Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3953: Another ancestor

"Holy heaven?"

   Ye Chen glanced at this sacred heaven. It was indeed vast and boundless, and it contained majestic power. It was not simple, it was not an ordinary eternal soldier.

   At the very least, he thinks that the Sealed Gate, the Chaos Armor, and the Judgement Spear are inferior to this sacred heaven, even if the Destiny Gate is a bit worse, only the Great Cauldron of Chaos and the Great Halberd can be compared.

   Although the third ancestor was just an ordinary eternal giant, but mastering these eternal soldiers, he was able to exert an extraordinary strength in combat, which made Ye Chen quite a headache.

   Because he could see that in the sacred heaven, the third ancestor was the only ruler, able to greatly increase his own combat power, and on the contrary weaken the local combat power.

   One goes down and the other goes down, which can be said to have a great advantage.

   Ye Chen was naturally not afraid, holding Tianhuang Euphorbia in his hand, strode forward, and killed the third ancestor, sneered: "This eternal Taoist soldier is good, but do you think it can stop this seat?"

   "If you can stop it, you will know after a trial!"

At the same time, the third ancestor of the Celestial Race brought in the original true feather war sword of the second ancestor. With a clang, under the blessing of the eternal power of the eternal giant, it was completely recovered, clamoring, and blooming hundreds of millions of original ancestors. Light.

   The sacred heaven also came to the boundless heavenly power for blessing, making the original true feather war sword power reach an unprecedented height.

   The third ancestor waved the primitive true feather war sword, and slammed into the wild Euphorbia that Ye Chen waved.


  Rao is the sacred heaven that is unbreakable and can even trap the eternal giants, but the collision of the eternal Taoist soldiers of the two great eternal giants still caused this sacred heaven to tremble sharply, producing huge waves.

As the sole ruler of the sacred heavens, the third ancestor of the Celestial Race has been greatly increased in combat power. It is much stronger than before. On the contrary, it is also constantly suppressing Ye Chen's combat power. Therefore, this collision is actually Not comparable.

   Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, the suppression of this sacred heaven was quite considerable.

   However, the third ancestor was even more shocked. He was blessed by the entire sacred heavenly realm. If he were to dominate, his combat power increased by more than a large amount, but under the frontal collision, he could not have the slightest advantage.

   You have to know, this is still in the situation where the opponent is suppressed, it is hard to imagine how terrifying the fighting power of this fighting saint king will be.

   "It's interesting."

   Ye Chen Xiemei smiled, but does this so-called holy heaven want to suppress him?

   is difficult!


   Heavenly Desolate Euphorbia struck across, and the chaotic giant's peerless combat power was unfolding. As soon as the attack came out, the entire sacred heaven world trembled fiercely, as if it could not bear his mighty power, making the third ancestor discolored.

  The Fighting Saint King can be stronger?

   He swung the original real feather sword to fight close.

   boom boom boom boom boom

   The two supreme giants fought in the sacred heaven realm, becoming more and more fierce and terrifying.

Ye Chen is holding the Heavenly Desolate Euphorbia with one hand. It can be said to be unparalleled in strength and strength. One shot of the Heavenly Desolate Euphorbia is to kill the third ancestor who holds the original True Feather War Sword in both hands. Divided up and down, thoroughly showing his unmatched combat power.

On the other hand, he grabbed the foot of the Great Chaos Cauldron with his other hand and slammed it hard. The Great Chaos Cauldron slammed across the holy heaven, tearing the sky, directly piercing the holy heaven, causing the entire holy heaven to shake violently. trembling.

   Shake the sky!

   cut off the sky!

   Zhen Tianyin!

   Once the three great fighting sacred methods came out, it was no less powerful than the fighting ancestors who personally took action. The fighting strength was unparalleled, and the whole sacred heaven was completely torn apart.


   Lost the suppression of the sacred heaven, Ye Chen's strength surged countless. Under the slash of the wild euphorbia, the original true feather war sword crashed and flew, inserted into the body of the third ancestor, and flew upside down with him, the eternal giant of the Celestial Race.

   "The third ancestor!"

   The heavenly and human clan heroes exclaimed, shocked and unbelievable, the invincible third ancestor was actually defeated by the fighting king.

  The third ancestor of the heavenly human race also changed color and was about to return to the battlefield. At this moment, with wide eyes, it was suddenly seen that the Great Chaos Cauldron descended from the sky, directly smashing the sacred heaven realm, leaving only the body of the light ball, which was suppressed.

At the same time, Ye Chen projected the Tianhuang Euphorbia, pierced through the endless sky with a scream, penetrated the entire third ancestor, and nailed it into the starry sky of the ancestral secret realm. With a crash, the eternal power erupted and went straight. Exploded hundreds of millions of stars.

  The third ancestor of the heavenly human race, defeated!

   At this time, the second ancestor was also alarmed, and appeared on the battlefield to rescue the third ancestor, all at the level of eternal giants.

   "The second ancestor was also alarmed!"

   "If the two ancestors take action, no matter how strong the Fighting Saint King is, they will definitely be suppressed!"

   "The two ancestors are invited to take action and suppress the fighting king!"

   Hundreds of millions of sentient beings kneel down and pray!

Ye Chen looked at the second ancestor. This was another eternal giant of the Celestial Race. The years of enlightenment were longer than those of the third ancestor. He was old and immortal for a long time, but his vitality was boundless, even if it passed, I don’t know how many. The epoch is now, and it is still in the peak state.

   I just don’t know what an unfathomable existence this second ancestor of the Celestial Race who has survived for many epochs is.

   But Ye Chen is not afraid. He is young, but his combat power is universally recognized as the most invincible ~ even if there is another second ancestor, he can dare to crush him.

  The second ancestor looked at Ye Chen, frowned and said, "Are you the fighting king?"

   He was originally in a deep seated position, but unfortunately, the fluctuations in the battle between the two giants were too strong, and he could not completely ignore them.

   Ye Chen smiled and said, "I don't mind if you two go together."

At the beginning, four of the seven giants of foreign races shot at him at the same time, and in the end, after the two giants of the eternal race were merged into one, they were able to defeat the ice emperor ancestor **** and the emperor of heaven. Alien giants, not to mention just two celestial giants.

   The second ancestor gave Ye Chen a stronger feeling than the third ancestor, but it hadn't reached the level of the first generation giant.

   In terms of his strength, he is confident that he can deal with two eternal giants of the Celestial Race at the same time.

   "Huh, the junior is a bit mad!" The second ancestor coldly snorted, how he is so underestimated in the Chaos Sea for multiple eras.

   But I also know the terrible thing about Ye Chen. One person can suppress the third ancestor. Most of them are not Ye Chen's opponent.

"Go together!"

  The second and third ancestors of the heavens and human race went on together. The second ancestor held the original true feather war sword, and the third ancestor regained the sacred ball of light and re-evolved into the sacred heaven.

   It's a pity that the strength of the ancestors of the two great Celestial races is the level of the general eternal giants. Ye Chen was a peerless fierce man who was able to overwhelm the three alien giants to fight at the beginning.

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