Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3956: Angel God Emperor

The Emperor of the Eye of Heaven is just a fist-sized piece of cosmic stone, and finally cultivated into an eternal giant. Although there is also a luck element, it has to prove the extraordinaryness of the cosmic stone.

   Now, the first ancestor of the Celestial Race actually wants to cultivate oneself into a cosmic stone, and the whole person completely becomes a cosmic stone man. This is so amazing, and it is bound to be far more terrifying than the Emperor of Heaven.

Ye Chen stared deeply at the first ancestors. The early and early ancestors looked for aura, as powerful as he could only detect one or two. Of course, it was also in the case of not fully observing, but now under the gaze of the eyes of God, everything is vain. .

   It can be seen that the first generation of ancestors seems to contain an incomparably huge vast world, boundless, even beyond the secret realm of the ancestral land, as if facing a chaotic ancient universe, boundless, majestic and unbelievable.

   At the same time, the small chaotic universe in the body instinctively releases the heartbeat. As long as it can swallow the first ancestors, the small chaotic universe will inevitably go further and greatly reduce the expansion time.

However, Ye Chen can also see that although the first ancestor of the Celestial Race has transformed into a stone body, he is not yet a real cosmic stone man. There is still a long way to go. At present, only one third of it has been transformed into a stone body. The cosmic stone is nothing more than the world stone.

   Of course, even that is amazing enough.

  The first-generation giants are invincible forever, and it is difficult to find rivals over the years.

  The first ancestor of the Celestial Race was transformed into a cosmic stone, the supreme stone body of the world stone, only strong but not weak, Ye Chen suspected that he could not control the infinite power of half the upper realm.

   The upper realm is like the vast realm of the heavens and domains of the Pangu universe, much larger than any world, and the Primordial Heaven Realm is only one-tenth of the heavens and domains.

  The power of the upper realm is naturally terrifying, and if you have the vast and unpredictable power of part of the chaotic ancient universe, it will be enough to force the supreme giant.

   Half of the upper bound is enough to make the eternal giants very jealous.

  The first ancestors of the heavenly human race cultivated into a half-universe, half-world body. If there is more than half of the upper bound, the combat power will also increase a lot.

   At this time, Ye Chen really realized that as long as anyone who can become an early generation giant, there really is no simple one.

The first ancestor of the Celestial Race actually got to this point. He wanted to become a cosmic stone man. It’s really unbelievable. If it is really completed one day, wouldn’t it be possible to reenact the universe based on the cosmic stone, open up a chaotic ancient universe, and become a real one? The master of the universe, at that time, is afraid that it will be no less invincible than the emperor of the universe.

   Ye Chen said deeply: "Daoist Arthur, you let me understand the truth that perverts last forever."

   Arthur is the real name of the first ancestor of the Celestial Race.

   Endless years, no one knows, and few people in the human race know.

   is too long, so long that the world has forgotten it.

   Ye Chen exists like a giant of the first generation, and the first ancestor just told him.

He sighed and lived endless years. From the early days of Chaos Sea to the present, the first generation ancestors, these first generation giants, the accumulation of each era, are all wise generations who have truly penetrated all things in the world, although he is very powerful and powerful. The above is not a problem, and no one can pick one or two.

   But, compared to these people, they are really young, and they have lost years of experience.

   The first ancestor smiled slightly, and said: "Friends of the Daoist have laughed, the old man has lived for endless years, and this has come to this point, but the friends of the Daoist are so young, but really powerful."

   The two first-generation giants looked at each other and smiled, their eyes were deep, each with their own meaning.

At this moment, the second and third ancestors secretly spread the message: "The first generation can be sure to suppress the fighting king. It is reported that he has six eternal Taoist soldiers on his body. If it can be captured, for my Celestial race, it can be Greatly enhance the combat effectiveness, no less than two more eternal giants."

   There are six eternal Dao soldiers, especially two of them are no less than the top eternal Dao soldiers of the holy heaven.

   This is the exact news that I learned. If you can get it, for the Celestial Race, you can get a huge increase, and the background is much stronger.

  Rao is as strong as the Celestial Race, and it is impossible to be indifferent to the eternal Dao soldiers, not to mention the six pieces, which is absolutely shocking.

   Throughout the ages, there are only a few people such as the Emperor of Heaven, no one can have so many.

   When they transmitted the sound, Ye Chen smiled inexplicably at the second and third ancestors, which shocked the two ancestors. Could it be that their sound transmission was discovered?

   But it shouldn’t. They are all at the level of the giants of the ages. Even the first-generation giants are stronger than the ordinary giants of the ages, and it is impossible to intercept their transmission.

   The first ancestor took a deep look at Ye Chen, and said through the voice: "I'm not sure, he is very strong!"

   The second and third ancestors were taken aback. Although the first ancestor and Ye Chen existed as giants of the first generation, both of them understood the power of the first ancestor.

   are the same first-generation giants, both strong and weak. The Shengxu Guzun of the year is the best example. As the first-generation giants, he was suppressed by the Supreme Emperor.

Ye Chen may be very strong, able to overwhelm the two of them in a frontal battle, but in the eyes of the two, the strength of Ye Chen and the first ancestor should also be similar to the gap between Shengxu Guzun and Taishenghuang~www As for the ability to suppress and kill the three eternal giants in the past, in the final analysis, it is thought that it is because of having multiple eternal soldiers.

   Now, the first ancestor actually claimed to be very strong in fighting and fighting, and he is not sure to defeat it if he is stronger?

   The first ancestor Shen Sheng said: "Don't underestimate this fighting saint king when you wait for the two. His true strength is probably stronger than when you waited for the battle."

   The expressions of the two great ancestors changed. Did the Fighting Saint King still hide his strength during the war?

   When he looked at the Saint King Dou Zhan in shock, Ye Chen looked at the two of them with a mysterious smile.

   Immediately, the second and third ancestors, the two great heavenly human tribes, were shocked.

   At this time, a quasi-giant ancestor of the Celestial Race personally brought out the two angels, the emperor and son.

   Angel Emperor Son is fortunate. After being captured, he was only temporarily imprisoned in a quasi-giant-level imperial palace, and it was difficult to leave.

   But the angel **** emperor is not so good. Although it still looks magnificent and graceful, the hair that should have been golden and bright has turned into white hair, and there are a few more wrinkles on his beautiful face.

   After being hunted down and suppressed by the Celestial Clan back in the secret realm of the ancestral land, not only was the emperor's path directly sealed, but even the origin of the emperor's path was also removed ninety-nine percent.

   has a series of deep black gold chains on his body, which locked his limbs, wrists and ankles, and nailed the imperial nails into the wings of the emperor behind.

   These are all restrictions on the cultivation of the Angel God Emperor.

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