Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3917: Sorry i'm late

The Great Desolation Territory shook, and the Chaos Sea exploded. I don't know how vast it is.

   The destiny emperor's figure trembled slightly, which was to resolve the strength, and the eleven supreme and three eternal emperors, including the goddess, also regressed.

This is horrible, this is the terrible place of the extreme quasi-giant. It is possible to repel eleven supreme and three eternal emperors at the same time with the power of oneself. The power to attack the eternal giant is really not a simple matter. , But it is indeed terrifying.


   After resisting the blow of Destiny the Great, the goddess and others naturally did not dare to neglect, and rushed to the Chaos Sea again in an instant.

   "The virtual world shape!"

   At this time, the ancient emperor Xutian yelled, and an infinite illusory world fell from the sky, covering the eleven supreme and three eternal emperors.

   The form of the virtual world is a forbidden magical power used by the ancient emperor of the Xutian to become famous, and a forbidden emperor technique of the forbidden type.

As soon as the virtual world formed, it evolved into a world that was no less than the Primordial Chaos World, and it was more stable and immortal, not to mention the supreme, even if it was as strong as a quasi-giant trapped in it, it would be difficult to break free in a moment. .

Therefore, the supreme and strongest of the goddess has the ability to be trapped in the virtual world, even if they continue to attack, the entire virtual world is constantly trembling and crumbling, but they can never penetrate in the first time, let alone escape. .

  The Destiny Great Emperor held the Emperor Spear in his hand, and he said indifferently: "Today, where can you escape?"

Qianxun and others are desperate. It's not that they are not strong enough. On the contrary, it is neither the supreme nor the emperor. However, in the face of the two quasi-giants at the same time, the emperor of Destiny is a quasi-giant of the extreme, almost no less than the giants of the ancients. They also feel powerless for those who are strong against taboos.

   Are they all going to stay here today?

The Destiny the Great is condescending, like the emperor of the ages, and the Destiny is pointing at Qianxun from afar, saying: "This seat knows that you are the eldest son of the fighting king, and you are also against the sky. You have embarked on the eternal road and become After the Wuxiang King, the eternal emperor, the strongest eternal emperor, has the power of the emperor's body to reach the supreme emperor, but unfortunately, today you are doomed to perish."

   "I believe that in the future, I will meet your father fighting the saint king, and he will be very happy if I pierce your head with your emperor spear."

   "The Gate of Destiny!"

   A gate of destiny with countless totem patterns inscribed in the virtual world emerged, rushing out of countless chains of fate, screaming, and in the blink of an eye, Chihiro was directly sealed off and pulled into the gate of fate.

   is as strong as Qianxun, the eternal emperor is in the pinnacle state, and the Dzogchen is the supreme emperor, but at this moment, he can't break away, the chain of the emperor's road blocks everything.

   The Avenue of Destiny, which belongs to the top ten super avenues in the world, not to mention the cultivation to the extreme quasi-giant level, it is even more terrifying.


   "Big Brother!"

   The goddess and others exclaimed, they were about to rescue, but the gate of destiny took Qianxun directly out of the virtual world, and came outside the world, in front of the emperor of fate.

   "You dare to hurt his hair, starting today, even if I wait until you fall, I will make you never break through!"

   The goddess yelled. At this moment, she looked extremely angry, and the soul in her eyebrows was overwhelming, and there was an urge to intertwine a curse.

   Everyone could see that she was going to activate the Emperor Curse, and it was a resentment Emperor curse, which would be activated once she died.

  Yuqing, Yiwu, Chen'er, Abenu, Yaya, etc., the supreme or emperor of the Pangu universe.

   The Great Emperor Destiny sneered and said: "How can I be afraid of you waiting for the so-called Emperor Curse, today, in front of you, kill this son."


   The Destiny Emperor Spear gradually turned into another brand new imperial spear, the Spear of Judgment.

  This, this is the true face of the Emperor Destiny Spear.

   Everyone in the world just thinks that the emperor spear of the emperor of fate is the emperor spear of destiny, but in fact it is the spear of judgment. It is completely different, containing as much as the emperor spear of the road of fate.

  The spear of trial pointed to Qianxun's eyebrows, and the emperor of Destiny said indifferently: "Today, judge you!"

   The gun of judgment was shot, and in the blink of an eye he came to Chihiro, piercing the center of his eyebrows.

   This is where Nimaru Palace is, and it is also where the soul is. Once hit by the gun of judgment, it is stronger than Chihiro and will fall.

   That is the strongest blow of the extreme quasi-giant!

"Do not!"

   In the virtual world, the goddess and others exclaimed, full of horror.

   Silver Moon Great Emperor and Xu Tian Gu Huang showed a cold smile.


   However, at the moment when the spear of judgment was about to pierce Chihiro's eyebrows, only half an inch away, it stopped abruptly.

Chihiro stared in amazement at the Judgement Gun in front of Pause. The gushing sharpness pierced his Dzogchen Battle Saint Body, a tiny blood hole appeared in the center of his eyebrows, and the red fighting blood was flowing. .

   He did not understand why the spear of judgment did not continue to pierce.

   He knew that once the stabbing went down, he would definitely die.

   What is it?

   The ancient Emperor Xutian was also stunned. He didn't quite understand. He was about to ask, but his face changed drastically.

  Because at this time, he saw that the expression of the Great Emperor Fate had solidified and became extremely heavy, and he looked at the direction of Qianxun for a moment.

Following his eyeliner, I could only see Chihiro in front of him. I don’t know when, there appeared a majestic and tall young figure, black hair like a waterfall, with an indescribable special temperament, only two sticks out. Clamp the tip of the gun of trial with your Even if the gun of trial is so terrifying and gushing with monstrous power, it can make the supreme unbearable and disintegrate, allowing the quasi-giants to avoid it. Sharpness, but at this moment, it is difficult to make a cent in any case.

how is this possible?

   The ancient emperor Xutian was stunned and shocked, how sacred this person was, he actually stopped the trial spear of the Emperor Destiny.

"you are"

Chihiro, who was imprisoned by the gate of fate, also looked at the handsome young man next to him in astonishment. Although his face was strange, the faint mark of the moon in the heart of the eyebrows, the familiar feeling from the depths of the soul, and the blood in the body could not help quietly. The boiling blood is connected, and all this seems to be self-reporting, the mysterious young man in front of me has not been seen for more than 100,000 years



   Fighting Saint King?

   Both sides were shocked, the goddess was surprised, and the enemy was ugly.

   Fighting Saint King, rumored to be an extreme quasi-giant, he didn't die, he survived, and appeared here to rescue him.

   The young man showed a smile and said gently, "My child, I have suffered you, sorry, I am late."

   really is the father!

   Chihiro was excited. Although he didn't understand why his appearance changed so much between the two of them, he knew that it was his father.

   In the virtual world, the goddess and others also recognized it, and they were very excited.

   Ye Chen!

   It's him, finally here!

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