Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3902: Heal the Emperor Profound God

The emperor told that the heads of ordinary origin burial masters fell into the hands of other people, and even the eternal giants could hardly keep them.

Within one hundred thousand years of the Bloodstained Era, two eternal giants died because of this.

Even three ancient Chaos Universes were blown up and disintegrated by other eternal giants because they had obtained the heads of the original burial masters.

Nowadays, only the three ancient chaotic universes of the Primordial Immortal Realm, the Ancient Alien Universe, and the Chaos Burial Ground can hold the head of the origin burial master without incident, and no one dares to invade.

In the final analysis, the three ancient Chaos universes are all sitting on a number of eternal giants, their combat power is extremely amazing, and they are naturally safe.

Soon, Ye Chen left.

He did not return to Chaos Tianfu for the first time, but came to the place where Emperor Profound God was.

Because of Ye Chen's return, Emperor Xuanshen also returned, and another supreme took the place of Pangu Pass.

When Ye Chen visited, Emperor Profound God was very happy. He personally greeted him and gave him a high enough standard. He laughed and said, "Why are you free to visit?"

In a hundred thousand years, it was possible to see that the most full of potential juniors of the year became a giant of the ages. As a good senior, the Emperor Profound God was naturally very happy.

On the other hand, because of Ye Chen's return, it can be said that it has greatly increased the power of the Pangu universe.

Especially this is a supreme giant that can kill foreign giants, and its combat power is even more amazing than the average eternal giants.

"I'm here to see Senior." Ye Chen said, when he returned, he felt that Emperor Xuanshen was in a very bad condition.

Obviously, it was the origin of the emperor’s Dao that was hit hard. Afterwards, he also understood some of the situation through other people. It was the aftermath of the battle of the eternal giants, hurting the origin, and almost fell. The shot was rescued, but the injuries suffered were more serious than before.

Ye Chen said: "If the seniors don't worry about the juniors, please let the juniors investigate."

Emperor Xuanshen smiled bitterly: "The little friend has a heart, but the old wounds——"

Even the Human Emperor and Cang Yan Da Tianzun have no other choice but to reshape the origin of the emperor's way for him, so as not to fall into the emperor realm, but it is not as good as before.

"Senior, please let the younger ones investigate." Ye Chen smiled.

The Emperor Profound God would naturally not refuse. Although he did not hold too much expectations, he still had some hope.

Ye Chen’s majestic Di Nian didn’t enter the Profound God Great Emperor’s body, and he immediately probed everything in his body. After a while, he smiled slightly and said, “Senior, maybe others can’t do it, because there are specialties in the art industry, but it doesn’t mean that the juniors don’t have it. Method."

The Emperor Profound God was startled first, and then he was pleasantly surprised: "My little friend, what are you saying--"

Ye Chen smiled: "Yes, the younger generation just knows how to master some methods. Senior, please relax, the younger generation can reshape the origin of the emperor's way for you."

Hearing this, Emperor Profound God relaxed his defenses for the first time, and he naturally believed in Ye Chen's junior.


The majestic power of the Chaos was submerged into Emperor Profound God's body, and the divine power of the Chaos was surging. On the one hand, it evolved infinite vitality to restore the various Taoist injuries in the body of Emperor Profound God.

Ye Chen had mastered the main body of the emperor of life-the tree of life after the death of the emperor of life. He also had in-depth research on the path of life, reached the level of the emperor, and could be said to be extremely good at medical treatment.

What's more, his understanding of Alchemy Dao, regardless of the entire Chaos Sea, is afraid that no one except Emperor Alchemy can be around.

Moreover, chaos can evolve into thousands of ways, driven by giants, and the results achieved are even more amazing.

It was visible to the naked eye that the physical condition of Emperor Profound God was quickly recovering, gradually becoming stronger, and his flesh and blood became full and strong again.

On the other hand, the Dao of Chaos reshapes the origin of the imperial Dao and supplements the origin of a part of the emperor's Dao of the alien emperor.

After half a day, Emperor Profound God bloomed with infinite emperor light and returned to the Dzogchen Emperor Realm again, and the emperor way shook the heavens.

For the first time, the Supreme All Heavens looked at this place, shocked by it, and even more amazed by Ye Chen's good luck.

It can be said that it turns decay into magic, and it is not amazing!

Is this the power of the Chaos Giant?

The deeper he understands, the more he understands the various aspects of Chaos Giant.

"Congratulations to Emperor Profound God for his recovery!"

Congratulations from all parties, and all beings are even more happy.

"Senior, you can discuss and exchange together when you have time." Before leaving, Ye Chen said, Emperor Xuanshen was extremely happy.

Today, Ye Chen is an extraordinary giant of the ages, the so-called One Tong, Wandao Tong, not to mention that he is a Chaos Giant, and he is even more proficient in the perception of Wandao.

It's not so much talking about the Tao, it's more pointing.

With Ye Chen's realm, a tall building was enough to instruct the Supreme Emperor and even the quasi-giant.

With the guidance of a chaotic giant, Emperor Profound God could also gain a glimpse of higher realms.

Leaving the imperial palace where the Profound God the Great was located, Ye Chen came to the Shihuang clan, the former Ying clan.

With the appearance of Ye Chen, the first royal family greeted them with the highest standards. The lord of the contemporary royal family personally led many of the highest levels of the first royal family to open the front door to welcome them.

What's more, no matter the King of No Phase or the Emperor of No World, they are the strongest in the line of fighting saints, because they are very close to Ye Chen.

"Meet the Lord Ye Palace."

The lord of the first royal family and the highest level of the royal family spoke respectfully, expressing the highest respect.

"You came."

The Emperor Wushi is also here, and it should be called the Supreme Master Wushi strictly speaking, because in the 100,000 years since Ye Chen left, he proved that he became an emperor.

If you think about it carefully, the worldless emperor was no less than the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao. He became the emperor earlier. Later, he went to the Immortal King Cave for a period of time to practice, and he has gone through a **** battle. Emperor Daocheng is inevitable.

"The Worldless Patriarch."

Even though Ye Chen has become a giant of chaos, he still respects Wushizhizun and pays a big gift.

"Just come back, just come back."

There is a rare smile on the solemn face of Wushizhizun. Over the years, I have experienced too much. I can see Ye Chen's return and see him become an eternal giant, single-handedly attacking the ancient alien universe. Inside, it even killed many supreme and quasi-giants, and even suppressed a generation of giants, Jiyuan Huangzun, and came out.

There is no doubt that he is very happy that this descendant of the fighting saint who looks like a descendant has finally grown up.

It's a pity that the teacher Wuxiang King couldn't see this scene.

Unable to help, a touch of sentiment flashed deep in his eyes.

Ye Chen seemed to feel the same, and Ye Chen was also a little sad.

"Ancestor Wushi, this time I return, I sent Qin Wushuang back to be buried." Ye Chen said the real purpose, an ice coffin appeared, Qin Wushuang's remains were laid out in it, his eyes closed tightly, as if falling asleep, and Not dead.

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