Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3955: Back to the beginning

At this moment, the Celestial Race deeply understood the horror of Ye Chen, and at the same time felt afraid of the seclusion.

   Several epochs are hidden from the world, including the beginning of the Bloodstained Era, and they are basically in a closed state. I don't even know that so many things have happened in the Chaos Sea.

   A new tycoon who has only risen in this era actually possesses the terrifying strength that makes all the ancient universes of foreign races defeated, which makes the Celestials incredible.

   Suo Tianzun felt a deep regret. Knowing this, how could he dare to treat the angel emperor like this and call the battle against the king.

The first ancestors also sighed deeply, looking at Ye Chen, and said: "The Daoist friends can be said to be blue and blue. I didn't expect that the overbearing chaos and ancient universe of the foreign race would return home many times. Such achievements are not unbelievable. Throughout the ages, few people have been able to truly do it. You are not very old, dare to ask a friend how many eras have you cultivated?"

   Although he looks very young, he doesn't think Ye Chen is really young. After all, after proclaiming the Supreme Dao, he will be immortal and can stay in the young and middle-aged state.

   The second and third ancestors also looked at Ye Chen. Several epochs before, he had never heard of the name of this fighting king, and I was afraid that he was the supreme giant that only emerged in recent epochs.

   After all, the information obtained from the understanding is basically related to Ye Chen's record, and it is related to age, which is ignored.

   Ye Chen said lightly: "An era."

   Hearing this, Shen Rong, Ye Cangqiong, Will and others couldn't help but laugh, this guy is really blackhearted.

   An era?

   A fraction of an epoch has not yet been reached.

   "An era?"

   The three ancestors and even the quasi-giants and the supreme were all astonished, showing shock.

   It's just one era of cultivating the Tao, and he has become such a powerful existence like a giant of the first generation, how is it possible?

   Many supreme and quasi-giant faces flushed and felt ashamed.

   As long as those who can prove the Supreme Dao, are the true generations of Tianjiao, they will face an era and find it difficult to find an opponent.

   The quasi-giant is even more outstanding, with the hope of eternal giants.

   However, the supreme and quasi-giants of the Celestial Race are almost all the old antiques who have proclaimed more than two or three epochs. Very few have succeeded in proving the existence of these two eras, which shows the difficulty of becoming an eternal giant.

   As for the three ancestors, all of them are more than five epochs or more, especially the first ancestors, and even the first giants who rose in the early days of the Chaos Sea, have lived through a long enough era.

   However, in comparison, Cultivation is only a fighting sage in one era. With such a powerful fighting force, it is actually a terrifying talent for cultivation that these people who have cultivated for multiple eras are overwhelming.

   The second ancestor shook his head: "Impossible, your cultivation years are definitely more than three epochs, otherwise it would not be so strong."

   The reason why the first-generation giants are strong enough is the accumulation of time, and the final quantitative changes produce qualitative changes. This is also the fundamental reason why the first-generation giants are stronger than the eternal giants.

   Ye Chen shook his head: "Three eras are too long."

   For him, the epoch time, which is often counted in hundreds of millions of years, is extremely long even if it is only half an epoch, let alone three epochs, it is incredibly long.

   The third ancestor frowned: "How long will it be long? I wait for giants. A meditation is often billions of years, half an era, but only in the blink of an eye."

   Ye Chen said: "That's for you. I have practiced the Taoism so far, but it has been more than 200,000 years, which is too long."

   "More than two hundred thousand years!?"

   All the strong celestial races are all surprised, Ye Chen has only cultivated for more than 200,000 years?

   Including the three great ancestors, even if they are usually happy and angry, they are stunned at this moment.

   A world-class evildoer who has only cultivated for more than 200,000 years and then became the first generation giant, I am afraid that it is the most evildoer in all ages.

   The first generation ancestor Shi's face also showed a sincere expression of amazement: "The Taoist friends are really the eternal arrogance. Compared with the old three people, it can be described as extremely ashamed."

   Able to cultivate into eternal giants is all the most amazing in eternal ages, but it often takes no less than one epoch, and even many eternal giants, but it takes more than five eras at every turn to finally achieve success in cultivation.

   However, compared with Ye Chen, who had only spent more than 200,000 years to get to this point, it was indeed weak and scum.

  Especially the first ancestors, with the help of years of accumulation, step by step, they became the first generation giants.

   Because of this, he just couldn't believe that Ye Chen could have come this far in just two hundred thousand years.

   Ye Chen smiled, changed the subject, and said: "Fear fellow Taoist, you turned your true body into a stone body, why?"

   The first ancestor of the heavenly human race, the first giant, turned into a stone body, it is certainly not simple.

   And Ye Chen felt that this stone body was not an ordinary stone body, and every inch of the stone body contained amazing power.

   He even felt his chaotic little universe trembling inexplicably, as if he had encountered the same origin, and he seemed to be threatened, even if he had faced the Lord of Shang Hongtian and the Emperor of Longevity before.

  The first ancestor of the Celestial Race, what method did he practice?

   The first ancestor smiled, and said: "It's just a self-made eternal with Taoists, it is not enough!"

   Although this is the case, there is a sense of pride in his expression!

   Ye Chen is a master of cultivation, but he dare not ask himself to be completely invincible. The method that can make a first-generation giant proud of it is not simple, so he clasped his fist and said: "I wish to hear the details."

  If it is someone else, even if it is an eternal giant, the first ancestor may not bother to answer.

   After all, this is my own secret. On the other hand, it is not the first generation giant to answer.

But Ye Chen exists like a giant of the first generation at the same level. He has suppressed and killed the real giants of the ages, and defeated the giants of the first generations. His record is so impressive that he is famous in the past and the future. The first generation of ancestors is also willing to answer one or two, and smiled: "This is the method of "return to the beginning" created by the elders. It seems to transform the flesh and blood body into a stone, which is essentially a cosmic stone."

   "Cosmos Stone!?"

  Don't say it was someone else, even Ye Chen, the invincible giant of Chaos, was also taken aback.

The cosmic stone belongs to the most precious kind of treasure in the Chaos Sea, and it is much more precious than the chaotic fairy gold, because the cosmic stone can only be bred from the chaotic ancient universe, and the shattered chaotic ancient universe can give birth to one or two. However, it is often difficult to find cosmic stones in most cases.

   At the beginning, the alien Tianmu Huangzun was a creature born from a cosmic stone. Once awakened, he would become an emperor, and then he became a supreme giant, overlooking the eternal ages. One can imagine the special and preciousness of the cosmic stone.

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