Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3971: Special perception

"The Emperor of Longevity, you can't escape!"

   A loud shout, resounding through the Chaos Sea.

   But seeing a war spear broke through the chaotic sea in an instant, shaking many realms, as if going against the long river of time, carrying boundless power and thrusting heavily on the back of the Emperor of Longevity.

   噗噗, the emperor of longevity stopped, and was nailed to the sea of ​​chaos by the war spear. With a bang, the power of the world contained in the war spear completely exploded.

   Under countless shocking gazes, the eternal body of the Emperor of Longevity couldn't bear it. At this moment, it exploded, completely torn apart.

  Blood shed hundreds of thousands, which completely shocked everyone.

   An invincible first-generation giant was blown up in front of them!


   A terrifying voice came from the rear, but saw a strong and invincible figure burst through the air, filled with monstrous fighter planes that shook the boundaries.

   "He is...the fighting king!?"

   All parties were shocked to see that the Saint King of Fighting War came back on the brilliant road, covered in blood, his armor broken, and he had obviously experienced a terrible battle.

   Could it be that someone took action against the fighting king?

   The news that the sage king left Pangu universe, only then did they know who it was?

   is another race?

   No, to be more precise, it should be that the Fighting Saint King was chasing and killing the alien race, but the Emperor of Longevity was nailed to pieces by a shot?

   Ye Chen returned home in blood, Tianhuang Euphorbia lay behind him, and Euphorbia was holding two great heads. Upon closer inspection, the entire Chaos Sea was exploded!

   Swallow Emperor God!

   There is another foreign giant who has been in the world for many years!

   The two great alien giants were given a good head by the fighting sage king and returned with unstoppable blood dripping, all of which seemed to demonstrate his impressive achievements!

   At this moment, Ye Chen carried the great heads of two foreign giants, bathed in the blood of the eternal path, and hunted down the Emperor of Longevity.

   When I understood all this, the sea of ​​chaos was shaken.

   They all understood vaguely, they were afraid that the alien race was preparing to kill the Saint King halfway through the robbery, but unexpectedly, the Saint King Fighting so fiercely came this step and killed the alien race, causing the alien race to pay a huge price.

   Alien Ancient Universe, naturally paying close attention to all of this, the same scalp is numb, even the eternal giant is the same, I don’t know how many billions of years, I have never felt such a weak hour.

   Many foreign giants are stunned. It is clear that the Emperor of Longevity personally led the two giants to go there, and even the ultimate killer, the ultimate killer. Why did they end up in such a miserable field in the end?

   They don't know. In terms of the ultimate killing array that can destroy the ancient chaos universe, it is enough to kill the first generation giants.

   Time goes back to before.

   An absolute killing array descended from the sky. This one of the strongest killing arrays of ancient and modern that had collapsed the real chaotic ancient universe is unleashing unprecedented infinite killing intent, drowning Ye Chen.

  Even, the entire realm is under the envelope of a fierce kill.

In the old days, the smashing battle once enveloped a chaotic ancient universe, and with absolute power of attack, it directly broke the defense of the chaotic ancient universe, shattered the boundary of the universe, and annihilated the countless planes of the world, the stars of life, and the ten thousand that were bred in it. Clan creatures.

There have been rumors that the strongest person in the ancient Chaos universe, an eternal giant, faced a fierce attack, exhausted all eternal power, and within three days, the final result was absolutely no one. The killing array disintegrated everything to the living land, and everything turned into absolute nothingness.

   Now, it's like repeating everything in the past, covering Ye Chen, and annihilating everything from top to bottom.

   Countless slaughter lights flooded and arrived, and they were all of the eternal giant level, enough to annihilate an eternal giant in a short time.

   Even the Chaos Ancient Universe can be annihilated, the Emperor of Longevity does not believe that Ye Chen can withstand the strongest annihilation that can withstand a killing burst.


   Ye Chen wouldn't be so stupid that his body would endure this endless killing power. The current body is glowing, and endless avenue runes emerge, and immediately derives infinite chaos sword light, which collides with the light of eternal killing.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   Under the terrible collision, all the light of killing was actually offset by life.

   Ye Chen is intact, standing there like the inviolable Chaos Emperor!

The Emperor of Longevity, who dominates the final battle, is very surprised. This fighting saint is really stronger than imagined. It can withstand the endless killing of the final battle. The original Chaos Ancient Universe is also under this trick, gradually The ground was disintegrated.

However, the Absolute Kill Array covers this realm and isolates the outside world. Even if the Fighting Saint King can offset it, it will continue to consume the power in the body for a long time, and the Absolute Kill Array can continue to consume the Chaos Qi Supplement, one will go down and the other will grow up, and there is no doubt that the king of fighting will die.

   Ye Chen apparently also discovered the purpose of the Emperor of Longevity, and he snorted coldly.


   The whole seat was shaken, and the position trembled.

   This made the emperor of longevity, the twelve quasi-giant, and thirty-seven supreme who had to preside over the ultimate killing array were shocked.

   What a powerful physical body is this capable of doing, and he almost got out of trouble after a hard blow.

   "Huh, fighting saint king, this seat will never let you escape!"

The emperor of longevity coldly The real body sits in the center of the Ultimate Killing Array, and continuously releases the eternal power and eternal runes, which have been blessed among them, and continuously release the eternal power and blessings. The killing array mobilized a more powerful killing force, vowing to kill the fighting king.

   Ye Chen continued to attack the final kill. At this moment, the power of the Chaos Giant was undoubtedly evident. The constant shaking of the final between the attacks made the heavens tremble.

   Only forty-nine swords were struck across the air, and they were all conquering soldiers who had drunk Supreme Blood or above, at least at the Supreme Imperial level, which was not simple.

   There are forty and nine avenues, and the Absolute Killing Array was created on this basis. It encompasses all the heavens and is all-inclusive, and it can be said to be like a killing universe.

   It is precisely because of this that a chaotic ancient universe can be destroyed in the past, creating an eternal reputation.

   was as strong as Ye Chen and couldn't break the seal for the first time. He couldn't help but sigh. If he hadn't swallowed the first ancestor of the Celestial Race, I am afraid that he would be more ill-fortuned under the envelope of this unique killing array.

   But not now. Ye Chen's body blooms with a stronger chaotic brilliance, the chaotic universe is projected, and a tenth-fold divine aperture emerges, which actually overlaps with the chaotic universe, making the chaotic universe more real.

   Inexplicably, Ye Chen had some special feelings.

   Is it better to completely melt the ten-fold divine aperture of one's body in the small chaotic universe? If you add the heavenly path, the small chaotic universe will be more real and perfect?

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