Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3975: Never compromise

It’s just that these alien giants are all the supreme giants forever, the ruler of Hongtian and the Emperor of Longevity are the first-generation giants that have emerged from the early days of Chaos Sea. Even if the chaotic universe is destroyed, it can hurt them, but it is absolutely impossible to threaten them. Their lives.

   A tycoon of an alien race, all of which blooms with the most terrifying eternal power, resisting the destruction of this chaotic small universe.

   A large amount of Eternal Blood was spilled, and the eight giants of the foreign race were all wounded. The injuries were a bit serious, but they were far from completely threatening their lives.

   At this moment, Ye Chen took out Emperor Swallow Emperor and another alien giant, and under his unparalleled strength, they were completely sealed and unable to move.

  Especially the Emperor Swallowing Emperor, after detonating again and again, he was extremely weak and nearly dead.

Emperor Swallow is desperate, and the sea of ​​chaos does not know how many epochs. Although it is not the first generation giant, it is also a supreme existence overlooking the ages. The crisis of life and death has not occurred for many years, but now it is truly true. Sensed.


On the basis of the large collapse of the original chaotic universe, the eight giants of the alien race were temporarily trapped there by the terrifying destructive power. When it was difficult to move, Ye Chen completely tore the two giants of the alien race and detonated them. The center of the eight giants of foreign races.

Compared with the collapse of the chaotic small universe and the ghostly shadow, countless explosive powers, turbulent forever, have also completely severely damaged the eight giants of the alien race. One statue's body exploded, the skin opened and the flesh was deeply visible, and there were even three alien giants. The Eternal Body was completely exploded and suffered the most terrible trauma.

   In the sea of ​​chaos, the giants from all sides are terrified at seeing it!

   is too cruel!

too crazy!

   detonated two eternal giants, it is simply too extravagant, never seen before!

   As a result, the eight giants of the alien race have all suffered terrible and terrible damage, including the two first-generation giants.

   At this time, the Lord of Hongtian and the Emperor of Longevity were fierce. They sacrificed the ultimate killing formation, and the eight giants were in charge, making the power of this ultimate killing formation to an unprecedented height.

   Ye Chen sighed, knowing that the great opportunity was gone, because this one-on-one battle was worse than ever, and it was very unrealistic to kill many foreign giants on this basis.

However, before he left, he was madly fierce, showing the mighty power of the Chaos Giants. At the same time, he was fighting against the eight giants of the foreign race. He did not hesitate to collide with the two first-generation giants at the same time, but also to fight the six giants, killing the Chaos Sea. The terrible wars in each area have a huge impact, causing the river of years to come many times.

Ye Chen was also mad. In the end, he paid the price of half the chaos Eucharist, and so on. He blasted an alien giant several times and suppressed it. Then he unified a thousand and a hundred moves to reverse everything. The Emperor of Longevity also beheaded, grabbed the great head, and rushed towards the Pangu universe.

   Along the way, a large amount of chaotic holy blood was spilled.

   After all, he could not be completely invincible, otherwise he would not suffer like this.


   Hongtian ruler had an ugly expression, and the five giants behind him chased him up.

   Under the siege of so many eternal giants, being able to beheaded by the other side one after another is the Emperor of Longevity and an eternal giant, which is simply a shame, but on the other hand, it is not that it is to illustrate the gods of fighting.

I have to admit that his strength has reached an incredible level. Otherwise, there are a few people above the world who can do this under such circumstances. I have to admit that the fighting king is really too strong. Up.

  The help of the emperor and many immortal kings has arrived. A supreme immortal king has immeasurable celestial light around his body. The fairy king’s runes soars into the sky and floods the wasteland, saying: "Foreign race, retreat."

  Pan Dao Immortal King lifted the Supreme Immortal King City, trembling the Chaos Sea, and said indifferently: "If you continue to fight, you can only let all of you stay here!"

   Hongtian ruler looks very ugly, and he was about to speak, but he heard Ye Chen's murderous words: "Dear friends of the immortal king, please follow me to take action. As long as you contain other foreign giants, I can kill the Lord again!"



   has reached this point, it is as strong as he has paid a huge price, the injury is very serious, but it is still so, extremely domineering, not putting all foreign races in his eyes, and clamoring to keep all foreign giants here.

   But the immortal kings are silent, because the fighting saint king does have this capital, and the previous battle is enough to explain everything.

   Ye Chen, a supreme immortal dynasty, shook his head and said through a voice transmission: "Friends of Taoism, you are injured. It is not suitable to continue the war now, otherwise it will be bad for you.

   Ye Chenqiang is strong, but under such a traumatized situation, the real combat power can show a bit more.

"Friends of Daoist, no, if you continue to slay the Lord of Hongtian, I am afraid that the first generation and the oldest alien giants will be alarmed. Their appearance will be the most terrible turmoil in the Chaos Sea." The immortal king also persuaded.

   This is also another point. The Ancient Alien Universe is recognized as the most powerful ancient Chaos Universe that is no less than the Primordial Immortal Realm, so it cannot be underestimated.

   Ye Chen was silent, and the celestial kings were still so jealous after witnessing his invincibility. It was obvious that the background of the alien race was far more terrifying than he thought.

   Foreign race, is it really that terrible?

   Otherwise If the immortal kings agree, he really wants to continue to slaughter another great master, and even leave behind the six foreign giants.

   "Well, let them spare their lives today." Ye Chen sighed with regret, and silenced all parties in the Chaos Sea with a wry smile.

   has caused the first generation giants of the foreign race, the longevity emperor and the three eternal giants to be damaged in his hands. It can be described as an absolute eternal record, but it is so regrettable that this fighting king is not an ordinary fierce!

   "No, my ancient universe will never allow it!"

Hongtian is ruthlessly ruthless. Today, four eternal giants were suppressed by the fighting holy kings. Together with the emperor of the abyss, the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty, and the emperor of destiny, there are seven giants, and the emperor of longevity is even more important. The first generation giants.

   So many eternal tycoons were suppressed by the Fighting Saint King alone, and the ancient alien universe, no matter how unfathomable its background, is absolutely stricken with vitality, it is no longer as simple as an ordinary wound.

  A fighting sage king caused such a huge casualty in the ancient universe of the alien race, from the past to the present, even when the fighting ancestor, the emperor, the emperor of time and space, and other Pangu universe giants were still there, this was not the case.

   Fighting the Saint King, never stay.

  The foreign giants that were suppressed must also be rescued.

   boom boom boom boom boom

   The ancient alien universe shook. At this moment, the Sea of ​​Chaos is clearly visible. Located at the origin of the universe of the ancient alien universe, the ancestral temples rise up from boundless stalwarts, coming out one after another, shaking the Chaos Sea, shocking the past and the present.

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