Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3954: First Generation? Stone man?

Half an hour later, the blood was surging, and the entire ancestral secret realm was vast.

   The sacred heaven exploded once again, and the second ancestor also suffered heavy losses, and was split into two by Ye Chen with the great halberd.

   And the Great Chaos Cauldron descended from the sky, shattering half of the third ancestor's body into blood foam.

   At this moment, he stepped on the two great ancestors of the Celestial Race to fight.

   Heaven and man Zhu Xiong could not see his scalp numb.

   Suo Tianzun is even more regretful.

  If it weren't for him, how could the Celestial Clan provoke the fighting saint king, a peerless and fierce figure.

   It's a pity, and it's useless to regret in the future.

   "So strong, much stronger than expected!"

   The second and third ancestors glanced at each other, and there was a deep shock in each other's eyes.

   is too strong, this fighting saint king is far stronger than imagined, it is invincible.

The two people work together, and they are both Celestial Races, the same blood, and the cooperation of multiple epochs, working together, is no longer as simple as one plus one, but even so, it is no longer Ye Chen's opponent, on the contrary, it is suppressed. Hit, it's incredible.

   However, how would they know that Ye Chen was the three eternal giants of the foreign race who used to smash the three giants of the foreign race in the past. In the end, the first generation giants such as Hongtian Master were all broken into pieces. How absolutely fierce.

   No matter how strong the two of them are, how can they be compared with the other race.

   "Friends, please stop!"

   Suddenly, the first generation ancestor was also shocked, appeared on the battlefield, shook Ye Chen hard and stopped it.

   is just the first generation ancestor's figure swaying, and exploded with a bang. It was not the real body, but an eternal thought.

Behind, Will and the others were taken aback. They knew that Ye Chen’s strength was that the second and third ancestors of the Celestial Race, the two great eternal tycoons, could only be crushed and beaten, but the first ancestor’s eternal thought came out. , But was able to resist Ye Chen, even if it was just a blow, it was extremely impressive.

   Ye Chen smiled: "It's interesting. I didn't expect such a powerful person to be hidden in the Celestial Race. Come out."

   Silently, a stalwart figure appeared on the battlefield. The whole body was turned into a stone, like a stone figure, but there were no wings behind it. It seemed like an ordinary human race, and even the slightest eternal prestige was not revealed.

   However, it is precisely this kind of stone man that caused all the members of the Celestial Race to kneel down and worship, shouting respectfully: "The first ancestor!"

  He is the first ancestor of the Celestial Race.

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes and stared at the first ancestor. Although he was in the state of a stone man and his energy was impenetrable, he could clearly feel the extreme power hidden in the stone, no less than the emperor of longevity and the ruler of Hongtian. The first generation giant level.

   Since he knew the second and third ancestor, he knew that there must be a first ancestor in the Celestial Race, and the higher the ranking, the stronger the strength.

   never thought that the first ancestors were actually the first giants.

   The background of the heavenly human race was even more amazing than he had imagined.

   Rao is so, Ye Chen is still full of fighting spirit, and said: "Well, I don't mind one dozen three!"

   Feeling the vigorous fighting spirit in Ye Chen, there is no fear at all. Even if the three eternal giant-class ancestors of the Celestial Race are all out, and the first ancestor of the first generation giant is born, the Celestial Race heroes have no confidence.

   All the confidence has been wiped out bit by bit earlier.

   Fighting Saint King is too strong, it is not within the scope of common sense at all.

  The first ancestor who looked like a stone man showed a wry smile and sighed slightly: "Please also fight the Saint King to stop the war."

   Ye Chen said indifferently: "Well, as long as the Celestial Race releases two people, the war can cease, otherwise I don't mind continuing to make trouble with your Celestial Race."

Hearing that, the expressions of the heroes of the Celestial Race are ugly. The fighting sage king is strong but strong, but with the corresponding qualifications, the ancestral formation cannot be trapped. The two great ancestors are pressed to fight. Now although the first ancestor is born, It may be possible to defeat this fighting saint king, but it is not necessarily trapped.

   Besides, being remembered by such an early-generation giant, the Celestial Clan couldn't bear the consequences.

   Suo Tianzun looked at the first ancestor, and hurriedly said: "The first ancestor, absolutely must not, Xiugusi possesses the ultimate secret."

   After a little pondering, the first ancestor finally nodded: "Don't worry, fellow Taoists, they will release it."

   At the rear, Shenrong, Ye Cangqiong, Will and others finally smiled.

  Sure enough, after being scared of the inexhaustible Celestial Race, the Celestial Race did not dare to refuse.

   Of course, in the final analysis, it was because Ye Chen's strength was too strong, and he pressed the Celestial Race to fight.

   Ye Chen stood with his hands in his hands and said, "Okay."

During the waiting time, all the strong celestial beings present were very unnatural, including the supreme celestial races and quasi-giants, who were relatively silent, and even the second and third ancestors looked gloomy and did not say a word. It's a shame.

   The celestial and human race, which has been in the chaotic sea for endless years, sits on the three supreme giants, and it is a great shame to be forced to do this by one person.

If we say that the first generation, the emperor of the universe, the emperor of the universe, the immortal ancestor, etc. are truly invincible, after all, they are truly invincible who have been recognized for endless years in the chaotic sea, but the fighting king in front of him is an unheard of newcomers Eternal giants.

   I didn't give it too soon. With the passage of time, they gradually learned some amazing news in the Chaos about the fighting king in front of them.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the fighting king returned as a giant and entered the alien ancient universe alone, broke the alien border, silently killed many alien supreme and quasi giants, and later followed a generation of silent giants— -The Emperor Jiyuan has a battle at the border of the alien universe, and it is suppressed strongly.

   The three giants of foreign races failed to pursue and kill, and the fighting saint king retreated.

   Thousands of years later, the Fighting Saint King killed the Destiny the Great, who was living in the Chaos Sea, and killed him who was standing in the extreme quasi-giant, and killed a newly promoted eternal giant, truly shocking the past.

   In the rage of the ancient alien universe, the army marched out, and the seven eternal giants attacked, and even led by the first generation giants like the Longevity Emperor, they wanted to invade the Pangu universe and kill the fighting king.

However, in that battle, the Saint King of Fighting and War demonstrated the shocking power of the world. One person against many foreign giants will also be suppressed by the ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty. Even Hongtian ruled the first-generation giants to march, and also defeated. But he couldn't stop, and was even blown up by the fighting king...

   After the Human Race learned of these news that day, they all showed shocking expressions, including the three ancestors.

   The fighting king in front of him has such a brilliant record.

   suppressed two foreign giants, killed a foreign giant, and also let the foreign giants come back. Hongtian ruler was not a rival, and was defeated by force.

   You need to know that Hongtian ruler is an early tycoon. He exists at the same level as the first ancestor of the Celestial Race, but still ends in such a tragic end. How strong is this fighting saint king?

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