Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3922: Dao Beng reversed, proving Dao giant

Destiny the Great Dao collapsed!

That's right!

Only when the Dao collapsed, would it be so.

If a person believes in the avenue, suddenly doesn’t believe it, the stronger the avenue, the more terrifying the collapse.

There is no doubt that Destiny the Great is like this.

He doubted his own destiny, and did not believe in the destiny.

There are signs of collapse on the Avenue of Destiny.

This is an extreme quasi-giant, once the Dao collapsed, it would be terrifying.

The terrifying power of the great avenue is constantly escaping from the emperor of Destiny, turning into waves of majestic avenue wind, shattering time and space.

The entire Great Desolation Realm was in turmoil, and the time and space blocked by the Gate of Ten Seals was constantly falling into disarray.

Around him, he fell into a state of absolute destruction, not to mention the supreme, even if the quasi-giant was in the body, it would be shattered and perished because of the collapse of his path.

Without him, this is the Dao Beng of an extreme quasi-giant, and the destructive power produced is too terrifying.

It can be clearly felt that the aura of the Destiny Great Emperor has fallen from the extreme quasi-giant to become a quasi-giant, and then fell to the extreme emperor realm, still rapidly collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Everyone sighed that the dignified generation of extreme quasi-giants, the legendary Destiny Great, had collapsed.


The long river of fate and the chains of fate rules also dissipated.

The Great Desolate Ancient Emperor used a little force to break free, and the Destiny Great Emperor sighed secretly as he watched the diminishing aura.

Even though he is a great enemy, I have to admit that the emperor of Destiny is indeed very strong, the extreme quasi-giant, which can be called the eternal giant, is called invincible!

How could one think that one day, this destined emperor, who is almost equal to that of an eternal giant, would collapse.

I am afraid that from today onwards, Destiny the Great no longer exists.

Others didn't take the opportunity to take action. Once Dao collapsed, Destiny the Great would also suffer the most terrifying backlash. Even if he did not die, he would not live long.

Ye Chen showed a faint smile: "It's interesting, I will continue to look at it. If you can take that step, I will appreciate it."

Everyone was surprised, what does this mean?


At this time, Destiny the Great's Qi machine had already fallen to the Primordial Sovereign Realm, but it seemed that Dao Beng had ended, and the end was in the Sovereign Realm, and no longer fell.

The Taikoo King is still very strong, but unfortunately, at the scene, it is the beginning of the king. There are many emperors, no lack of supreme, and even the presence of quasi-giants, which is not mentioned.

After Dao Beng was over, the Great Emperor Destiny was no longer as rich as a jade. At this moment, he looked very old, white-haired, and withered, and he was almost dead, half-footed in the coffin.

Seeing this, even if they are enemies, Chihiro and others can't give birth to a bit of hatred, because the destiny the Great is no longer dangerous to them, and such a figure who has the opportunity to become the first generation giant just ended. It makes people sigh.

At this time, the Destiny the Great looked at Ye Chen, but he clasped his fists to compile the compilation, and his old face showed a deep sense of gratitude, saying: "Fighting Saint King, thank you very much."

Everyone was stunned and unclear. Therefore, the emperor of Destiny clearly broke down because of Ye Chen's words. Why should he thank him in turn?

Ye Chen smiled faintly and said, "You don't need to thank you, you can take that step."

"If it weren't for your words to wake me completely today, I am afraid that I will not be a giant in my life. Even if I am the emperor of fate, I become the emperor because of fate, but I am imprisoned by fate. The way of detachment!"

The great emperor of Destiny made a sudden and long roar, shaking the great wilderness: "Today, I will transcend the imprisonment of destiny, proving that the way is the supreme giant!"


The sound of howling fell, the withered body of the Destiny Great straightened up suddenly, appearing exceptionally tall and straight, and the light of destiny around him exploded hundreds of millions of times.

The power of the Dao, which had escaped due to Dao Beng, quickly returned at a more alarming speed than the escape.

Withered and approaching, the old body, like a tree, quickly became full of flesh and blood at a speed visible to the naked eye, rejuvenated, and gray hair returned to pitch black one by one.

The realm of Destiny Great has not only fallen, on the contrary, it has risen rapidly at an even more alarming speed.

In the blink of an eye, he reached the supreme peak of the Primordial King.

However, he did not become the emperor in the first time, and his Qi continued to rise.

Soon after, it was still the emperor Tianwei, but the majestic and powerful, he was no less than the emperor!

In the distance, Qianxun, Ruoxi, and Ye Jing changed their expressions slightly: "The eternal king, he has become the eternal king!"

The other most powerful people have also changed. Has the Destiny the Great embarked on the path of eternity?

how is this possible?

Everyone was shocked and didn't understand what happened.

The Destiny Great Emperor has clearly collapsed, and his cultivation is almost completely dissipated. Why does this moment reverse and come back again.

And listening to what Chang Xiao said, I want to thank Ye Chen, who seems to have made a breakthrough because of his words.

Is it true that today's destiny the great emperor realizes that the road to breaking through is going to truly break through and become the supreme giant?


Destiny the Great broke through again and stepped into the realm of the emperor, but the strength of the aura surpassed the ordinary emperor.

Eternal Emperor!

That's right, the emperor of Destiny has become the eternal emperor, and he is the super power on the eternal path of the emperor realm. The extreme emperor realm is bound to be no less than the supreme emperor of Dzogchen.

Sure enough, his cultivation level continued to climb at an astonishing speed, gradually reaching the Supreme Being, and even after a few quarters, he was no less than the true Dzogchen Emperor Realm Supreme.

At this time, Qianxun's eyes were cold, and he shouted: "Everyone shot together to stop him, he is going to prove, once he breaks through, he will be an eternal giant!"

The two parties were shocked. The Destiny Great Emperor had clearly experienced the Dao collapse. Why did he turn it around now? Not only has he regained strength and embarked on the path of eternity, but now he has to prove his Dao again and become an eternal giant.

How dare the goddess and others neglect, once the preaching is successful, the emperor of Destiny will be a giant of the ages.

The eternal emperor, once proving the Dao, is an eternal giant.

And the sooner he breaks through the path of eternity, the stronger.

At the beginning, Cang Yan Great Heavenly Sovereign was nothing more than the eternal emperor's stepping into the eternal road, but after proving the Dao, he was an eternal giant.

And the emperor of Destiny has stepped into the eternal path from the realm of the ancient kings, and is afraid that he will directly pass the period of weakness of the first giants, and will become like a veteran giant.

The important thing is to re-prove on the basis that Destiny the Great is originally an extreme quasi-giant, I am afraid that he will become an initial giant no less than Ye Chen!

To Ye Chen, they were extremely terrifying enemies!

How can he succeed in preaching!

At this time, the Great Desolate Ancient Emperor, who had successfully escaped due to the collapse of the Destiny Great Emperor, had eyes like cold electricity, holding the Huangtian Hammer in his hand, and shot directly.

The wild hammer turned into a dark emperor and fell from the sky. The power of the quasi-giant broke out completely, enough to collapse a chaotic primitive world, and blasted the Destiny Great.

Ancient Emperor Xutian and Emperor Yinyue both wanted to stop them, but they were imprisoned in the chaos circle, and seeing the existence of Ye Chen, they paused, fearful, and did not dare to act.


Destiny the Great screamed, and a majestic beam of light suddenly rushed above his head, crashing into the Huangtian hammer.

With a terrible loud noise, the Huangtian hammer was directly blasted into the air, and the beam of light penetrated the sky and submerged into the sea of ​​chaos, as if it penetrated the ancient and modern time and space.

Long yelling, echoing the wild realm——

"My destiny, the great emperor, understands the true way of destiny, breaks the shackles of the extreme realm, and becomes the supreme giant today!"

PS: The five changes are over, today there is no more than two days before, and there are no more subscriptions than two days before, and there will be no more five changes. Tomorrow will continue to update more~, by the way, please subscribe, thank you~

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