Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3924: The giants are also lost

"I'm afraid, the body of the fighting saint king is no less than that of the eternal Taoist soldier, right?" A supreme stared his eyes wide and sucked in cold air.

"Those who have really reached the extreme of body refining, I am afraid that through the ages, only a handful of body refining giants, such as the fighting ancestor and the warlord, can be compared with the fighting king." Huang Gudi also sighed, although he is a quasi-giant who refines the body, his physical body is very powerful and can force the quasi-giant soldiers, but after witnessing Ye Chen's chaotic body, he knows that it is far inferior.

It is rumored that the Saint Ancestor of Fighting relies on the Chaos Sea, claiming to be the first in combat power, not because he lived out another life and detached himself, but because of the holy method of fighting that he created, which can make the body evolve to the strongest.

As soon as the Saint Physique comes out, it is difficult to find an opponent.

No less than the eternal Taoist soldiers, even more tyrannical, so the fighting power of the ancestor of the fighting is the first in the Chaos Sea.

Today, Ye Chen, who has risen in just a few tens of thousands of years, has also shown a peerless combat style comparable to the fighting ancestor.

Ye Chen walked in the great calamity of the eternal magnate, bathed in the light of billions of extinct world-level tribulations, walked in a leisurely manner, did not suffer the slightest harm, and showed the fullness of the chaotic body.

He walked towards the Great Emperor of Destiny step by step, the wind was light and the clouds were light, but he gave people an unparalleled sense of oppression!

"Battle Saint King, you can't help it finally, are you going to make a move?"

Destiny the Great stared closely at the gradual approaching fighting king, very jealous, but not afraid.

At this point, he is enough to call it a giant of the ages.

For the same eternal giants, whoever is weaker than others.

What's more, he is a giant of destiny, who controls the fortune of all lives, and the giant of the ages can also control it.

Even if Ye Chen is very strong, it is difficult to kill him.

Ye Chen smiled: "You are from a foreign race, how can I let you grow up and become an enemy of my Pangu universe."

Those who are not my race must have different hearts, let alone an alien giant.

The Great Emperor of Destiny was silent for a moment, and said: "Battle Saint King, you have the grace of enlightenment for me, because of you, today I can use Dao Beng to break the shackles of the extreme realm and become an eternal giant. The grace of enlightenment, I do not want to be with you I am an enemy and I don’t want to kill you."

"Kill me? Hahahaha—" Ye Chen seemed to hear the biggest joke in the world, and laughed loudly. However, the smile was full of coldness: "Today, you are the one to be killed!"

"Dominate the Thunder!"

The Destiny Great yelled. At this moment, he was transformed into the Supreme Lord, and could manipulate the fate of Thunder and the fate of Heavenly Tribulation to bombard Ye Chen.

The calamity is endless and continuous, belonging to the level of the eternal giants. Compared with Ye Chen just passively bearing it before, it is far more terrifying.

In an instant, the sky and the earth broke apart, as if the entire wilderness area was about to explode completely.

That wave of terror is far beyond imagination.

If it were not for the ten-fold seal gate to stand on the border of the Great Desolate Realm, it would completely seal this vast realm. Such fluctuations would be enough to alarm how many realms would not be known. At the very least, the ancient chaotic universe would have known it for the first time.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The extremely violent Heavenly Tribulation, pouring down, bombarded Ye Chen frantically, to completely destroy him.

That kind of scale is long beyond the so-called hundreds of millions of miles, and it is incalculable.

However, what made the emperor of Destiny change color, the ancient emperor Xutian, the emperor Yinyue, and the thirteen supreme and many strongest people was terrified that Ye Chen stood here, never moved, letting the bombardment of the infinite calamity, always stand tall Immovable as a mountain.

The terrible light of robbery thunder sea was enough to cause all the giants of the ages to be damaged, but it was really difficult to cause much effective damage if it fell on him.

His chaotic Eucharist is far above everything, standing here, it is hard to hurt by heaven.

Ye Chen showed a smile and said, "Emperor Destiny, is this your so-called Domination Thunder attack?"


In the next moment, he embodied hundreds of millions of black holes, swallowed all of the calamity light and thunder sea, and swallowed all of them into the body, billions of calamities, and endless natural disasters.

The flesh is not destroyed, on the contrary, it shows an everlasting and immortal light more and more.

I can only say that Ye Chen is too strong!

The vast calamity not only cannot hurt him, on the contrary, it makes his chaotic body more and more immortal.

With a flash in Ye Chen's hand, the Tianhuang Euphorbia appeared, and immediately crushed the sea of ​​infinite calamity and thunder, showing a fierce and mighty destiny. He smiled lightly: "You are almost done, you are about to become a destiny giant. I have to admit , You are stronger than the extreme quasi-giant period. If I don't use my true strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to kill you, so I can only use war soldiers."

Destiny the Great glanced at the euphorbia, frowning and said: "Tian Huang? Wuxiang King's soldiers? No, Tian Huang was crushed in the war long ago, and this is an eternal giant-level soldier, Wuxiang King does not May have such an invincible soldier."

"Indeed, but not long ago, I completely smelted the sword of the Emperor of the Abyss on the Heavenly Desolate Euphorbia, and after the great calamity of the Taoist soldiers, I became a true eternal soldier." Ye Chen held the Heavenly Desolate Euphorbia, Yao Refers to Emperor Destiny, his voice gradually turning colder, with a bit of killing intent: "So, you are very lucky that today you will be killed by this eternal giant-level Tianhuang Euphorbia!"

"Eternal warriors? The sword of the Emperor Jiyuan is smelted into one?" The fate of the great emperor changed color, and the Emperor of Jiyuan, but the supreme tycoon of the foreign race who has crossed the Chaos Sea for many eras, how could his sword fall in the hands of the fighting king on?

There was no time to think about it, because at this moment, Ye Chen had already shot.


The Tianhuang Euphorbia smashed suddenly, and immediately, the Infinite Tribulation Light Thunder Sea suddenly exploded.

The Destiny Great Emperor's expression changed, and the Judgment Spear, which was also baptized and transformed in the catastrophe, appeared and responded.


In an instant, the emperor of Destiny retreated violently, almost about to be blasted out of this realm.

The arm broke, the tiger's mouth collapsed, and the gun of trial also appeared terrible battle marks, almost broken.

During the duel, the points are up and down!

All parties were shocked that the Emperor Destiny was about to become a giant of the ages, and he was also bombed and wounded.

It's just a meeting.

The fighting king is so terrifying!

Ye Chen said indifferently: "Emperor Although you are an eternal giant, to me, you are still a little weak."

Thousands of years ago, as soon as he woke up, he dared to directly enter the ancient alien universe and suppress the old giants like Jiyuan Huangzun.

Now, how is a destiny great emperor who has not yet completed his tribulation, is his opponent.

Even if he completes the robbery, it will take a long time to consolidate before he can gradually become the existence of the first generation giant.


Stepping forward, as if reversing the long river of years, becoming extremely fast, crossing the endless sky, and coming to the front of the emperor of Destiny, the halberd of the sky stood up and fell.

This time, the gun of judgment was almost broken, and the emperor of Destiny was blasted back once again, slamming against the invisible barrier, the barrier formed by the ten-fold seal gate.

PS: The follow-up chapter will be posted tomorrow, everyone go to bed early, good night~

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