Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3976: The most terrible giant war


   There is no doubt that the ancient universe of alien races is constantly emerging.

   An eternal giant, as well as a number of first-generation giants who slept the deepest, were also alarmed and began to recover.

   At this moment, at least more than twelve alien giants stepped out of the alien ancient universe, plus the alien giants in the Chaos Sea, enough to make anyone numb.

   Throughout the ages, the accumulation of alien ancient universes has been so terrifying, the number of eternal giants has reached more than twenty.

   What an astonishing number this is, the average number of giants in the ancient Chaos universe is just one or two.

Four of them, surprisingly, belong to the ranks of the first-generation giants, leading the emergence of eight eternal giants, and quickly rounds with Hongtian ruler and others, a total of eighteen eternal giants, four of which are the first-generation giants, which can be called the most terrifying Number of giants.

   Ye Chen also changed his expression, as strong as he did not dare to say that he was invincible.

  The important thing is that he hasn't seen the emperor Qingtian and Liudao come out, nor has the Shidai, the greatest black hand in the ages, appear.

   Obviously, the true background of the ancient alien universe is much more amazing than imagined, and there are other eternal giants that have never come out.

   The six immortal kings of the prehistoric world behind Ye Chen are even more so, feeling a great sense of crisis.

   "Foreign race, are you really going to start the Chaos Sea extinction battle?" The Immortal King Pandao looked gloomy, and so many eternal giants shot together, there would really be the danger of destroying the Chaos Sea.

   At this time, several Immortal King orders were also crushed.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

In the primordial realm, there are many supreme immortal kings coming out one after another. Among them, the first immortal king is the first immortal king, and the seven supreme immortal kings also followed. In terms of quantity, it is only slightly Inferior to the alien side.

   Seeing that the alien side has dispatched so many eternal giants, the total number of eighteen people is unprecedented, and it is even worse than the original mythological destruction of the Pangu universe.

   Finally Yan Xianzun's expression sank for a few minutes.

   "I have seen Senior Zun Yan Xianzun." Ye Chen politely handed over the compilation.

Finally Yan Xianzun looked at Ye Chen and sighed softly: "It's been only a few tens of thousands of years. You have come this far and I am ashamed. You and I are the first generation giants, but the same generation is a good friend. No need to call seniors."

   The masters of the cultivation world are respected, whoever has the big fist speaks, not to mention that Ye Chen is so strong now that he is only stronger than many of the first generation giants.

   Ye Chen did not refuse at this time. At this level, sometimes even if he refuses, the other party will insist on doing so. This is an invisible rule in the cultivation world.

  He said: "Can you delay me for a while? I want to slaughter a few tycoons of foreign races."

   The words are calm, but the meaning is extremely tough, which makes people's heart startled. At this stage, will you continue to slaughter foreign giants?

Hongtian ruler looked cold and indifferent: "You are indeed very strong, even stronger than me, but we have more numbers than you. We only need to compete with another first-generation giant. It can be held back by you. Give a happy choice to let go of all the giants of the ancient universe in our world, but they will be immortal in the past, otherwise you will be destroyed today and the Pangu universe!"

   "Battle Saint King!" Many immortal kings also looked at Ye Chen. At this stage, they also looked solemn and did not wish to start a war easily.

   Just because the number of giants gathered by both sides is too much, more than 30, once a war starts, the consequences can be described as unthinkable.

   Ye Chen was silent. He wanted to take the opportunity to continue to kill a few foreign giants, but it was clear that the immortal kings did not want to continue the battle. The giant battle on such a scale, they also have life crisis.

   are all old antiques who have lived long enough. They are thief when they are old and not dead. Naturally, these fairy kings do not want accidents.

   sighed lightly, he could only agree to the request, even if he was very unwilling to let go of the four giants of foreign races that were suppressed such as the Emperor of Longevity.

   An alien giant said at this time: "No, I have to hand over the Fighting Saint King, otherwise the prehistoric immortal world is waiting for the war of destruction of the ancient universe of our world!"

   At this time, the look of Hongtian ruler changed, and the other five foreign giants who had just followed the battle also changed color.

  Perhaps this first-generation giant didn't know the character of the King of Fighting, but they all knew that being able to promise to release the four eternal giants such as the Emperor of Longevity was already quite impressive.

is it possible?

   I am afraid, it will completely anger the fighting king, and the consequences will be more serious than imagined.

   As expected, Ye Chen's expression was immediately gloomy. He glanced at the first-generation giant of the alien race, and suddenly broke out: "I want you to fight with your hands? Just go to war, why is there so much nonsense!"

   Ye Chen yelled, and immediately shot, and immediately sank this boundary, spreading to Liuhe and Bahuang.

   He was the first to take the shot, and he was extremely strong, and he directly dealt with the first generation giant of the foreign race who said he wanted him to be captured.

  Who is he?

   The invincible chaotic giant is stronger than the Emperor of Longevity and the first ancestor of the Celestial Race. There are countless figures of the world-class war gods. Now an alien race dares to let him catch him with his hands, really don't put him in the eyes of the fighting king, eh?

   Even if the first-generation giant of the alien race reacted immediately and blocked it, he still bled and was killed by surprise!

   If he weren't for the first generation giant, otherwise he would be replaced by an ordinary giant of the ages, and if he just met him, Ye Chen might be blown away.

But even so, it didn't work. Ye Chen made a move between birth and death. The first generation giant of the foreign race was almost blasted by Ye That punch shattered his shoulder, showing the invincible power of the world. .

   Almost at the same time, other first-generation giants and eternal giants immediately rose into the sky, and the most terrifying eternal war broke out, which was countless times more intense than before.

  Because the total number of eternal giants on both sides exceeds 30, even close to forty.

   Especially, this place is quite close to the core of Chaos Sea, and there are many ancient Chaos universes.

   Under the most terrifying battle of the ages, it was even more dealing with the burial owner of Origin.

   The giants of all parties were naturally shocked for the first time. They immediately communicated with the origins of their respective chaotic ancient universes, and began to gradually move away from this peak of war.

   Once caught in it, the ancient chaotic universe will be blown up.

   is located in a mysterious and unknown place in the Chaos Sea, where the Origin Saint Clan exists. Seeing this scene, an Origin Saint Clan giant also showed shock.

   "A giant battle of this scale is almost no less than the one that year!"

   The clansman of the Celestial Clan of the Eight Great Sages spoke like this, with a bit of surprise.

   is the other six clan lords, and they are also deeply surprised.

   In the deepest part of the Origin Saint Clan, which has never been out of the eternity, the ups and downs of the era has never been alarmed, suddenly a pair of eyes opened suddenly, as if it shook the entire era and shocked the entire Chaos Sea.


   Two eyes are shooting out, looking at the place of war.

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