Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3949: Rush

When everyone entered, Tianmen was guarded by the strongest of the Celestial Race. There were two Supremes sitting in the town personally. They saw the return of Suo Tianzun and the others, and they even performed great salutes, but they were surprised to see Ye Chen and the others.

Throughout the ages, in many epochs, few foreigners have entered the ancestral secret territory.

Suddenly, Suo Tianzun and a group of people from the Celestial Race disappeared, disappeared out of thin air, and even the angel emperor was also abruptly disappeared, only the voice echoed, Suo Tianzun's violent voice resounded: "Battle Saint King, this is Even if you are an eternal tycoon in my celestial territory, you can never threaten."

"This son is the abandoned son of my celestial race, and he will be imprisoned, and the inheritance of Shugusi will be taken back. I advise you, it is better to leave obediently."

Although he returned to the territory of the Celestial Race, Suo Tianzun still didn't dare to offend Ye Chen too much. After all, he was still an invincible eternal tycoon. It was too difficult to kill him. Offending was even more forbidden by the Celestial Race.

Shen Rong frowned: "Brother Ye, what should I do now, the angel emperor has been taken away, do you want to die?"

He didn't want to embarrass Ye Chen too much and let him take action. After all, the power of the Celestial Race was well-known in the world, and it should not be offended easily.

Ye Chen said: "He is my good friend, it is impossible for him to die. Since the Celestial Clan insists on this, it is no wonder that I am not welcome."

Taking everyone in one step, the starry sky changed and walked straight to the deepest part of the secret realm.

But soon, there appeared a towering imperial city, lying in front of you, releasing the supreme power. They were all immortal imperial cities built at the level of the ancient emperors. There were twelve in total, each with a true supreme seat. He shouted coldly: "Everyone, please leave, this is the ancestral land of the Celestial Race, otherwise I don't blame me for waiting."

The twelve Celestial Supremes looked at Ye Chen and others coldly.

Ye Chen and the others were surprised. The Celestial Race was truly extraordinary. There were twelve Supremes in front of them, and there were quite a few Celestial Superpowers in each imperial city. The number was astonishing and the background was strong enough.

"Don't block the way, he is the Saint King of Fighting, a new eternal giant in this era. It's not easy."

A quasi-giant appeared, an ancestor who was one of the eight major veins, with a solemn expression. He ordered the twelve imperial cities to retreat, and he complimented Ye Chen: "Fighting Saint King, please leave, my Celestial Clan The ancestral land does not allow outsiders to enter."

Ye Cangqiong said solemnly: "You can leave, hand over the angel emperor and the angel **** emperor."

The expression of the quasi-giant of the Celestial Race changed. After being silent for a moment, he learned a lot of information, and then shook his head: "Sorry, no, these two are the abandoned sons of my Celestial Race, and they have mastered Xiu Gu's line of cultivation. The remains of Si and the inheritance of the road involve the most important secrets. For the time being, you can’t leave it alone. Please leave."

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes, "What if I force it?"

"If so, there will be only one battle." The quasi giant of the Celestial Race solemnly said.

He didn't want to offend Ye Chen, the new tycoon, but he was not afraid of it as a Celestial Race.

You must know that the heavens and human races have traversed the endless years of the Chaos Sea, and there are also eternal giants. How can you be afraid of it!

There was nothing to say, Ye Chen took a step forward, slapped it over, and slammed forward with a bang.

In the twelve imperial cities, the great celestial and human supreme all changed their colors immediately, propping up the overwhelming light curtain, and the quasi-giant of the celestial and human races immediately took action to bring the twelve imperial cities into the secret territory in an instant.


Ye Chen's attack did not explode the twelve imperial cities. A vast array appeared in front of them, covering the sky and the sun, blocking them in front of him, and resisting Ye Chen's giant blow.

The vast array trembling constantly, but successfully resisted it, surprisingly, this must be an eternal giant-level array, otherwise how could it stop Ye Chen's peerless blow.

"Somewhat interesting."

Ye Chen continued to shoot, and the vast array was rapidly changing its color, and it was constantly dimming down. In the end, it was completely annihilated and exploded.

It was penetrated by Ye Chen!

However, the Celestial Clan is the strongest clan after all, and there is more than one magic circle of the eternal giant level, several of them lie in front of them, blocking Ye Chen and the others.

It's a pity that if these eternal magic formations blocked the eternal giants once, but Ye Chen is a taboo like the first generation giants, and the combat power is even more shocking. In just half an hour, he directly cracked all the eternal magic circles.

In an instant, Ye Chen and the others truly appeared in the ancient world of the secret realm, and shocked the entire Celestial Race.

"No, the fighting saint king actually came!" Suo Tianzun changed his color, and immediately rose up into the sky, and shouted: "Ancestral Array!"

An extremely terrifying formation suddenly appeared, traversed in front of Ye Chen and others. The endless avenue runes, all intertwined from the eternal giants, contained power, far superior to the several eternal magics not long ago. Above the array.

"This array, um, is not arranged by ordinary giants of the ages." Ye Chen's eyebrows narrowed slightly, and he could feel the extraordinaryness of this giant array of ancestors, giving him the feeling, even if it was an ordinary giant of ages. It is also difficult to arrange. I am afraid that a strong first-generation giant personally arranged it. It is not easy.

Knowing that there will be no accidents between the angel emperor's son, Ye Chen is not in a hurry. On the contrary, he has studied his ancestral formation with great interest, and feels that there is something special.

"Hehe, this ancestral formation is arranged by the three supreme ancestors of my heaven and human race, especially where the eternal essence and blood of the three ancestors are located.

Suo Tianzun sneered, he was quite confident of this ancestral formation, because the three ancestors of the eternal giant level were arranged together and possessed infinite power.

Many epochs before There was once an eternal giant who was lucky enough to discover the secret realm of the ancestral land of the Celestial Race, and wanted to break in, but was eventually intercepted by this ancestral formation and trapped endless years. , Finally exhausted all the efforts, and finally got out of trouble.

It can be seen that the terrifying aspect of the ancestral formation is far from comparable to that of the ordinary giant-level formation.

Now, Suo Tianzun firmly believes that even if the Saint King of Fighting comes, it will not work. Once he attacks, he will eventually be trapped in it and it is difficult to break free.

The quasi-giant-class ancestors of the other eight major veins also appeared and looked at this place.

"I'm here for a break, you stay here."

Ye Chen said that he is a master of art and boldness, as a taboo existence comparable to the original giants, and the chaotic Eucharist is immortal, enough to fear everything, feasible, and directly into the ancestral formation.

The Ancestral Sky Formation is not only a simple defensive formation, but also a combination of killing formations, trapping formations, and phantom formations. It has a variety of functions. It was arranged by the three ancestors of the Celestial Race personally. The giant broke in and was trapped for endless years before cracking it out bit by bit.

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