Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3969: Beyond the original giants

PS: Fuck, I forgot to update yesterday? This is the first update, there will be more later!

  The first ancestor of the heavenly human race knew that Ye Chen's chaotic universe was far from reaching the stage of complete perfection, and there was still a long way to go.

   And he, as a half-world, half-universe body, will inevitably reduce the time required for the growth of the chaotic small universe to the perfect stage.

   And, he also wants to know where this legendary master of chaos, and the controller of the fiftieth ancient chaos universe, will eventually go.

   The second cosmic emperor?

  Of course, the first ancestors of the Celestial Race would not know it, because when the sacrifice was made, the whole body and mind were completely annihilated, and it ceased to exist and the world did not exist.

   In this way, Ye Chen's senses towards the Celestial Race can also be improved.

   In the end, the first ancestor of the Celestial Race came to an end, and everything was swallowed up by the chaotic universe.


The Chaos Small Universe was swallowed by the half-world and half-universe body of the first ancestor of the Celestial Race, and it was also sacrificed by a first generation giant, and it began an unprecedented violent expansion, even more than the cosmic stone that swallowed the Heavenly Eye Emperor. Much stronger.

  Because the cosmic stone contained in the half-world and half-cosmic body of the first ancestor of the Celestial Race is far more than the cosmic stone obtained at the beginning.

   The chaotic universe is constantly expanding crazily, its diameter is expanding, and its volume is even more so.

   The world is constantly deriving from it.

   A variety of avenues are emerging, deriving from the gradual improvement of the chaotic small universe.

   A stream of majestic and astonishing power emerged continuously, filling his limbs and skeletal bodies, making Ye Chen's power madly growing at an extremely astonishing speed and becoming stronger.

   One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

   It took just a few breaths. At this moment, Ye Chen had completely recovered from the injury caused by the fierce battle with the Emperor of Longevity, and his aura continued to rise.


The entire small chaotic universe is turbulent frantically, even if most of the power is suppressed by Ye Chen, but only a tiny bit of it escapes, it is still so terrifying, as if to crush the entire small chaotic universe. The past was mediocre, unimaginable.

   It wasn't until a long time passed, all this growth, and it slowly stopped.

   Ye Chen let out a long sigh, and now he only feels that his strength is better than in the past, maybe at least twice as strong as in the past.

   This is an unimaginable increase in power!

  Note, even if it swallows an early-generation giant and completely refines its Taoist fruit, it is impossible to make Ye Chen so powerful.

   In the final analysis, it is because of the small chaotic universe. As the real master of the small chaotic universe, when the small chaotic universe is strong, it will feed back to Ye Chen to a greater extent, helping him become stronger.

   It is worth mentioning that the diameter of the small chaotic universe has now almost reached the size of the heavens and domains of the upper realm. The overall space is so huge that it can accommodate the entire vastness of the universe, which is extremely amazing.

   To some extent, the chaotic universe is already waiting for an upper bound.

   You must know that the overall power of an upper realm is no less than that of the first generation giants. Moreover, this is not the upper realm, but a chaotic universe that is better than the upper realm.

   As the owner of the cosmos of chaos, Ye Chen is closely related to the cosmos of chaos. The cosmos of chaos is expanding, and it can feed back to the master of Ye Chen, making his divine power surge.

   "What a powerful force, unprecedented. I didn't expect that this trip to the Celestial Race would still give me such a great harvest."

   Ye Chen couldn't help sighing, such a huge increase in power is really unimaginable before.

   After all, if you really practice normally, even if he is the strongest Tianjiao who is comparable to the emperor and the first generation, how amazing and evil, once he reaches the level of the eternal giant, it will be extremely difficult if he wants to go further.

   also only the improvement of the chaotic universe can drive his further improvement.

   It's just that it is easier said than done to improve the chaotic universe.

  Practicing according to the rules, the chaotic universe does not know how many tens of thousands of years it will take to truly grow to a complete and perfect form. Only by devouring the universe stone can it evolve faster.

   However, the size of the Chaos Sea, the Universe Stone is also extremely rare.

  Today, to be able to receive the sacrifice of the first ancestor of the Celestial Race, I have to say that this is a great fortune, a great opportunity that cannot be found!

At the same time, it is worth mentioning that the substantial expansion of the Chaos Small Universe has driven Ye Chen’s control of the Chaos Avenue, which originally reached more than 9,800/10,000. Now that it has expanded, it has directly reached the most critical point. Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine hundred thousand!

   That's right, at this moment, Ye Chen, like the Supreme Emperor, has reached the stage of consummation in the control of Chaos Avenue, and only one ten thousandth of the last one can be completely consummated.

   It's just that Ye Chen must be stronger than the Supreme Emperor when he uses Chaos, because he is a pure master of Chaos, has not proven the way, and has the opportunity to take the final step.

   The Emperor Taisheng only cultivated the Great Chaos Road after proving Dao to become an emperor, and it was impossible to take the final step.

   Of course, this is only the Avenue of Chaos. In terms of real combat power, it's another story.

"With the control of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine hundred thousand chaos, I have also reached the perfect stage of the chaos avenue. Only the last step is to fully prove Dao and become the emperor." Ye Chen secretly said, suddenly feeling the chaos road he has been practicing. , There was darkness ahead, and there was no way to go.

  Before, he could use the chaos enlightenment bestowed by the Emperor Taisheng, just as if the road ahead was illuminated by a bright light, he could keep moving forward.

   But at the consummation stage of Chaos Avenue, it is also the limit reached by the former sage. No one knows the way forward for the last step. He needs to explore alone.

   It's just that this last step is even more difficult than mortal cultivation to the consummation stage of Chaos Avenue.

   "I don't know if one day, if I take the last step, what kind of scenery will be ahead?" Ye Chen whispered to himself, with expectations, convinced that he could take the last step.


   The deity of Ye Chen walked out of the chaotic universe and reappeared in the chaotic sea.


  The unimaginable eternal power is unrivaled, and the three giants of the suppressed and imprisoned alien race, as well as the two ancestors of the Celestial race, feel an unprecedented sense of oppression.

   At this moment, it is as if a quasi-giant meets an eternal giant, a complete state of suppression from top to bottom.

   The two great ancestors of the Celestial Race were shocked and shocked. The Fighting Saint King suddenly became so much stronger?

   And, where is the first ancestor?

   They couldn't sense the aura of the first ancestor, and their hearts sank suddenly.

   Is it already so bad?

  Impossible, the first ancestor is powerful, even if the other two ancestors can't reveal the true depth, but they are far stronger than them, firmly believe that it is as strong as the fighting king and it is impossible to kill the first ancestor in a short time.

   But why, the Fighting Saint King will be so much stronger in a short time?

   If it is not because of the first ancestor, what is the reason?

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