Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3925: All beings sacrifice their destiny

Destiny the Great coughed up blood and quickly repaired his injuries.

He didn't expect that he finally became a giant of the ages, but the real battle was far from the opponent of the fighting king.

In terms of strength, it was completely crushed.

Ye Chen has never been a kind person, even if the emperor of Destiny is immortal, he can't let it go. Therefore, holding the Tianhuang Euphorbia in his hand, he keeps killing him.

The Great Wilderness Territory was constantly shaking, and the remaining three Primitive Chaos Worlds were moved by Ye Chen to other territories by means of supreme giants. The same goes for the goddess and others, and what is left now is the destiny of the Great Emperor. Strong.

It’s just that Ye Chen’s ten-fold seal gate is terrifying. It turns the entire great wilderness into an absolute prison. It is better than the emperor of Destiny who seeks opportunities again and again, and cannot be opened in a short time, let alone Xu Tian. The quasi-giants, supreme, and strong men such as the ancient emperor and the silver moon emperor were completely confined in this extremely dangerous boundary.

Because the aftermath of the two great eternal giants fighting, the aftermath of the escape is enough to hurt the supreme, not to mention that under the supreme, many are in shattering.

"The Gate of Destiny!"

At this time, the emperor of Destiny roared and sacrificed the door of destiny. This ancient door rushed out of the mighty river of destiny, with the destiny of all beings in the world.

Down to the common spirit, up to the emperor, but under the supreme, all sentient beings and their destiny are controlled.

Only the Supreme, who has transcended the years, time and space, and the ways of heaven, can transcend fate and not be controlled by fate.

Of course, even so, all the supreme present here suddenly felt that their body seemed to be connected to the long river of fate.

Stronger than them, the true supreme, the trajectory of fate can also be captured and mastered.

Because the other party is a giant of destiny, and can control all the destiny of the giant, and the quasi-giant is also the same.

"My lord's destiny, all beings sacrifice their destiny!"

With a loud shout, the emperor of Destiny actually penetrated time and space, broke the seal of the gate, and found nine chaotic primitive worlds with the void, and established an unspeakable relationship, dominating the destiny of the nine worlds.

Whether it is the destiny of the living beings living in the great world, or the destiny of the chaotic primitive great world itself, they are all dominated.

"Who is it, dare to peep into our world!"

Among the nine Primordial Chaos Worlds, six of them gave birth to the supreme, and they felt the special connection in the void.

The six supreme beings were furious, because they felt vaguely that whether it was the Primordial Chaos World or themselves, they were all connected by an invisible chain, and they couldn't cut off the shackles.

"It's destiny? Someone has mastered the destiny of this emperor and the Primordial Chaos World?"

The six supreme beings are extraordinary generations. You want to sense that it belongs to the avenue of destiny, immediately furious, display the supreme, along the line of fate in the emptiness, find the avenue of destiny caster at the end of the line of fate.

Of course, at this moment, his expression changed drastically!

Because they can only snoop into one corner, just such a corner, but it makes the supreme like them change color.

In that corner, a supreme forbidden existence is standing in the sea of ​​infinite calamities, bathed in hundreds of millions of torrential calamities, and behind it stands a giant gate that is as high as the sky.

The chains of Destiny Avenue extend from this giant gate.

And that supreme taboo existed, and they just glanced at them, and they felt the emperor soul tremble, unbearable.

The six supreme horrors, that supreme taboo exists, is it an eternal giant?

Boom boom boom boom boom

At this moment, the nine Primordial Chaos Worlds burst into flames, including the hundreds of millions of sentient beings, down to mortals, and up to ancient emperors, unable to resist and were forced to sacrifice.


"Why sacrifice this emperor and our world?"

"Even if you are an eternal tycoon, such a sacrifice will cause monstrous cause and effect, and your karma will increase, and you will definitely not die!"

The six supreme screamed, full of anger, not hesitating to curse.

Burning them, along the line of emptiness, with immense power, penetrated the door of ten seals, and through the door of fate, fell on the emperor of fate.

Suddenly, the emperor's vitality is constantly rising, and he has to surpass the period of weakness in one fell swoop, allowing him to directly reach the stage of rivaling the old giants.

"Hahaha, fighting saint king, now you, how do you kill me?" The destiny the great laughed, dominating destiny, not just beings, but the destiny of all races, all souls, all ways, all worlds... .

He said nothing, and the nine Primordial Chaos Worlds offered sacrifices for his use.

None of the six supreme can escape.

This is the invincibility of destiny giants.

"I underestimated you. But if you use your fate in front of me and try to control all your destiny, it's a bit tricky."

Ye Chen said indifferently, and said softly, "Break forever!"

In the ten thousand years of returning to the Pangu universe, he was wasted.

During this period of time, he created the corresponding halberd method on the basis of Tianhuang Euphorbia, combined with the mastery of all kinds of Taoism.

The first style, forever!

The Tianhuang Euphorbia shook, and burst into full bloom and shattered the power of eternity, containing the strongest power of the great avenue, which can break time and space, separate years, and split everything.

If this trick continues, eternal time and space, time and time, will also be separated by life!

Besides, it is the thread of fate!


The connection between the nine burning chaotic primitive worlds and the gate of destiny was also completely cut off.

It's a pity that the nine primordial chaotic worlds have already been burned more than half, and more than half of the hundreds of millions of beings have already turned into fly ash, and they cannot be reversed.

The six supreme form gods burned more than half, but luckily survived, but they were also completely damaged. There was no rest for billions of years, and I didn't want to recover.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen's eyes were cold, and then shot, Tianhuang Euphorbia smashed the gate of fate.

Destiny's expression changed: "No!"

Although the gate of destiny did not, it also collapsed, and there were a series of terrible cracks, intertwining the entire gate valve.

"It's a bit interesting, but I can bear it. This gate of destiny is not bad. I want it today."

Ye Chen sneered, staring at the gate of destiny unscrupulously, and then the chaotic hand stretched out and wrapped it.

Including, his fundamental purpose for the Emperor Destiny to prove the Dao giants is to use him to make the two Dao soldiers ascend to the extreme and become the rare soldiers of the eternal giants.

Today, the gate of destiny is clearly accomplished, with incredible miraculous effects.

Moreover, the Gate of Destiny is closely related to the Emperor Destiny. Once deprived, the Emperor Destiny will suffer a sharp decline in strength.

"Battle Saint King, don't think about it!"

Destiny the Great roared, extremely furious, how could he watch the gate of fate fall on Ye Chen's hand, immediately shot frantically, attacked with the spear of judgment, and took back the gate of fate at all costs.

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