Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3923: Destiny Giant

The Destiny Great yelled, and the Destiny Avenue gathered again and turned into the Godless Way.

The long river of fate is turbulent, boiling, and joyous.

The gate of destiny blooms more flaming light.

The great destiny, today Dao collapsed, but with the opportunity to step into the eternal road, break the shackles of the extreme realm, and turn into a giant of destiny that has never existed in ancient times!


Over the Great Desolate Realm, abruptly, infinite tribulations suddenly appeared, covering the entire sky of the Great Wild Realm.

Extremely vast, rare in ancient and modern times, far beyond the supreme emperor's calamity.

This is a big catastrophe belonging to the emperor of Destiny.

At this moment, because of Destiny the Great descended.

Once the triumph is successful, Destiny the Great will become the supreme tycoon, overlooking the past and the present.

Chihiro and the others have all changed. The Emperor Destiny has succeeded and is about to overcome the catastrophe to become a giant. Who can be the enemy?

At the same time, it was unclear, why Ye Chen watched all this without stopping him at all?

Otherwise, even if the Destiny Great Emperor can suddenly rise and proclaim the Dao giant, he will undoubtedly die without the slightest chance.


The immeasurable catastrophe has come, completely covering the entire wilderness area, which is astonishingly vast.

Compared with the Supreme Emperor Jie, it is less than one-two tenths.

This is the catastrophe of the eternal giant class.

In the terrible tycoon catastrophe, an ancient emperor, a great emperor, and a ghost of the supreme immortal have evolved, and there are more chaotic holy spirits such as true dragons, vermillion bird, basalt, white tiger, Kunpeng, and unicorn, all belonging to the supreme level.

It is as if the heavens are coming together to attack the emperor of destiny.

The quasi-giant and the supreme of both sides can see that it is cold, this is the big catastrophe, and it is not something under the giant can bear.

The emperor of Destiny is crossing the catastrophe, the light of destiny all over his body is shining, and the long river of destiny flows under his feet.

The gate of destiny is unattainable, and it looks like a towering gate, deducing the destiny of all lives.


The spear of trial also broke away from Ye Chen's palm, rushing into the calamity, and following the fate of the emperor.

But seeing that the emperor of Destiny holds the spear of judgment in his hand, judges all living beings, dominates the destiny, exploding and devouring the supreme-level phantoms in the tribulation, making all aspects of his body further sublimate, transform and become stronger.

Ye Jing was puzzled, and asked, "Dad, why don't you take action?"

Watching the fate of the Great Emperor Dao Beng turn around, embark on the path of eternity, and prove the Dao giant.

In the future, if there is a terrifying alien giant enemy.

In particular, the Destiny the Great is in control of his destiny. Once he becomes an eternal tycoon, he will be even more terrifying, and he can manipulate the lives of all.

Ye Chen rubbed the youngest daughter's head. Even if Ye Jing has been in the eternal emperor's peak state for many years, he is no less than the supreme emperor of Dzogchen. In the eyes of others, she is extremely majestic. She is a well-deserved female emperor, and she is still regarded as a young one. The child messed up his hair and said with a smile: "And let him become a giant, so better, I also save some effort to refine Taoist soldiers."

Ye Jing was stunned, and the others were also dumbfounded.

Feelings Ye Chen allowed him to break through, so that the emperor of Destiny would sacrifice the spear of judgment and the gate of destiny and become the supreme magnate soldier.

Moreover, Ye Chen was very confident and never put the Destiny Great in his eyes, even if he was going through the catastrophe and wanted to become a destiny tycoon.

The Great Desolate Ancient Emperor came to Ye Chen. He knew that the latter was a junior of the Pangu Universe, but at this moment he did not regard him as a junior, with a little awe, saying: "Friends, once the Destiny Great Emperor turns into a destiny giant, I am afraid It's hard to deal with."

Even if Ye Chen is the first generation giant, but an eternal giant wants to escape, he may not be able to stop it.

Ye Chen looked at the ancient emperor of the Great Wilderness. This was the ancestor of the Huangdi Clan of the Primordial Heaven Realm. He created the Great Wilderness Emperor Tiangong and other body-refining methods. Now he has become a quasi-giant. It is indeed very strong. He also expressed certainty. Respect, said: "Senior don't need to worry, if he gets through the catastrophe, I might want to kill it with some difficulty, but I won't give him a chance."

The ancient emperor Dahuang understood Ye Chen's thoughts, and was afraid that he wanted to take action when the fate of the great emperor was about to end his robbery.

But is it possible?

At that point, Destiny the Great will definitely be extremely defensive.

Destiny the Great crossed the Tribulation, fighting against the phantoms of the heavenly supreme, quasi-giant from the depths of the Heavenly Tribulation, killing inextricably, blood splattered, some belonged to him, and more belonged to the supreme power of the Heavenly Tribulation Evolution.

He screamed at the 33rd Heaven, bathed in the light of the tribulation, as powerful as him, and was also broken into pieces in the great tribulation that lasted for ten days and ten nights, but he always reorganized the form and spirit perseveringly and swallowed the endless tribulation light. , Keep breathing, keep coming over.

After ten days and ten nights of the catastrophe, the emperor of Destiny felt that the catastrophe was gradually receding, revealing a touch of joy.

Finally, is it about to succeed in crossing the catastrophe?

He will turn into a giant of destiny, dominating the destiny of Chaos Sea!

Inexplicably, the Great Emperor Destiny looked at Ye Chen, standing outside the catastrophe, always smiling.

This smile seems to be looking at the prey!


The Destiny Great’s expression is slightly sinking. If he is an extreme quasi-giant, he asks himself that he is not the opponent of this fighting sage king, but not anymore. He is also promoted to the extreme quasi-giant. Become a veteran giant in time, and even quickly become the first-generation giant-level existence.

As a giant of the ages, it is difficult for the Saint King of Fighting to kill him!

"Well, it's time to hunt!"

Ye Chen smiled, the sun was shining brightly, and he seemed to be a simple young man, rising from sitting cross-legged and heading towards the catastrophe.

Both sides were stunned!

When hunting?

Take Destiny the Great as prey?


Ye Chen entered the Heavenly Tribulation directly, and because of his entry, infinite Tribulation Light fell on him wantonly.

This is the strongest calamity belonging to the giant class, and every calamity is enough to be extremely fearful and If the quasi-giant resists hard, it will also be injured.

Nowadays, there are overwhelmingly overwhelmingly, such tribulations are not only one or two, dozens, hundreds, or thousands, but millions and tens of thousands of ways, pouring down.

The most powerful quasi-giant will fall in the face.

But falling on Ye Chen's body, except for a wisp of blue smoke, he was unharmed, and he couldn't even make a white mark imprinted on his body.

It's like drizzle.

The world is terrifying!

This is what an immortal body, such a catastrophe, even in the later stage, like the sun setting west, the hero is going to twilight, it is far less terrible than the heyday, but it is worse than the fate of the great emperor who is still skinned and blasted.

However, the terrifying Jieguang Leihai was completely submerged, but it did not cause any harm to Ye Chen.

Everyone finally knew the abnormality of the fighting king.

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