Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3974: 8 giants trapped!

Among the immortal kings that came out of the primordial realm, there were four great immortal kings from Yandi to Jiao, including Zhou Tian, ​​Taishi, Hunshi, and Pandao. Two other immortal kings also appeared. They directly entered the Chaos Sea and joined the human emperor. Lineup, rush to help the Saint King.

Although the Primordial Immortal Realm has always held a neutral attitude, and even the Great Disappearance of the myth is just watching the Pangu universe being destroyed by the Era, now the Fighting Saint King can greatly weaken the strength of the alien race, and they are naturally happy to see it. Its success.

   After all, the strength of the ancient alien universe also made the primordial immortal world very jealous.

   On both sides, more than fourteen eternal giants moved together and descended on the Chaos Sea, which can be called an extremely terrifying peerless lineup.

   Fourteen eternal giants rushed to the place where the Emperor of Longevity and Ye Chen were at the same time, constantly shortening the distance between them.

   However, it is clear that the alien side is faster, and the seven giants come across the sky, fast to the extreme, constantly shaking the boundaries of each block, and the power is unparalleled.

   Renhuang and other eternal giants followed closely.

   Naturally, Ye Chen also witnessed this scene with his own eyes, with a loud roar, sending out the roar of the Chaos Giant, which drove hundreds of millions of chaotic rules to impact.

   This roar was enough to roar the ordinary eternal giants, and it was Ye Chen's current strongest roar.

   The Emperor of Longevity was shocked by a terrible roar, and was wounded on the spot, coughing up blood.


The speed suddenly increased by a large amount. In just a few breaths, Ye Chen quickly came behind the emperor of longevity, the wild halberd furiously smashed, the chaotic cauldron slammed, the spear of judgment pierced out, the gate of sealing, fate The gate of suppression.

   The five eternal Dao soldiers moved together, and they all burst out the most powerful blow.


   The Emperor of Longevity was severely injured, and the smaller half of the eternal body was also shattered, and a large amount of eternal blood was spilled.

   Ye Chen turned into the Supreme Chaos Emperor, and stepped on it.

   "Battle Saint King, you are too mad!"

   The Emperor of Longevity was furious and stepped on it with his feet. It was too arrogant, dare you not put his first-generation giant in your eyes, and trample it like this?

   "I have my own arrogance. In my eyes, you are just a dying person!"

   Ye Chen was cold in the sun, still stepping on his big feet, and the Emperor of Longevity met with his arms and resisted it.

   However, this scene is extremely humiliating, as if he was trampled under the feet of the fighting king.


   "Rescue the Emperor of Longevity!"

   "Stop the fighting king, let Pangu universe hope to disappear!"

   Seven giants of different races took the lead and besieged Ye Chen for rescue.

   Hongtian Ruler is the first to bear the brunt. As the first generation giant, he is extremely strong and faces Ye Chen head-on.


   Ye Chen drank coldly, gazing at the Chaos Sea, and did not put Hongtian Lord in his eyes.

   "Junior, you—"

Lord Hongtian was about to say something, but when Ye Chen waved Tianhuang Euphorbia and arrived, his expression changed drastically. The majestic power came surging, and he immediately taught him to retreat hundreds of millions of miles. , Blood spattered on his body.

too strong!

   The Lord of Hongtian couldn't believe it. It has been too long, and the fighting saint king's strength has increased so much?

   Last time, even the Saint King was very strong in the fight, but it took a lot of means and a huge price to make him shattered once, but this time, a frontal collision directly caused him to fly upside down.

   It seems that in just a few short years, the fighting saint king has undergone an astonishing transformation, becoming a stronger existence.

   Hongtian ruler was blasted off in the face, let alone other foreign giants, and was completely surprised by being killed by surprise.

   At this time, Ye Chen was already in a frantic move. He swept across Liuhe and Bahuang, sweeping down the wild halberd. A supreme alien giant was swept away, and he saw blood stains splashing from time to time.

   The six big alien giants were all flying across at the same time.

   Such a scene, shaking the chaotic sea, how amazing!

   It's impossible to do it without being extremely strong.

   Could it be that in just a few short years, this fighting saint king has once again been astonishingly improved?

The chaotic rules in front of Ye Chen turned into a long river of chaos that lasted for hundreds of millions of miles. More time and space rivers and other long rivers descended around him, allowing his combat power to climb to the maximum in the shortest time. Extreme.


   The phantom of the vast chaos universe suddenly descended, covering a small half of the realm, and in an instant it trapped the seven great alien giants, including the Great Lord.

   That is an extremely powerful cosmic confinement, as strong as an eternal giant, and it is impossible to break free in a short time.

   Ye Chen would never let go of this great opportunity. He wanted to catch it all in one go. It would be better to kill so many supreme giants of foreign races at once, including the two first-generation giants such as the Emperor of Longevity and the Lord of Hongtian.

   Even if it is as strong as the ancient alien universe, once you lose so many eternal giants, it is definitely not as simple as breaking your muscles and bones, and the consequences, I am afraid that you will be completely injured, and even dying.

   Still stomping on the Emperor of Longevity with one foot, on the other side, all the eternal Taoist soldiers were sacrificed, all of them bombed out, and at the same time blasted the many eternal giants of the foreign race.

   The whole world is shocked, the fighting sage king is too crazy, this is the rhythm of killing eight eternal giants of foreign races alone.

   But even if he is strong, is it possible to do it?

   After all, the eternal giants are not the ordinary and supreme There are also two first-generation giants, the Hongtian ruler and the Emperor of Longevity.

   "Battle Saint King, no matter how strong you are, you can't be my opponent!"

   The Lord of Hongtian swiftly turned back and attacked the other six great alien giants, resisting five eternal soldiers.

   At the same time, the Emperor of Longevity took advantage of Hongtian ruler and other seven giants to rush to help, and at the same time exerted strength, also sacrificed to the world of longevity, and successfully escaped.


   The Emperor of Longevity and the Lord of Hongtian converged and gathered eight giants, headed by the two first-generation giants. Such a lineup is absolutely the gods blocking and killing the gods, and the Buddha blocking and killing the Buddha. No one in the world can stop.

   In the sea of ​​chaos, a few ancient chaotic universes, such as the prehistoric immortal world and the chaotic burial ground, have many magnates, and other chaotic ancient universes are bound to die.

   Under their most terrifying strike to smash the eternal, the phantom of the small chaotic universe soon showed signs of cracking.

   Ye Chen also coughed up blood at the corner of his mouth and was wounded, but at this moment his eyes became even colder. As he watched down, those stern eyes made the eight big aliens shudder.

   In the dark, a bad premonition was born.

   As if the other party was looking at a group of prey that was about to be slaughtered.

What exactly does that mean?

   "The universe, collapse!"

   Ye Chen's face was expressionless and authentic, and the phantom of the small chaotic universe fell into a great collapse for a while, and the absolute power of destruction overwhelmed the eight giants of the alien race.

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