Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3968: The founder of the celestial tribe

"Some meaning, it's worthy of moving in the direction of the evolution of the universe stone, Arthur, your Dao body is really strong. It is indeed rare in my life." Ye Chen admired, but the power of his fist became stronger. Shake the Era, and fight with the first ancestor of the Celestial Race.

   With the passage of time, Ye Chen became stronger and stronger.

  Because he is the master of chaos, the supreme chaos giant, able to mobilize the boundless chaos sea, the power is added to one, how powerful.



After the thirty-eighth fist collision, this time, Ye Chen's chaotic holy fist was cracked and dripping with drops of chaotic holy blood, but the first ancestor of the Celestial race was more seriously injured. The stone fist exploded directly, and the right arm of the fist was also broken. Fractured.

   Obviously, under the close combat collision, the half-world and half-universe body of the first ancestor of the Celestial Race is not as good as Ye Chen's chaotic body.

"It is indeed the strongest Tianjiao Fighting Saint King who can rise in just two hundred thousand years. Even though I have repeatedly overestimated your strength, it is still beyond my expectation." The first ancestor marveled, and the sea of ​​chaos is unknown. How many epochs have passed, this is the first time I have seen a person whose talent and strength are the only ones seen forever.

   This fighting king is really rare.

   "However, even if you have the strength of the first-generation giants, you still have a gap compared with the real first-generation giants. That is the foundation!"

   laughed loudly, the first ancestor of the Celestial Clan repaired his wounded body instantly, and the half-world and half-universe body suddenly bloomed with infinite light, and the entire realm was vast.

   There was a loud bang, which was clearly visible to the naked eye, and an infinite universe suddenly appeared, exploding the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and almost evolving into a real chaotic ancient universe.

   Sure enough, as Ye Chen thought, if the first ancestor of the Celestial Race thoroughly cultivated the Taoist body into the body of cosmic stone, it might go further and nurture the ancient chaos universe.

   Now, it's just a half-world and half-universe body, it can evolve into a cosmic shadow, what else is impossible.

   "The first universe has appeared!"

   "Sure enough, there is something hidden in the first generation. Once this universe field comes out, it will be enough for eternity and it is difficult to find an enemy. Back then, there were eternal giants that were completely suppressed and completely killed by the first generation universe."

  The second and third ancestors of the heavenly human race showed a hot color, even if they were both giants of the ages, but they deeply understood how far they were from the first ancestors.

  The difference between cloud and mud!

   The first ancestor smiled indifferently: "Battle Saint King, compared with the old, you are still a bit worse after all."

   The first-generation giants that have risen from the early days of Chaos Sea, and how many epochs, no matter how amazing the peerless Tianjiao, are equal in the face of the years.

"is it?"

   Ye Chen smiled faintly, and also released his own small chaotic universe, and also projected a majestic universe.

   Two majestic phantoms of the ancient chaotic universe, once they appeared, they exploded the entire realm.

   "Impossible, how can you evolve into a chaotic universe!" The first ancestor of the Celestial Race was surprised.

   He can evolve with the help of his own body, but what about the fighting king?

   Because of the chaos master?

   The eternal giants of the alien race and the Celestial race were equally surprised.

   The two phantoms of the ancient chaotic universe are constantly colliding and impacting in the Chaos Sea, completely destroying many areas of the circle.

   "Wrong, I don't need to evolve at all." Ye Chen said indifferently. At this moment, he was displaying forbidden supernatural powers-Kaitian Universe!


   is another phantom of the ancient chaotic universe descending, which quickly overlaps and expands with the phantom of the earlier universe, and finally completes the phantom of the ancient chaotic universe.

   This chaotic ancient universe phantom is vast, magnificent, real, and powerful compared to the universe phantom of the first ancestor of the Celestial Race. It is far superior in all aspects.

  The first ancestor of the Celestial Race was surprised: "Impossible, I evolved with the help of a half-world and half-universe body. How did you do it?"

   "Because--" Ye Chen paused, "I am the master of the chaotic universe!"

"go with!"

As the words fell, the phantom of the chaotic universe slammed into the past. With a loud bang, it exploded several nearby areas, and finally defeated the cosmic phantom of the first ancestor of the Celestial Race, wrapped it in it, and quickly fell into the great collapse of the universe. in.

   A great chaotic ancient universe collapsed, even if the first ancestors fell into the core, they would definitely die.

   Of course, Ye Chen hasn't reached that level yet, but the combination of the Open Sky Universe and the strong projection of the chaotic small universe completely exploded the half-world and half-universe body of the first ancestor.

   In a daze, he saw Ye Chen open the inner space, whether it was the exploded flesh or the soul of the ages, passing through, and he could see a real chaotic small universe that was gestating and growing, showing a color of shock.

   At this time, the first ancestor of the Celestial Race really realized that Ye Chen turned out to be the real master of the chaotic universe.

   "It turns out that you are the master of the fiftieth Chaos Universe, the one who escaped, no wonder..."

   The first ancestor of the heavenly human race muttered to himself, thinking of the ancient secrets of the eternal age.

   "Do you have any last words?"

   Ye Chen's deity appeared here. In the small chaos universe, he was truly invincible, and he was the absolute master. The first generation giant was not his opponent.

The first ancestor knew the situation he was about to face. There was no doubt that he would die and did not struggle. Instead, he showed a calm and said: "The old age has been in countless epochs since the beginning of the Chaos Sea. , I have long looked down upon life and death. It’s okay to die, the only regret is that it drags down the Celestial Race."

   "Also, please fight the Saint King. If possible, don't let the Celestial Race go down in the hands of the old man."

   "For this, the old man is willing to atone for his sins!"

   In the small chaos universe, the Angel God Emperor and others were surprised that the first ancestor of the Celestial Race was blown up by Ye Chen, and they were willing to die for their sins! ?

   Although the relationship with the Celestial Race was severed, the Angel God Emperor would inevitably be a little sad when an ancestor who was regarded as an ancestor in the past ended up like this.

   Ye Chen nodded and agreed.

   Otherwise, like the first ancestors of the Celestial Race, even if the final result is still to die, Ye Chen will inevitably pay an unimaginable huge price in the end.

   Yes, it is inevitable, not possible.

   The first ancestor of the Celestial Race is too strong, even stronger than the Emperor of Longevity.

   Especially when the half-world and half-universe body appeared, it was truly immortal and indestructible, and it was as strong as Ye Chen's Chaos Eucharist, but it was just a line of victory, nothing more.

   is really going to be a life-and-death battle, even if the first ancestor died, Ye Chenjiu would die for a lifetime.

"Thank you."

  The first ancestor of the heavenly human race showed a smile of relief, and with a thud, whether it was a half-world, half-universe body or an eternal soul, they were burning, turning into majestic light, and rushing into the origin of the chaotic small universe.

  :. :

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