Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3928: 6 great eternal soldiers

Ye Chenyi stood at Pangu Pass, and there was still blood on his body, all belonging to the emperor of Destiny. When the fighting spirit was boiling, he coldly said: "The foreign races dare to send soldiers to fight, today I don't mind killing a few foreign giants."

However, the powers of the Pangu universe are still not very optimistic. Although the Fighting Saint King is very strong, it is only one person after all. This time, the different races are multiple eternal giants moving together. The Fighting Saint King may not necessarily be able to fight against several foreign races at the same time. Giant.

In the Pangu universe, only the two giants, Cang Da Tian Zun and Human Sovereign, remained.

Although, the emperor is also the first generation giant level.

But who could have predicted that this time the Alien Ancient Universe will also have the appearance of the first generation giants.

Moreover, even if the primordial realm said that they could help each other, they might not necessarily be able to help when the real war started.

Seven eternal giants in the alien army came in person, a dozen quasi-giants behind them, and more than 30 supreme ones, the lineup is extremely terrifying, and can blow up most of the ancient Chaos universe.

At Pangu Pass, even if the most powerful people gathered, the three giants came in person. The five quasi-giants and dozens of them gathered together, still feeling a terrible sense of oppression and worrying.

That lineup is still on the side of Pangu Universe.

Among the seven eternal giants, one of them is the first-generation giant, who is impressively the emperor of longevity.

The Emperor of Longevity led an endless army and came to Pangu Pass. The figures of the seven giants towered into the infinite heights, and they could be seen directly from Pangu Pass. The majestic and boundless coercion faced Pangu Pass, making this place even better than before. The universe pass of the tenth emperor pass thundered and trembled, almost faltering.

The Emperor of Longevity came in person, and the eyes of the first-generation giant of the powerful eternal era fell on Ye Chen, and he said coldly: "Pangu universe, hand over the fighting king, the army of our world should retreat, otherwise, it will be destroyed today. Pangu universe!"

The giant opened his mouth and said what he said, making Pangu shut the most powerful people in shock.

The seven giants of foreign races come here, can Pangu Pass resist it?

The emperor's face did not change, and he calmly said: "The emperor of longevity, immediately lead the army to retreat, otherwise I will call for the dao friends of the immortal king from the prehistoric immortal world to come."

The emperor of longevity said indifferently: "The great emperor of Samsara, if you summon it, even if the immortal kings of the prehistoric immortal world arrive today, it will be difficult to prevent the ancient universe from destroying the heart of the Pangu universe!"

Obviously, this time, Alien Ancient Universe will not choose to compromise.

The Emperor said indifferently: "Well, in that case, let's fight."

In the war, who was he afraid of the Great Samsara?

"Break the Pangu Pass, go straight to Huanglong!" the Emperor Changsheng said, the infinite army, down to the soldiers, and up to the quasi-giant, all shot Pangu Pass.

In fact, the three foreign giants took action in person to break through the Pangu Pass in the shortest time.

However, before the alien army could take action, Ye Chen jumped down from Pangu Pass, and his divine might exploded, directly annihilating the alien infinite army and resisting the offensive of the alien tribe's three eternal giants.

He has black hair like a waterfall, and he is surrounded by billions of chaotic lights, like a chaotic demon, coldly said: "No, I will personally come to fight your alien race."

Boom boom boom boom boom

From Ye Chen's body, six majestic lights rushed out, each of which was filled with monstrous coercion and shocked time and space.

The chaotic fairy armor emerged, clank croaking, and the whole body shone with incomparable chaotic fairy light and infinite chaotic runes.

The wild eucalyptus is in the sky, simple and unpretentious, returning to the basics, but overflowing with the most terrible war power, such as the resurrection of the world war god, crushing the eternal time and space.

As soon as the spear of judgment was released, everyone's soul froze.

The Great Ding of Chaos can evolve into the heavens and all phenomena can be deduced.

The gate of destiny stands up, dominating the fortune of life.

The sealed gate appears, sealing the world of ten directions, no one can escape!

As soon as the soldiers of the six eternal giants appeared, they completely shocked the Chaos Sea.

For ordinary giants of the ages, it is thank good to be able to own one, and two are extraordinary, and three are absolutely extremely rare, one of a few.

Six pieces?

Hard to find in ancient and modern times!

Rumor has it that the emperor of the past seemed to do the same, mastering many Xeon soldiers.

"Ten thousand years ago, I saw that the King of Fighting Saint had four soldiers of the eternal giants. I didn't expect to have six of them now. It is really incredible." An eternal giant sighed. The king is tempering four eternal war soldiers.

Now it has increased to six, so many, so many giants will be attracted to it!

"Yes, I remember that both the Gate of Destiny and the Spear of Judgment are the emperor’s conquering soldiers. The extreme quasi-giant who set foot on the avenue of destiny is also worthy of refining two peerless soldiers. As he proves the eternal tycoon, the two war soldiers will also become the eternal dao soldier, but it is a pity. It can be seen that the fate of the great emperor thoroughly tempered the two weapons to the eternal dao soldier level with the help of the tribulation. Take it, take them."

The eternal giants of the Chaos Sea are truly wise men. They have insight into countless things at a glance, knowing that two of them are the Taoist soldiers of the Emperor Destiny, and both have become the eternal Taoist soldiers. It is a pity that the Emperor Destiny has fallen. The eternal Taoist soldiers also fell into the hands of the fighting king and became his victory.

"The fighting king is the promotion of the quasi-giant in the extreme realm. It first suppressed the Emperor Jiyuan, and later killed the Emperor Destiny. It is the first generation of giant-level combat power. It is matched with the six great eternal soldiers. However, the seven eternal giants of foreign races came out together, and the Emperor of Longevity was even at the level of the first generation giants. No matter how powerful the fighting sage king is, it is also dangerous."

However, the giants of all parties shook their heads and were not optimistic about the fighting king.

After all, no matter how strong the individual combat power is, there is only one person, unless it reaches the half-step eternal level of the original burial master.

Otherwise, facing the seven giants at the same time, especially the first-generation giants, it is impossible to resist.

It should be noted that even if they are both giants of the ages, even if there is a difference in combat power between each other, it is unlikely to be too Just as Ye Chen played against the emperor of the abyss, as the first generation of giants, he is still difficult to kill By.

Being able to kill Destiny the Great, on the one hand, is because Ye Chen is indeed very strong, and on the other hand, because Destiny the Great has not yet completely crossed the calamity, and consumed too much vitality and origin, and the combat power is not strong enough. Under the circumstances of various factors, this can only kill.

It is precisely because of this that even if Ye Chen has six eternal soldiers, the giants of all parties are not optimistic about him.

"These eternal warriors..., fighting the saint king, today you will become the property of the ancient universe of my realm after you perish." Even the seven great alien giants are extremely enthusiastic. In their eyes, the fighting saint king is simply Moving humanoid treasure house.

The six great eternal soldiers are enough to increase the overall combat power of the ancient alien universe.

"Oh, is it? It depends on whether you can afford it."

Ye Chen smiled coldly, and at the same time two chaotic lights rushed out of his body, turning into two strong figures.

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