Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3915: crisis

The two sides were horrified, the Destiny the Great killed the Celestial Race's Shugus in one blow?

It should be noted that Xiugusi is a quasi-giant, and the past years have not been obvious, but in the blood-stained era, he has also shown a magnificent reputation. He is the ancestor of one of the eight major veins of the heaven and human race, and is extremely powerful.

The holy light technique of the Celestial Race is even more powerful than any law invading and breaking.

Never wanted to fall into the hands of Destiny the Great.

How strong is Destiny the Great?

Has it become a giant of the ages?

Chihiro frowned: "He has the special aura of his father back then!"

The face of the goddess changed: "You mean he is also an extreme quasi-giant?"

Others were also taken aback.

Only this way can explain why Destiny the Great is so strong.

The extreme quasi-giant can smash the eternal giant, extremely powerful, and can resist and retreat in the face of the eternal giant!

The ancient emperor of the Great Desolation, a quasi-refining giant, has repaired his arms at this moment, and they are as intact as before, no less than before.

Like him, such a quasi-giant is already strong in vitality, even if he is crushed dozens of times, he will not be destroyed. What's more, it is a body refining, and the vitality is tough. It is difficult for an eternal giant to kill.

However, facing the emperor of Destiny, he looked very solemn as if he was facing an enemy.

He had to admit that this was an extremely terrifying opponent, an extreme quasi-giant, as strong as he was not an opponent, and even his life would be in danger for a long time.

Especially now, the enemy originally had two quasi-giants, and now there is a much more terrifying extreme quasi-giant, but it is dangerous.

The Destiny Great Emperor held the Emperor Spear in his hand and said indifferently: "Well, although you can escape this lore shot, it doesn't mean you can dodge the second and third shots."

While talking, Emperor Destiny once again attacked with the Emperor Destiny Spear in his hand, and this time, he showed the unparalleled combat power of the extreme quasi-giant.

Dahuang Ancient Emperor did not dare to be careless, holding the Huangtian hammer in his hand to greet him.


Even if he is a quasi giant of body refining, attacking with a wild hammer, he is extremely offensive, but during the collision, he is also blasted back hundreds of thousands of miles away.

A gun mark also appeared on the Huangtian hammer!

This shows that the emperor of Destiny is powerful.

"The quasi-giants of the body-refining stream are indeed a bit scary, but just because of this, I hope that your quasi-giant origin will be so strong." The destiny great smiled faintly, and his eyes can penetrate the world as if fate dominates the eyes. fate.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

He continued to shoot, and it was better than the ancient emperor of the Great Desolation at a disadvantage.

This is also the case when he is a quasi-giant who refining the body, otherwise the ordinary quasi-giant will inevitably not be able to withstand the extreme quasi-giant for several rounds.

This is the case. After just a dozen rounds, the ancient emperor of Great Desolation was shot through his right arm by an emperor spear and was directly cut off.

The blood of the emperor kept splashing, and the ancient emperor of the Great Desolation was completely at a disadvantage, not an opponent.

If you continue, there will be danger of death.

Destiny is really too strong!

"You guys go!"

The ancient emperor of the Great Desolation yelled and asked the female emperor and the most powerful people to leave immediately. This place is too dangerous, and if it continues, they will also be in danger of perishing.

The female emperor and others looked hesitant, unwilling to watch the ancient emperor of the Great Wilderness not be saved.

However, they also know that they are here, it is just a burden.

The opponent is too strong, especially when the emperor of Destiny comes out, he is even more invincible.

The most powerful quasi-giants like Dahuang Gudi were directly suppressed, and they will undoubtedly die if they go up.

Qianxun roared, although he is still the emperor, but the eternal emperor, from the immemorial emperor, has embarked on the path of eternity, and today's strength is no less than that of the non-phase emperor of the year, and can be regarded as the supreme emperor of Dzogchen.

However, even the supreme, at this moment is also powerless.

It's not that the Supreme is not strong enough, on the contrary, the enemy is too strong, and an extreme quasi-giant appears in the sky, who can be the opponent?


Chihiro knew that he couldn't stay there. If he stayed for a minute, he would have more crisis. He made a decisive decision and said, "Go!"

The supreme and strongest retreat immediately, turning into streamers, and rushing to the distance sharply.

The Great Emperor of Fate suddenly stared at the ancient emperor of the Great Desolation, and a mouthful of Destiny's disk flew out of the Tianling cover. At this moment, it is rapidly deduced, leading to the arrival of the long river of fate, and finally being able to deduce the truth. It’s on those juniors in the Pangu universe."

Emperor Yinyue and Ancient Emperor Xutian were also shocked. They all believed that the holy relic had been successfully refined by the ancient emperor of the Great Desolation, but it was unexpected that the head was not there, but on someone else.

"Want to go?"

The Silver Moon Great Emperor and the Xutian Ancient Emperor would not allow them to kill all of this. As for the female emperor and the female emperor, it would be best if they could surrender them to the other half of the Taoist companion.

Immediately, the figure flashed, and the two quasi-giants rushed to Qianxun and others.


Yuqing changed color, those two were quasi-giants, far stronger than the supreme, and when the two came at the same time, it was difficult for the eleven supreme to have much upper hand.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Headed by the goddess Zhao Jingruo, the seven female emperors immediately stepped forward and jointly performed their earth-shattering emperor skills and swept the two quasi-giants At the same time, the power of Qianxun Eternal Emperor's peak realm broke out. No less than the supreme of the Dzogchen Emperor Realm, using the holy method of fighting and fighting, the horror is boundless, and he will kill the ancient emperor Xutian.

Will shines with infinite holy light all over his body, the most divine and holy, and his expression solemnly recites: "God says, but the fallen are eternally exiled!"

God grammar!

Around the two quasi-giants, countless black cracks appeared, tearing open the sea of ​​chaos, leading to a mysterious and unknown place.

The corpse-eater insect emperor and the golden little dragon transformed into a huge real dragon, and together they flicked the dragon's tail across the past, capable of destroying countless worlds.

The pheasant's figure flashed, and it disappeared completely, hidden, silent and imperceptible, and came behind the two quasi-giants. One of the emperor swords was dull, but the emperor was completely restrained and pierced Yinyue. The back of the head of the emperor.

Yiyi babbled a few times, and between the waves of his small paw, a multi-colored circle appeared, which contained incredible power. It actually confined this chaotic sea space and enveloped the two quasi-giants.

In addition, the Four Supremes of the Great Desolate Realm also shot.

The crowds attacked together, and the power was amazing, enough to blow a quasi-giant.

However, there is more than one quasi-giant here.

The Yinyue Great Emperor and the Xutian Ancient Emperor looked gloomy, and immediately exploded the power of the quasi-giant, surging the wild realm.

Time and space, almost immediately solidified!


The Great Silver Moon shot, the power of the quasi-giant rebelled against the eternal chaos, smashed a Dao Emperor technique, shook the dragon tail of the Emperor Corpse Insect Emperor, directly shattered, and then disappeared, shattering the imprisonment of the colorful light circle.

Behind him, a divine halo appeared, containing the power of a quasi-giant. With a clang, he blocked the assassination sword of the pheasant, snorted, and flicked his silver hair. It was as heavy as the primitive world of chaos. Fly the pheasant directly, and explode half of his body.

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