Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3929: regret

Ye Chen's body of Chaos Giant and the Spirit of Chaos Emperor manifested. If two Chaos Giants evolve, their combat power is no less than Ye Chen's own, and they also have the power of an eternal giant.

In the evolution of the two powerful Dao bodies, the giants of all parties will have their pupils condensed.

Although they can differentiate into the Dao body, they are generally completely unified at the level of the eternal giant, but they cannot have the strongest Dao body as much as the deity as before.

As far as their eternal giants are concerned, being able to condense a quasi-giant-level Dao body is already quite incredible.

But it is impossible to condense the eternal giant-level Dao body like Ye Chen, and there are still two.

Until now, they still don't know how the Fighting Saint King did it.

After all, few people remember that Ye Chen's true realm was actually just the eternal emperor.

"Two eternal giant-level Taoists? It is indeed a bit powerful, but even so, it is difficult to reverse the gap between you and me." The Emperor of Longevity didn't care, and said indifferently, the seven giants, and his first generation giant, It is already crushing.

Fighting Saint King may be the first generation giant level, but it is impossible for two bodies to do so.

Even if the Emperor Human and the Great Heavenly Venerable Cang Yan are added, it is still one-sided.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen sneered, "Who said there are only two, come!"


From his body, a blazing fairy light came across the sky, appeared on the battlefield, and it was the quasi-immortal king's body.

Chaos Immortal Armor quickly put on his body, holding the spear of judgment.

The cosmic origin within ten thousand years has already reached the quasi-immortal king's supreme pinnacle, coupled with the smelting of the heavenly sun, no less than the extreme quasi-giant level, and now wearing the giant-level chaos fairy armor and the spear of judgment, Absolutely can compete with eternal giants.

Therefore, if Ye Chen and others have three eternal giant-level Dao Bodies and Dharma Bodies.

The Chaos Sea shook, and the magnates of all parties stared with surprise.

Originally, the Fighting Saint King was enough to guard against the sky. It was the first generation of giants to kill the eternal giants. Now it has evolved three eternal giant-level Dharma bodies, Dao bodies, plus the deity, and they are like four great eternal giants.

If it is said, the fighting saint king is enough to be comparable to the combat power of many eternal giants.

Moreover, the real body of the deity is like the first generation giant, surpassing the general eternal giant.

With so many eternal soldiers, the fighting power of the Saint King can be described as strong to a whole new level, and even among the giants throughout the ages, it is definitely one of the best.

Invisible, the gap with the seven giants of foreign races has been greatly reduced.

The giant chaos body and the spirit of the chaos emperor each control the gate of destiny and the gate of seal.

The deity of Ye Chen is stepping on the Great Chaos Cauldron and holding the Great Euphemum in his hand.

At the same time, the Emperor of Humanity, the Great Heavenly Sovereign Cang Yan, and the Emperor of War also appeared.

At this moment, the gap between the giants of the two sides is almost the same.

All parties in the Sea of ​​Chaos are paying more and more attention to this cosmic war.

In the ancient alien universe, at the origin of the universe, the ancestral temples are shaking, and they are all alien giants that have never been born. At this moment, they all look at the Chaos Sea battlefield.

An alien giant looked at Ye Chen with an extremely gloomy expression: "I didn't expect this son to grow up completely. I knew it was so, and I wanted to take action at all costs to kill this son."

Other foreign giants also deeply agree.

In the past years, they never put Ye Chen in their eyes, and looked at them as ants time and time again. It seemed that they paid a lot of attention, but only under the supreme, and above the supreme, his attention was not high.

After all, for the eternal giants, even if Ye Chen had supreme-level combat power, he was just a young dragon that had been growing up a little bit. If they wanted to kill, they could easily do it with their ability.

However, how could they imagine that in just over 10,000 years, this key person in the Pangu universe not only possessed the supreme combat power of the Great Perfection Emperor Realm, but also directly entered the ranks of quasi-giant.

Of course, even so, the foreign giants still don't pay much attention to it.

What's more, even the quasi-giants, no matter how powerful they are, they can still be killed by the eternal giants, and it is difficult to threaten them.

Only after Ye Chen showed the terrifying combat power of the extreme quasi-giant, did the foreign giants show regret and regret letting them grow to that level. Unfortunately, if you want to kill, it will be as strong as the eternal giants. What's more, the conditions didn't allow it back then. Ye Chen was protected by four eternal giants, including the fighting ancestor, the warlord against the sky, the Taisheng Emperor, and the Emperor Yan.

Only when the original burial master was besieged, the Emperor of Longevity took the opportunity to attack and kill Ye Chenjiu.

But in the end, Ye Chen still did not die. On the contrary, after returning from missing one hundred thousand years, he has become the supreme chaos giant, and he has unparalleled courage. He broke through the borders of the alien universe alone, entered the center of the universe, and killed many supreme lords. With the quasi-giant, even suppressed the Emperor Jiyuan, and retreated.

Not long ago, in the Chaos Sea, he killed the Destiny Great Emperor of the Alien Ancient Universe who had just witnessed the Dao, and caused the Alien Ancient Universe to lose a future first-generation giant.

It was the contempt of the year that I never expected to pay such a huge price in the future.

Now, this junior who has been underestimated has grown to a level that no one can ignore, and manifests the three eternal giant-level Dao Bodies and Dharma Bodies, and completely narrows the giant gap between the two chaotic ancient universes to an equal footing. .

The giants of foreign races are actually extremely regretful.

A first-generation giant awakened and said sternly: "This son is not dead, which is very detrimental to the eternal planning of the ancient universe in our world. It must be punishable! Today, even if a few more daoists are born, this son must be truly killed and cannot be kept. future trouble."


The Six Dao Great Emperor also awakened and said: "We can't send more people to fight."

"Six Dao Great Emperor, why, are you still on the side of Pangu Universe at this time?" The first generation giant of the alien said coldly, and the Six Dao Great Emperors dared to admit it, and immediately shot and killed.

The Six Dao Great Emperor glanced at him and said indifferently: "Eternal Life Great Heavenly Lord, today our ancient universe dispatched seven eternal giants, which has already broken the rules. If you continue to send them, the prehistoric immortal realm will definitely not sit idly by. Now, absolutely can't. Continue to expose the background of the ancient universe in our world. What's more, the Dao body of the Fighting Saint King cannot last forever. Fighting will be against him.

Eternal Life Great Tianzun nodded silently: "Okay, let's listen to you."

At the same time, the primordial immortal realm is also manifesting, and a supreme immortal king passes through the immortal gate to collect all kinds of battlefields in the two ancient universes.

Especially when I saw the Saint King of Fighting, these immortal kings who had lived for multiple epochs and were supreme, the calm eyes also showed shocking waves.

Although this new tycoon is young, his combat power is not strong enough, and no one dares to really look at him.

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