Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3950: Ancestral formation

The moment Ye Chen entered, the time and space changed immediately, and a chaotic ancient universe was directly derived. Time and space are infinite, and many more chaotic primitive worlds are emerging. There are also three stalwart figures of heaven and sky in the world. It exudes an unparalleled genius.

Ye Chen knew that these were the three celestial magnates. It must be said that the celestial tribe was indeed the strongest clan of the Chaos Sea. With just this number of magnates, the general Chaos Ancient Universe could not be compared.

You know, there was only one eternal giant in the Eight Desolate Ancient Universes, Emperor Hantian.

He also wanted to verify the power of the ancestral formation.


In the celestial and human universe derived from the ancestral formation, the three ancestors of heaven and earth were separated, and one after another ancient emperor appeared, and many quasi-giant figures appeared and attacked Ye Chen at the same time.

These are the supreme and quasi-giants born of the celestial race through the ages. They have participated in the construction of the ancestral sky array, leaving the corresponding mark of the road, even if some have fallen, such as the celestial quasi-titans such as Xiugus, but They also evolved one by one within the Ancestral Sky Formation, but they reappeared with the mark of the Great Dao of the past, launching a fierce offensive against the intruders.

In an instant, there was an endless offensive overwhelming the sky, flooding Ye Chen in the center.

Those fierce offensives, not to mention quasi-giants, even the eternal giants must avoid their edge.

"It's so strong, even if these are just the marks of the great avenues, they are not real, but through the ancestral formations, they can exert terrible powers that are no less than the real supreme and quasi-giants. No wonder there were rumors of eternal giants in many epochs. After being trapped for endless years, he finally broke free.” Shen Rong’s face was extremely solemn. His father was Emperor Zhuxian, the invincible quasi-giant of the generation of the mythical era. On the day when the myth was broken, he became the supreme existence of the eternal giant. Following his father, he knew a lot of the secrets of the Chaos Sea, including the secret of the Celestial Race.

We must know that the giants of the ages are truly taboos. Looking down on the past, the present and the future, who can kill them?

Even if it's just trapped, it's amazing, let alone the endless years of trapping, all of which can explain the terrible aspects of the ancestral formation of the Celestial Race.

Ye Cangqiong and the others were aware that Ye Chen's situation was very bad. Being trapped in it, it was better than the latter to break free immediately, and would be trapped for a long time.

In the ancestral formation, Ye Chen's expression was slightly condensed, but he never completely changed his color. Facing the evolution of the collective offensive of the heavenly supreme and quasi-giant of the heaven and human race, he just waved the chaos holy fist, deriving 108 heads. Shenguang Tianlong rushed to all sides.

One hundred and eight divine light dragons, each shaped like a true supreme, containing infinite power, rushed towards the supreme and quasi-giant phantoms of the heavens and human races, temporarily resisting their offensive.

At the same time, Ye Chen waved the Immortal Sacred Fist, stepping forward forcefully, never stepping back, step by step across the endless sky, and began to break through the ancestral sky.

The sacred and quasi-giant figures of the Celestial Race were blocked and unable to break through. At this moment, the three ancestors moved, and they made an eternal blow!

The three ancestors strike at the same time, as if the real ancestors of the Celestial Race set foot on the river of years, and the world-killing blow carried out across endless years can annihilate the primitive world of chaos, kill the quasi-giants, cross the heavens, and blast. To Ye Chen.

"Oh, it's just a mark of a mere avenue, even the deity here doesn't necessarily stop me."

Ye Chen was cold in the sun, the chaotic light all over his body skyrocketed, and his palms slapped three slaps in succession, colliding with the ancestors of the three celestial races, both disappeared invisibly.

Then, his chaos erupted, and he attacked the ancestral sky powerfully and rudely, with a series of loud noises, and confronted with the supreme and quasi-giant figures of the heaven and human races, directly flying off the heaven and human races. The majestic figure of the supreme and quasi-giant.

Even so, the real body is fighting against the ancestors of the three eternal giants, which is very fierce, no less than the real eternal giants peak battle.

Ye Chen is incomparable in the world, chaos begins to appear, covering the heavens, and at the same time fighting against the mark of the three great ancestors, just like the pinnacle of a battle across the long river, and at the same time against the three ancestors of the heaven and human race.

In the ancestral land of the Celestial Race, Zhu Qiang changed color.

Fighting Saint King is too strong, stronger than the eternal giant who was trapped in the ancestral formation at the time, I don’t know how much, because the eternal giant was suppressed by the shadow of the three ancestors of the heaven and human race, and a trap is endless years. , More than half an epoch.

However, today's Fighting Saint King is strong and invincible, and the three ancestors phantoms cannot be suppressed at all, and the same is true for the supreme and quasi-giant phantoms, which are suppressed in the opposite direction.

He is just a person, but he can do this step. It can only be said that his strength is too strong, and he can be called a stalwart existence like an early giant.


Ye Chen used the Chaos Dao Technique to contend against the entire Ancestral Sky Formation with his own body. He did not even use any eternal Dao soldiers, nor did he manifest the strongest Dao Bodies, Dharma Bodies, etc., just want to know to what extent his strength can reach. .

The ancestral formation was constantly trembling, and a series of supreme, quasi-giant-level phantoms were reversely suppressed and collapsed and shattered, demonstrating Ye Chen's majesty.

The phantoms of the ancestors of the three celestial and human races were also blown away, and the endless eternal runes were wiped out into the air, and the phantoms became more and more faint and weak, and the entire ancestral formation was crumbling and almost collapsed.


Suddenly In the phantom of the ancestors of the three heavenly human races, a feather flew out. The whole body was pale white and very ordinary. However, it was such a white feather that revealed the eternal collapse. The infinite power of, flying out infinite eternal Dao patterns, there is a trace of blood on the top, the angel emperor's heavenly feather holy sword, but even more terrifying, it slashed towards Ye Chen.

"Huh? It is similar to the Heavenly Feather Sacred Sword left by the Angel God Emperor, but more powerful. Could it be that the Angel God Emperor in the past made 18 Heavenly Feather Sacred Swords by referring to the feather sacrifice of the ancestor of the Celestial Race?" Ye Chenmou A gleam of surprise flashed in the middle, but never stopped, his fist shook with it, blooming with brilliant brilliance, with a clanging sound, it shot it flying, and surprised the mighty of the Celestial Race.

"How is it possible? That is the original true feather war sword of the second ancestor. It is all the cutting-edge feathers of the original light wings. It turns into this primitive true feather war sword, no less than the real eternal Taoist soldier. Under the blessing of the ancestral formation, it was fully recovered, but was blown away. The fighting saint king did not suffer the slightest harm, it is incredible!"

Suo Tianzun and other quasi-giants of the eight major veins were taken aback. Only they could truly understand the terrifyingness of this primitive true feather war sword. If an eternal Taoist soldier was completely recovered, it would be easily collapsed. It's incredible.

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