Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3957: Nirvana?? Rebirth

Over the years, the Angel God Emperor Xiudilia has been imprisoned by the Celestial Race in a special prison, similar to the prisoner of the Pangu universe.

But it’s even more terrifying. It’s been closed all year round in a dark prison world, and it’s a dying world. There is no aura, and it is a powerful road restriction, which makes the angel **** emperor passively consume the body in the endless years. The only remaining bits and pieces of the emperor's way of origin to maintain vitality.

   In the endless years, the origin of the emperor's way has been depleted little by little, almost nothing.

   Lost the origin of the Emperor Dao, the cultivation base of the Emperor Dao was also sealed, even if the angel **** emperor was once the great emperor of the ancients, he fell directly into the emperor realm, and became much older over the years.

   "Mother!" The Angel Emperor was very happy and heartbroken.

   was imprisoned earlier and never met with his mother Angel God Emperor Xiudilia, but now the mother and son are finally reunited.

  The heartache is that her mother is much older, and the emperor’s regiment has been taken away. The years are merciless, and she, who should have been immortal, has become like a fifty or sixty-year-old man with gray hair.

"Chen, you have finally grown up. If your father is enlightened in the sky, he will look at him." After endless years, seeing his heirs again, the angel **** Xiudelia is also crying, but still noble and inviolable, extremely noble .

   An old body and gray hair can't change this natural temperament.

   "I have seen seniors." Ye Chen spoke politely, never being polite, even if his cultivation base is far above the Angel God Emperor, he is still very polite.

   Because this is the sage emperor of the Pangu universe, without them, there would be no Pangu universe.

   Behind him, Shen Rong, Ye Cangqiong and others also saluted and complimented, with due respect. This is a tribute to the ancestors who walked ahead!

   "Thank you for coming." The Angel God Emperor smiled and looked at Ye Chen and the others, especially Ye Chen, which was even more different.

When she left the prison, she vaguely noticed one or two through the super powers of the Celestial Race who led her away. In weekdays, these high-ranking and invincible Celestial Supreme elders, at this moment, looked a little bit towards her. Special, without that arrogant look, this is impossible to see.

   Even if her ancestor Shugusi had come to ask the Celestial Clan to unblock her, she was refused, and her attitude remained the same.

   This is true today.

   And when she came to the scene, she could feel other people's attitude towards Ye Chen, a bit of fear in the awe of the Celestial Race.

   Will and others faintly centered on Ye Chen.

   Even if her emperor's cultivation base is sealed, you can feel Ye Chen's uniqueness.

   Now at the scene, I have vaguely insight into one or two, feeling the traces of the battle, and it is not a general-level battle, even the quasi-giant-level battle is far inferior, obviously involving the eternal giant level.

   With the wisdom of the angel **** emperor, he quickly guessed that the Ye Chen in front of him was afraid that his strength was extremely difficult.

  The eternal giant?

   I am afraid it is, otherwise the three supreme ancestors of the Celestial Race would not appear at the same time.

   You must know that even if you are the quasi-giant ancestor of the eight major veins, it is extremely rare to see the three ancestors.

   On the other hand, he was also secretly surprised at how sacred Ye Chen was, allowing the three ancestors of the Celestial Race to leave at the same time, and watching the scene, the lineup was unprecedentedly vast.

  Of course, the Angel God Emperor knew that if Ye Chen hadn't come in person, the two of them wanted to leave the Celestial Race, it would not be so simple.

   Other strong celestial races have complex expressions, and the angel **** emperor is nothing more than supreme. Although these levels are top-notch in the celestial race, they are far from the point of decision-making.

   Now, let the fighting saint king willingly call the predecessors, but their ancestors need to be a friend of the same generation.

   The relationship between each other seems a bit complicated.

   However, the fighting sage king gave face to the angel **** emperor, but not to the heaven and human race in front of him, even the three ancestors.

   "Senior, this junior will pull out these traps for you first."

   Ye Chen shot, and directly pulled out all the abyss black gold chains and imperial lock nails.

   "Senior, this is a healing medicine, which can make you recover from your injury immediately."

   A medicinal pill appeared out of thin air, and the fragrance of the pill was thin and amazing.

  Countless people from the Celestial Race watched eagerly, this is a ninth-order divine pill, which cannot be refined by the master of alchemy.

   Even if there are such alchemy masters in the Celestial Clan, there are not a few people, and it is impossible to take them out like this.

   "Little friend, thank you, I have been imprisoned for these years, and it is not without practice."

   The Angel God Emperor declined, smiled slightly, and immediately burst into an astonishing imperial Dao Qi, from the weak realm, directly soaring to the supreme level of the Dzogchen Emperor realm, but it still did not diminish.

   quickly surpassed the supreme and reached the level of the approaching quasi-giant before slowly stopping.

   The old face regained his youth, Mu Xue's hair also turned into shining golden silk, completely regaining his youth, reappearing the peerless appearance of the former angel and **** emperor, and the immeasurable divine emperor shining on the secret realm of the ancestors.

   "Impossible, you have been removed from the origin of the Emperor Dao, and the cultivation base of the Emperor Dao has been blocked. How can you still practice?"

Many people in the Celestial Race were You know, after pulling away from the origin of the emperor's way, it is equivalent to cutting the way, severing the original way of the emperor, it is far more difficult to prove the way than before. Much.

   What's more, it's already great to be alive in that environment, and it's even more impossible to rebuild to become the ancient emperor.

   However, the Angel God Emperor Xiudilia did it.

"You are impossible, it does not mean that I am impossible. I was placed in the dead and reborn. I have received the Nirvana Sutra of the Immortal Phoenix. The endless years of suppression have sharpened me and made me one step closer, even if I have not yet become Quasi-giant, but not much worse." The Angel God Emperor said indifferently, which shocked countless people.

   Angel God Emperor, worthy of being an ancient emperor, endless years of suppression, the years are fading away, taking away her years, but she has not been able to crush herself, on the contrary, by taking this to go further, she is about to become a quasi-giant, how amazing.

   The seven quasi-giant ancestors of the eight major veins took a deep breath, Xiu Delia took it seriously.

   The three ancestors also showed shocking expressions, and they can still cultivate in this state, but it is a pity that the Celestial Race does not know the treasure and will be suppressed and imprisoned, otherwise the Celestial Race will add a quasi-giant.

   "It turned out to be Nirvana." Shenrong nodded, and Nirvana, which belongs to the line of the Immortal Phoenix, was created by the ancestor of the Immortal King class and was able to rebirth from Nirvana.

   "Hahaha, seniors are out of trouble, juniors are here today to help seniors go further. The origin of the emperor, come!"

   Ye Chen shouted loudly, running the supreme Chaos Taoism.

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