Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3952: Holy heaven

The battle between the two eternal giants is extremely terrifying, and it is very likely that this ancestral secret realm will be directly penetrated and destroyed.

The third ancestor immediately used the eternal domain, combined with the ancestral formation, wrapped the two eternal giants to form a big world, and let the two fight at the peak of the world.


Ye Chen fought at the pinnacle, and sacrificed the Great Chaos Cauldron to collide with the third ancestor.

Who is he, a strong existence like a giant in the first generation, and now he has sacrificed a great chaos cauldron, and it is even harder to find an opponent in the world.

Not long after, the third ancestor flew upside down covered in blood. The Peak Battle was not Ye Chen's opponent at all. Even if he was an eternal giant, the level gap with the first generation giants like Ye Chen was not small.


The blood of the third ancestor Wangudao splashed, and Ye Chen made a strong blow, tearing off several pairs of primitive light wings behind him.

The Great Chaos Cauldron came across the sky, shattering forever, and shattering the third ancestor's right shoulder and arm.

Ye Chen was always intact, he was too strong, far stronger than the average eternal giant.

The expression of the Celestial Race has changed greatly, and it is stronger than the third ancestor and is not the opponent of the Fighting Saint King.

The third ancestor of the Celestial Race was dim, and said: "I never thought that the Chaos Sea still has you, such a worldly arrogant, so young, but so strong and invincible, the old is not as good as you!"

He has cultivated for many epochs, even if he has become an eternal giant, it is difficult for him to go further. He never thought that the fighting sage in front of him was not only much younger than him, but also much stronger, which gave him a kind of unforgiving years. Human illusion.

Ye Chen didn't take advantage of the victory, and said, "Release the two."

The third ancestor of the Celestial Race shook his head: "Sorry, unless you are willing to exchange it with the Crown of Eternity, you can't."

Upon hearing this, Ye Chen's voice sank, revealing a bit of murderous intent: "Are you going to continue the battle?"

Continuing the battle, he would not keep his hands, even if he did not kill the third ancestor, it would definitely make the latter difficult.

He has never been a kind person. In a rage, even if he is not overly charcoal, it is not a problem to penetrate the ancestral secret realm.

Perceiving the thick murderous intent contained in Ye Chen's words, the third ancestor of the Celestial Race felt a horror inexplicably, and there was a special feeling of palpitations.

Could it be that the fighting sage king still kept his hands?


The third ancestor shook his head, and didn't think that the holy king could keep his hands after a battle.

He said: "It can only be exchanged!"

"Very well, Celestial Race, you successfully angered this seat." Ye Chen's voice sank completely. This time he moved a real murderous intent and spread out. The temperature of the entire ancestral secret realm dropped for some reason. The vast world is icy.

Hundreds of thousands of celestial beings tremble, even the ancient kings, emperors, and even the supreme-level celestial supreme beings have changed their colors.

Suo Tianzun and other seven quasi-giant ancestors also changed their colors one after another, showing a look of awe.

This time, is it possible that the Saint King of Fighting had a murderous intention, and he wanted to kill him?

Although the third ancestor of the Celestial Race had a solemn expression, he had no fear, and said: "Fighting Saint King, this is the secret realm of my Celestial Race ancestors. Although you are very strong, you are not an ordinary eternal giant, but you really want to fight. It's not a good thing. Is it really going to go to war?"

"Hehe, you are waiting for you to fight with this seat, but at this time you are asking me? Isn't it ridiculous." Ye Chen sneered, a great chaos cauldron slowly hanging in the air, releasing the infinite power of the eternal dao soldiers. Shake the entire ancestral secret realm.

At the same time, the wild euphorbia appeared in his hand.

After drinking the blood of many eternal giants, and even killing the eternal giants such as Destiny the Great, the Desolate Euphorbia has also undergone an astonishing transformation in the imperceptibility, and now it has become more and more fierce and infinite. It reveals a series of murderous intent to kill the eternal, easily annihilating time and space, shaking the ancestral secret realm.

Ye Chen dragged Tianhuang Euphorbia towards the third ancestor of the Celestial Race.

Every step taken is like a vast world stepping on the ancestral secret realm, weighing billions of billions of dollars, making the entire ancestral secret realm tremble slightly.

On the Mysterious Realm of the Ancestral Land, the E. halberd of the Desolation of the Desolation showed its sharp edge and easily opened an abyssal chasm that was hundreds of millions of miles long.

"Those who block me die!"

Ye Chen snorted coldly and waved Tianhuang Euphorbia to strike a world-famous blow!

After the halberd smashed, the secret realm of the ancestral land was shaken, as if to be completely split in half!

The third ancestor of the Celestial Race changed color on the spot, feeling an unprecedented murderous intent, and with a long roar, he sacrificed his eternal Taoist sacred heaven!

This is a fist-sized ball of holy light, which shook directly with the Tianhuang Euphorbia.


The terrifying eternal majesty erupted wildly, causing the ancestral secret realm to riot, and the ancestral heavenly formation lay across, completely isolating all these powers and failing to truly affect the hundreds of millions of sentient beings below.

Ye Chen gave a stunned sound. The Tianhuang Euphorbia smashed the ball of light, but failed to break open, which surprised him.

Even if he wasn't a full blow, he was not easily able to bear it by ordinary Taoist soldiers.

The sacred ball of light flew upside down and returned to the hands of the third ancestor, and the third ancestor smiled lightly: "Battle Saint King, this is the sacred heaven realm of the eternal Taoist soldiers of this seat!"

It looks like a ball of light, but as the name suggests, this is a truly boundless world, which can be called vast. Although it is not as vast as the ancestral secret realm of the Celestial Race, it is much larger than the Primordial Chaos World. .

This is the third ancestor who has sacrificed and refined the eternal Taoist soldiers for multiple epochs. In the endless years, based on the original world of his body, I don’t know how many chaotic primitive worlds have been smelted. There are also many kinds of peerless emperor treasures, and even a fluke. The earth obtained a fist-sized cosmic stone, which was kept for more than five epochs, and only then did it become this sacred heaven.

"The holy heaven of the third ancestor has appeared!"

"The fighting king actually forced the third ancestor to sacrifice the sacred heaven!"

"The power of the sacred heaven is to suppress the eternal ages. Three epochs ago, the third ancestor used this to suppress the invading eternal tycoon for many thousands of years."

"Yes, if it hadn't been for the third ancestor to sacrifice the sacred heavens, the ancestral formation would not be as simple as suppressing the eternal giant."

In the Ancestral Secret Territory, countless celestial beings exclaimed, especially those supreme, and even the seven quasi-giant ancestors, the eyes of the sacred heavenly realm showed a hot light.

The sacred heaven, a vast realm of the eternal Taoist level, unparalleled in power, can be called a gem among the eternal Taoist soldiers, extremely powerful.

The Celestial Race relies on the Chaos Sea to become one of the best superpowers. On the one hand, it is due to the three ancestors, and on the other hand, it is also due to the divine heaven.

As soon as the sacred heaven came out, it immediately obscured the sky and the sun, projecting a phantom of the boundless world, turning the surrounding infinite hundreds of thousands of miles into the heaven realm, and even Ye Chen was also wrapped in it.

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