Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3927: The alien wrath army out

After Pangu closed, Cang Yan, the Great Heavenly Sovereign, heard the news of Ye Chen's return, and immediately led all the Supremes to welcome him, but he was stunned immediately.

With eyes wide open and mouth wide open, I can't speak for a long time!

How long has passed since the Fighting Saint King actually killed an eternal giant and returned.

Didn't he go to support the goddess and others? How did you kill the eternal giant?

After entering Pangu Pass, the Great Desolate Ancient Emperors were also relieved. Although they followed the Fighting Saint King to ensure safety, after all, it was the new eternal giants of the alien race who had been killed, and Pangu Pass faced the alien race. Will not rush out frantically and destroy them.

"Little friend, did you really kill an eternal giant?" Cang Yan Da Tianzun immediately greeted him, still a little unbelievable.

Behind him, the Emperor of War, Emperor Jinwu, and Emperor Shenkong were all startled.

That is an eternal giant, not an ordinary strong one.

"Senior, it's true." Chihiro smiled lightly.

When they took a look at their heads, everyone was stunned. It was actually the Emperor of Destiny, but the breath was undoubtedly an eternal magnate.

Ye Chen said: "Fate, the great emperor, turned into an eternal tycoon after Dao collapsed. I took advantage of him to kill him before he was over."

He said in a few words and spoke plainly, but the ancient emperor of the Great Desolation smiled bitterly and said the real passage one by one.

Immediately, the most powerful person in Pangu Guan looked at Ye Chen, full of deep worship.

Take advantage of his unfinished disaster?

They could clearly hear that the Fighting Saint King had absolute confidence, and his combat power was completely suppressed. Only then was the Destiny the Great to break and stand, proving the eternal giants, and even personally took action to suppress the Destiny the Great who had nearly completed the tribulation. To explode again and again, to capture Taoist soldiers, kill the true spirit emperor soul, and kill the giants.

Cang Yan Datianzun lightly sighed, "This time, the foreign race is afraid that it is going crazy."

The Emperor of War also sighed and turned to the strongest people at Pangu Pass: "Get ready for the battle immediately, and the highest level."

Indeed, the alien ancient universe is crazy!

Because they saw that the eternal giant who was pierced through the head by the fighting holy king Euphorbia was the emperor of destiny.

Destiny the Great, he was still a quasi-giant in the extreme realm before he left. Obviously, he has broken through over the years and became an eternal giant.

And it should be noted that once the extreme quasi-giant breaks through, it will exist like the first-generation giant.

If the emperor of Destiny completely consolidates his realm after the catastrophe, he will be the first generation giant.

The first-generation giants, looking at the giants, are among the best, extremely powerful.

Even if it is as strong as the ancient alien universe, there are not many real giants of the first generation. That is the ultimate background.

However, a future tycoon of the first generation was actually killed, and the one who shot was still the King of Fighting.

How can I forgive!


The origin of the ancient alien universe was shaken, and the infinite power erupted, shaking the entire vast universe.

The temples of the ancestors were shaken, and the images of the supreme giants manifested in the universe.

The quasi-giant, the supreme, and the most powerful were shocked one by one, and they were shocked. What happened on earth caused many supreme giants to be so angry and born directly.

"First is the emperor of Jiyueyuan, and then the emperor of destiny. He is a fighting saint king. Letting him grow up is indeed the heaviest price paid by the ancient universe of our world."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor was furious. Due to the existence of the fighting king, the two eternal giants were either suppressed or killed, causing the alien ancient universe to pay an unimaginable price. They could no longer sit back and let them fight. The Holy King continued to live.

Fight against the holy king, be punishable!

"Today, go to war!"

An alien giant roared, shaking the entire alien ancient universe, up to nine days, down to nine quiet, all beings can hear.

The heavens and star fields, an infinite army, gathered quickly.

Moreover, the sleeping supreme and quasi-giant revived one by one, leading a large army, piercing through time and space, and descending on the border of the universe.

On the other hand, many foreign giants moved together and went to the border of the universe in person.

The entire alien ancient universe shook greatly, the hundreds of millions of stars trembled, and the sky was full of stars, almost exploding.

In the Yuanyuan Ancestral Temple, the Emperor Qingtian looked at the border of the universe and understood all this, and was also amazed.

Fighting Saint King is truly against the sky, he has reached the realm where he can kill eternal giants, and is the level of the first generation giants.

He didn't move, and transmitted the sound: "Wen Tian, ​​lead the Heavenly Path Army to the frontier of the universe, but don't leave the customs, just stay at the border."

On a majestic emperor star, Di Wentian, who had already proven the supreme Dao, was shocked when he heard that his father wanted him to lead the Heavenly Dao Legion to fight the Pangu universe?

He didn't know exactly what happened, but suddenly many foreign giants moved to the origin of the universe together, and went to the border of the universe. If something goes wrong, there will be demons.

But he didn't ask, knowing that his father must have a plan, he immediately led a Heavenly Dao army that had been trained for many years to travel through time and space to the border of the alien universe.

When I came to the moment, I immediately learned a great news.

Destiny the Great has witnessed the Dao tycoon, but he was killed again. He was killed by the fighting sage king of Pangu universe, holding his head, hanging Pangu, and closing the demonstration.

Di Wentian was shocked. After more than ten thousand years of absence, the Saint King of Fighting Battle was able to kill the eternal giant!

The turbulence of the ancient alien universe naturally attracted attention from all sides.

All parties are surprised, is the alien race going to start a cosmic war?

Many supreme and quasi-giant do not understand that the target of the alien army is obviously the Pangu universe.

However, the fighting sage king of the Pangu universe just returned from killing the eternal giants, and his fighting spirit is strong and brave. Now he will be overwhelmed by the fighting sage king's invincible will, which is not good for the foreign army.

Even if the foreign giants cannot be affected, the morale of the infinite army will be affected, and there will be heavy casualties.

They didn't understand why the foreign race chose to send troops to conquer Pangu universe at this time.

An eternal giant got insight into the truth, his pupils tightened, and exclaimed: "It's no wonder that the alien race has chosen to send troops to the Pangu universe at this time. The Fighting Saint King actually killed the Emperor Destiny."

"The Destiny Great?"

All parties are astonished. Isn't Destiny the Great an extreme quasi-giant?

Even the extreme quasi-giants cannot be compared with the Wangu giants.

But soon all parties took a deep breath.

It is clear that the heads raised by the King of Fighting are giants of the ages, and the recent vision is indeed a vision of the death of the giants of the ages. Does all this indicate that the emperor of Destiny has been promoted to the giants of the ages, and Was killed by the fighting holy king.

Missing so far, all parties are shocked!

Who doesn't know that once the extreme quasi-giant breaks through, it will be the first generation giant.

Now that an invincible first-generation giant has been defeated by the sage king, how could the alien ancient universe not be furious.

Similarly, he was deeply shocked by the fighting power of the Saint King.

When Pangu Pass closed, all the Supremes of the Pangu Universe naturally received relevant news, and they were shocked to look at the position of the alien ancient universe. They clearly felt the gathering of multiple supreme, quasi-giant, and even eternal giants.

Obviously, the alien ancient universe is about to send troops, and this time, the scale is no less than the myth that was shattered.

The army is crushing!

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