Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3932: Overcome the three giants


All the ice seals exploded, Ye Chen regained the unparalleled power, and the combat power was amazing. The ice seals couldn't really imprison him at all, and the Tianhuang Euphorbia was invincible. The mighty force shocked the world and fell heavily on the ice emperor ancestors.

The absolute ice armor shattered, and Tianhuang Euphorbia smashed the shoulders of the Ice Emperor's ancestor god, and cut off an arm from top to bottom.

All this happened so fast that in the blink of an eye, an alien giant was chopped off his arm.

The other two foreign giants naturally came to support the moment Ye Chen shot them, rushed over, and displayed the magical powers of the giants.

One of them had three eyes, and a special eye in the middle of his eyebrows was a special heavenly eye. When he opened it at this moment, a chaotic ancient universe immediately evolved, covering Ye Chen's whole person.

Eyes open, the universe opens!

Eyes closed, the universe is gone!

The universe is destroyed, Ye Chen is trapped in it, and will collapse with this big universe.

However, Ye Chen sneered: "To use cosmic magical powers in my eyes, even if you are an eternal tycoon, you are nothing but an axe."


The real chaotic cosmos in his body is showing a special brilliance. After he became a giant of the ages, he has completely controlled the chaotic cosmos and has an extremely deep understanding. At this moment, the chaotic cosmos has derived a black hole in the outside world, bringing this illusory world The phantom was swallowed by life, further expanding the chaotic universe.

The alien giant with the third eye, named Tianmu Huangzun, was actually extraordinary in his birth. In the past, he was born out of a cosmic stone in the Chaos Sea.

The cosmic stone is the same as the world stone. As the name suggests, it is the congenital chaos divine stone formed by the origin of the universe after the collapse of the universe, but it is far above the world stone.

Later, he was found by an early tycoon of a foreign race, brought it back to the ancient universe of the foreign race, and cultivated, and later awakened his spiritual wisdom, the birth of the innate divine divine, who was born in the emperor realm, extremely powerful.

After the cultivation took shape, the Heavenly Eye Emperor turned the cosmic stone of the real body into the third eye of the eyebrows, so it has the power of the universe and is extremely powerful.

But today, his ever-unfavorable Universe Sky Eye actually failed, and the Universe Stone was deprived. He felt that it had disappeared. He changed his color. Looking at Ye Chen who was out of trouble, he shouted: "Battle Saint King, you take me Where have all the cosmic eyes of the universe been stolen?"

"It turns out that your cosmic sky eye is a cosmic stone, thank you, otherwise I will go further and I don’t know how long it will take." Ye Chen smiled and thanked. With this cosmic stone, the chaotic universe can indeed move forward. The form of completeness and consummation is greatly accelerated!

At that time, he will be stronger.

While speaking, Ye Chen continued to take action. The Great Chaos Cauldron bombarded the Heavenly Eye Emperor, and the Heavenly Desolate Euphorbia smashed the third alien giant. At the same time, the Seal Gate and the Gate of Destiny were activated, violently hitting the Ice Emperor Ancestor God.

Today, he showed his great power and had to use his own power to face off three foreign giants at the same time.

Moreover, he shouldn't let the wind fall, completely stunned everyone.

What kind of fighting power is that?

Chaos giant, so powerful?

Ye Chen made a strong move, the Chaos Four Forms fell, and there were all kinds of forbidden supernatural powers. At this moment, he came by his hand and slammed the three big alien giants.

The Chaos Sea shook violently, and the long river of years appeared again and again, and no one could keep calm.

The giants of all parties were also silent, and the young and transcendent chaotic giant fighting sage was reflected in their eyes. Knowing that he was powerful and terrifying, he couldn't believe it.

How many years have passed since this, a rising star, has actually come to this point now, and it has overwhelmed the past and the present, making many eternal giants lament that they are inferior to its combat power.


As the blood was surging, it was clearly visible that the Fighting Saint King smashed the Heavenly Eye Emperor, and the Heavenly Desolate Euphorbia was stained with the blood of many foreign giants, and it also penetrated the chest of the Ice Emperor Ancestor God, giving a chill.

Although the third alien giant killed Ye Chen’s shoulders and **** the Chaos Sea, he also paid a terrible price because Ye Chen’s fist penetrated his abdomen, tearing it apart. Two halves.

Brave and brave, who is the opponent!

This is the Saint King of Fighting!

The foreign race was killed in silence. Seeing the fighting sage king who became more and more courageous in the battle, even the six giants gave birth to the heart to retreat.

All of this is due to the fact that the King of Fighting is too strong. He attacked the three eternal giants with his own power, and still killed them like this. They have the upper hand. It is no wonder that the three eternal giants, the emperor of Jiyuan, the emperor of fate, and the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty, have It is not unreasonable to fall in his hands.

The Emperor of Longevity looked at the sluggish morale of the alien army, which was created by the fighting of the holy king, and felt bad. He immediately said: "The fighting of the holy king, hand over the ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty, today the ancient universe army in our world can immediately retreat. !"

All parties were shocked. Although they all had speculation, it was another matter to really hear.

This time, the aliens gathered from seven eternal giants, and there were many quasi-giants and supreme ones. They used unprecedented foundations, almost no less than the mythological destruction. But now, they are planning to retreat because of the fighting of the holy king. .


On the other hand, people are more and more amazed at the combat power of the fighting king.

I am afraid that he is about to replace the fighting ancestor and become the first person in the Chaos Sea.

"Retreat?" Ye Chen sneered: "Remember, in front of me, your alien races are not qualified to negotiate terms. What's more, you come and leave if you want? What is Pangu Universe when I am? When I fight the Saint King What is it?"


As soon as Kaitian Universe came out, Tianmu Huangzun was once again exploded into ashes, and the other two alien giants also exploded half of their bodies, with extremely serious injuries.

At this moment, Ye Chen could be described as fiercely fierce, and that invincible posture shook the ancients and shone the present. It was clear that he wanted to suppress the three foreign giants, including the Heavenly Eye Emperor and the Ice Emperor Ancestral God.

What an invincible demeanor that is, the foreign race wants to push down the invincible power of the Pangu universe, but today, Ye Chen was killed by Ye Chen alone, suppressed one by one, and even suppressed, it is simply a strange shame to the foreign race.

"You guys explode too."

Ye Chen said, Heavenly Desolate Euphorbia slammed across, using the peerless halberd method, killing two big alien giants constantly spurting blood, being terribly enough! "

At the border of the alien universe, a figure traveled through time and landed on the battlefield, and shook the domineering Ye Chen hard.


The two sides are not equal, the visitor actually resisted Ye Chen's Tianhuang Euphorbia.


Even Ye Chen narrowed his eyes, giving birth to a little solemn meaning.

The other party could actually withstand his peerless attack?

not simple!

"You retreat, I will meet him personally!"

An extremely handsome young man appeared, but his eyes contained the age of eternity. Obviously, the real time is far beyond the appearance. This is an old antique, and it is a giant old antique, which is extremely difficult.

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