Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3933: War against the first generation giants

"Hongtian rules!"

The powerhouses of all parties in the Chaos Sea were taken aback and recognized the identity of the person who came. It was a supreme tycoon of a foreign race, and an early generation tycoon, no less than the Final Yan Xianzun, extremely old.

Unexpectedly, it also provoked the birth of the first generation giant of the alien race.

"Little friend, be careful, this is the ruler of Hongtian, the first generation giant in the early days of Chaos Sea, extremely powerful, not to be underestimated." The emperor warned Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn't dare to neglect, but no matter when, he never underestimated the eternal giant, every time he attacked, he went all out.

However, if you want to resist his peerless attack with the euphorbia halberd with his physical body, it is impossible even for the first generation giants, unless it is the first generation giants such as the fighting ancestors and the heavenly warriors. Otherwise, this Hongtian ruler could not be able to resist.

Sure enough, one of the palms of Lord Hongtian was tightly clenched into a fist, and the blood of the ancient Dao was looming, which was the wound left by the collision.

Ye Chen showed a sneer, as expected.

"Battle Saint King, you are indeed very strong. I have to admit that your strength has reached a level that our ancient universe cannot ignore. But no matter how strong your individual combat power is, you are not an opponent of our ancient universe. Today, Ben The seat can represent the ancient universe of our world. As long as you are willing to hand over the ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty, the great emperor of destiny, and the emperor of Jiyong, the ancient universe of our world will retreat and sign an agreement. Please witness from the giants of the Chaos Sea that no one can invade Pangu in an era. Universe!" Hongtian Master said, expressing a certain attitude, willing to talk to Pangu Universe, and sign an armistice agreement.

Hearing this, the most powerful people in the Pangu universe were suddenly startled.

The Alien Ancient Universe is actually willing to sign an armistice agreement and cannot invade the Pangu Universe within one era!

There is no doubt that this is great news for the Pangu universe.

Throughout the ages, endless years have passed, and the myth has been shattered. There have been alien great emperors invading the heavens and all realms, and even eternal giants have invaded and launched giant wars. This has caused the Pangu universe to be charcoal and the people have no life.

The culprit of all this, the alien, has always been arrogant and domineering. Even over the years, he has paid the huge price of the death of the supreme and even the quasi-giant, always persevering, never giving up a step, and always eyeing Pangu universe.

Now, because of Ye Chen, he was willing to step back and sign an agreement for an era of armistice.

Pangu universe, is it going to enter the true peaceful years?

Although, that was just an era.

But an era is so long and endless years, for most people, it is enough.

It can be said that countless people in the Pangu universe have shown hesitation and heartbeat.

The fundamental goal of countless people has always been to pursue peace, but now, because of Ye Chen's sake, there is hope to achieve it.

However, no one spoke, everyone looked at Ye Chen.

The foreign race was willing to sign an armistice agreement because of him, and he could only decide.

Whether they want it or not, all beings in the Pangu universe are willing to respect Ye Chen's decision.

Ye Chen scanned the most powerful people at Pangu Pass, and no one asked him to sign a peace agreement.


He showed a smile, this is the Pangu universe he is willing to guard.

It would be truly foolish to let go of the suppressed ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty for the sake of the peaceful years of an era.

Hongtian ruled: "Fighting the Saint King, what do you think?"

"I have to say that this condition of yours really makes me very excited." Ye Chen said, making both sides startled. Has he already decided to stop the war?

However, the next moment, Ye Chen said coldly: "Unfortunately, I will not agree, and Pangu Universe will not agree."

"Once upon a time, my Pangu universe needed the mercy of your foreign races and signed the so-called armistice agreement!"

"I only know that whoever has the big fist can dominate everything."

"In the old days, your alien ancient universe was able to invade my Pangu universe, but since Ye Chen became an eternal giant, all this will eventually cease to exist. Starting today, Pangu universe has completely risen."

"Foreign race, fight if you want to fight!"

Ye Chen's fighting spirit remained undiminished, but on the contrary, it became more and more fierce, chaos all over his body, resonating with the vast chaotic sea, mastering the vast chaotic power, and covering the sky forever.

The expressions of the masters of the foreign races such as Hongtian Lord changed, and the fighting holy king wanted to fight?

Hongtian Master said coldly: "Fighting Saint King, are you going to drag the entire Pangu universe to **** with you? Your decision will put Pangu universe into a place where you can never recover. Can you decide?"

At this time, the alien race was still alarmist and threatened.

Ye Chen sneered coldly: "If that's the case, I'll take your alien ancient universe to **** together, let's see how it works!"

Holding Tianhuang Euphorbia in his hand, he turned into a **** of war, took the initiative to step forward, and the Chaos Sea was exploding sharply.

Fight for the ruler of Hongtian.

Tianhuang Euphorbia slashed sharply, the infinite mighty force can cut off the eternal, shatter the sky, and kill the Lord of Hongtian, and Ye Chen's warlike voice resounded: "I also want to know, you have lived a lot. How strong are the first generation giants of Epoch!"

This blow almost cut the entire Era into two.

Hongtian's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly stood up to fight.


A long river appeared in his palm, which seemed to contain the billions of galaxies that contained the entire chaotic ancient universe. It turned into a dazzling galaxy sword, facing Ye Chen's wild euphorbia from the bottom up.

Boom boom boom boom boom

The two first-generation giants shook hard, and the impact was naturally extremely terrifying. The entire chaotic sea area was completely sunk, time and space collapsed, and no longer existed.

Even if there were quasi-giant and supreme nearby, they all hurriedly regressed for fear of being hit hard by this shock wave.

In the big Hongtian dominates the figure backwards, and the galaxy sword in his hand exploded with a bang. After all, it is not a real eternal soldier, it is just condensed by the unsurpassed way. How can it be? Truly hard to shake Tianhuang Euphorbia.

What's more, the attacker is the incomparable Chaos Giant Ye Chen, with unmatched combat power, and even a rare opponent in the giant field.

Ye Chen grabbed the palm of his hand and prepared to forcefully suppress the severely injured Ice Emperor Ancestor God and Tianmu Huangzun, the second of the three eternal giants of the alien race.

Hongtian ruler raised his eyes and shouted coldly: "How dare the junior!"

The two big alien giants must not allow the fighting king to continue to suppress them.

Hongtian ruler displayed the supreme power of the first generation giants. At this moment, the chaos sea changed its color, the infinity star was swept and fell, and the world in this vast territory was drawn to the world, overwhelming and submerged. .

"Is there anything I dare not fight with the Saint King."

Ye Chen sneered, blooming the mighty power of the supreme chaos giant, fighting with it.

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