could he not understand that the holy ancestor who participated in the siege and fight was not the so-called emperor or the supreme immortal, at least at the quasi-giant level, and even the eternal giants personally participated. He is also a quasi-immortal king.

It's just that he was still shallow in his cultivation base and knowledge, and there is not much difference between the supreme, the quasi-giant, and the eternal giant in his eyes, nothing more.

"It turns out that the truth is that the myth has shattered. Once the ten eternal giants born in the Pangu universe gather, it will induce the legendary gate of eternity. Therefore, all parties in the Chaos Sea do not allow it. He also took part in it." Ye Chen knew a lot, and felt that the water in the Chaos Sea was too deep. He had always stood on the side of Pangu Universe, but now it seems that he has other intentions.

Now he only had to think about it for a moment, and he knew that the help of the Primordial Immortal Realm was not selflessness, but not wanting Pangu universe to fall into the hands of alien ancient universe and be given the gate of eternity.

Of course, he did not hope that the Pangu universe would become stronger, and the appearance of ten giants of the ages, so secretly also tacitly acquiesced in the invasion of the alien ancient universe.

As long as the bottom line is not reached, the Primordial Realm will not intervene.

Over the years, whether it is the Emperor of Heaven, Emperor Taisheng, Saint Ancestor of Fighting, Battle Lord against Heaven, Emperor Yan, or Emperor Time and Space, Emperor Hunyuan, Emperor Zhuxian, Emperor Time and Space, and Emperor Qingtian have never returned to the Pangu universe time and time again, obviously. Knowing all of this, or stay away, or avoid the Pangu universe being shattered by myth again, or bear the eternal infamy.

Ye Chen said, "Senior Human Sovereign, the Six Dao Great Emperors rebelled with the Qingtian Great Emperor in the past and entered the alien ancient universe. I can be sure that Qingtian Great is still from the Pangu Universe, but where is the Six Dao Great Emperor?"

In the past, he strayed into the immortal burial world in the center of the ancient alien universe, and met Di Wentian, the son of Emperor Qingtian, and learned some ancient secrets.

The Six Dao Great Emperors are the eternal giants of the Pangu universe.

But Di Wentian suspected that the Six Dao Great Emperor might have truly rebelled.

The Emperor said with a serious face: "The Six Dao Great Emperors will not rebel. If he the identity of the Qingtian Great Emperor has long been exposed, but currently the Qingtian Great Emperor is dependent on him, and he has smoothly refined the heavenly ways of the Pangu universe. ——"

He sighed leisurely and did not continue.

Here, there seems to be other secrets.

Ye Chen also felt right, not to mention how firm the Dao heart of the eternal giants was, how could it easily change.

Although Taishenghuang and other Pangu universe giants cannot return, where they are now is still unknown.

And he also wanted to know who the ten heads of the original burial masters actually belonged to. Especially the tenth head, he especially wanted it.

He felt that the tenth head was extremely important to him, and the dark beam of light sprayed out in the past promoted his transformation and was able to take a crucial step in 100,000 years.

"Now, Alien Ancient Universe has got two heads, the Primordial Immortal Realm has also got two, Chaos Burial Ground has got one, two have fallen into the hands of other people, and three have unknown locations." The Emperor's words are concise and will get each. Of the ten heads and other details.

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