Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3967: Ye Chen vs the first ancestor

"Friends, sorry."

   The first ancestor was a little apologetic, but his eyes were cold and merciless, and the sword fell from the sky, cleaving his brows.

   "Daoist, go to death with peace of mind!"

   The second ancestor said indifferently, the Primal True Feather's sword pierced the center of Ye Chen's eyebrows, trying to slay his chaotic holy soul.


   At the critical moment, Ye Chen opened his eyes, looked directly at the first ancestor, and said, "I finally waited for you."


When   's words fell, he slammed the chaotic holy fist, shaking with the sword of the first ancestor.

   There was a loud noise and the realm collapsed, resisting this terrible blow that could kill the eternal giant.

   At the same time, a slap shot out, shaking with the original True Feather War Sword, with a clang, the original True Feather War Sword was blasted into the air, and it was inserted upside down on the chest of the second ancestor, bringing a series of eternal blood.


   A chaotic sky-shaking hand casts his momentum unabated, blasting him into the air, half of the eternal body is disintegrating.

   On the other side, Ye Chen's eyebrows bloomed with chaotic light, and he condensed a war sword out of thin air, flying through the holy heaven, and then falling on the third ancestor, with a snorting, the third ancestor's eternal body also stood on both sides.

   In the blink of an eye, the offensive of the three ancestors of the Celestial Race was disrupted, and the second and third ancestors were hit hard.

   The two great ancestors of the heaven and human race changed color: "You--"

   Shocking the two of them seriously?

how is this possible?

   The three giants of foreign races were also taken aback. At this time, where is the fighting power of the Saint King?


Ye Chen didn't look at the second and third ancestors. Instead, he looked at the first ancestors and said, "Arthur, do you know that I have been waiting for you to take action. I have been hiding for so long, but this is the only means? Let me down!"

   Yes, he has been waiting for the appearance of the first ancestor.

  Since the second and third ancestors of the Celestial Race have appeared, then the first ancestor must be there. How could he be missing?

   just never showed up, which made Ye Chen quite jealous, not knowing when and where he would make a move.

   Now, he finally made a move, and he was relieved.


   At this moment, there is immeasurable vitality in Ye Chen's body. The seemingly fragmented chaotic body is quickly repaired, just a few breaths, and all the wounds have healed.

   More boundless and majestic power is emerging, and the Qi machine increases sharply.

   The expressions of the three ancestors of the heavenly human race changed. It turned out that he, who had just fought with the Emperor of Longevity, was not at his peak, and he still hid some of his strength.

   Ye Chen felt the cosmic power that was constantly surging out of his body, which naturally belonged to the small chaotic universe.

   For a long time, he has never used the power of the chaotic universe to hide it as a hole card.

   Chaos Little Universe has been evolving rapidly. When he became a giant, it was already astonishing. Not long ago, it swallowed the universe stone of the Emperor of Heaven, and it expanded further.

   Now, the power of the Chaos Small Universe has reached an unprecedented astonishing level, no less than an eternal giant, or even stronger, almost approaching the level of the original giant.

   Now, the power of the small chaotic universe is madly emerging, filling his limbs and a hundred skeletons. Together with the peak power of Shang Ye Chen's own first generation giant, they are superimposed on each other, and the aura is rising steadily!

   At this moment, he finally understood why the Emperor Universe was qualified to be one of the strongest in the Chaos Sea.

  He is just a master of the chaotic universe that has not been completely perfected, and he can provide such majestic power, not to mention the complete and complete chaotic ancient universe, the power that can provide is amazing, and it can suppress the giants of the ancients!

   "What a powerful air machine!"

  The second and third ancestor of the heavenly human race was taken aback, and the first ancestor also changed his expression slightly, but at this moment, his eyes were bright, and he looked at Ye Chen suddenly with a sense of greed.

   originated from the depths of the soul, it seemed that someone was telling him that as long as Ye Chen was swallowed, he would be able to achieve a great leap, from a half-world, half-universe body directly to a cosmic stone body.

"The Fighting Saint King seems to be hiding an unknown secret, otherwise my half-world and half-universe body wouldn't be so throbbing." The first generation ancestor looked at Ye Chen in a daze, but the same Hot for it.

   It's just that the content of the Chaos Small Universe is contained in the deepest part of Ye Chen's body, and it is blocked by the Chaos Eucharist. Even the first generation giants such as the first ancestors can't discern it.


   Chaos erupted, Ye Chen attacked, cast an Euphorbia with the scattered chaotic holy blood, and stepped forward to shake with the second ancestor.


   The figure of the second ancestor of the heavenly human race flew violently, and the left half of the eternal body was chopped off by the halberd.

At the same time, the spear of trial was recast and unified by Ye Chen in the blink of an eye, and projected out, as if reversing the long river of years, unavoidable, piercing through the inevitable third ancestor, and piercing his whole person. .

  At this time, the first ancestors of the first generation were killed, and they waved the stone fist. It was a stone fist that was half-world and half-cosmic. It was extremely terrifying.

   "Okay, I also want to know how strong you, the first ancestor of the Celestial Clan, is!" Ye Chen screamed, his figure flashed, and he shook the chaos holy fist, shaking his fists with his fists.


   Years, time, and space are collapsing, it is hard to bear the hard shock of the two first-generation giants, and it explodes almost directly.

   Head-to-head The first ancestor did not let go of the wind, and his body is equally immortal.

   Ye Chen was surprised. Even if the Emperor of Longevity and him head-to-head, even if it is impossible to defeat the opponent at once, he will suffer a loss in the process of confrontation. This is the advantage of Chaos Eucharist.

   But now, he found that the first ancestors were very strong. Although they were both the first generation giants, they were stronger than the emperor of longevity, perhaps because of the peculiarities of the eternal methods he practiced.

   Transform the physical body into a cosmic stone, even if only one-third of it succeeds, it is still against the sky.

  Instructions, the universe stone, only the real chaotic ancient universe can be born.

   Ye Chen didn't know how the first ancestors practiced, and when it comes to the eternal methods, each eternal magnate has different eternal methods. It contains the insight and accumulation of an eternal tycoon in the eternal era, which is very extraordinary.

  Especially the eternal method of the first generation giants, it is even more extraordinary.

But it does not hinder the peerless power of the first ancestors. The power of the universe stone is undoubted. Every move contains part of the infinite power of the chaotic ancient universe. During the collision, Ye Chen felt pain in his fist. It was hard to feel before.

   However, at the same time, the first ancestors were also extremely shocked.

His half-world, half-cosmic stone body is so powerful, he knows that his confidence can overwhelm the other giants of the first generation, and he is not afraid of anyone in a close fight, but he can’t help but win the battle king. How amazing.

   I can only say that the Chaos Saint Body of Fighting Saint King is also extremely powerful!

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