Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3977: Origin Jihad

All the tribesmen of the Origin Seven Great Sages changed their expressions and respectfully bowed in that direction.

  Because that is the oldest and supreme unique existence belonging to the entire Origin Saint Clan-the ancestor of the Origin Saint Clan!

   I don’t know how many epochs have never been born, one after another has always been asleep, and now, I was awakened!

   Another part of the Chaos Sea, in a sea of ​​Chaos secret realm no less than the secret realm of the ancestral land of the Celestial Race, inhabits the Xuan Clan that has broken away from the original holy race.

   Even so, the Xuan Clan is still extremely powerful, possessing the seat of an eternal giant.

At this time, Xuan Yi, the eternal giant of the Xuan Clan, is a majestic and majestic person who has shocked the past and the present. He is an enemyless creature. He also sensed the gaze of the ancestors in the Holy Land of Origin, frowning and said: "I remembered the scene of Is the origin jihad running through the ancient and modern?"

   once again looked at the most terrifying giant-level battle that erupted in the core territory of the Chaos Sea, and couldn't help but be amazed, thinking of the battle that did not know how many epochs before-the Origins Holy War!

   In the early days of the Chaos Sea, the origin holy clan ruled the Chaos Sea and became a well-deserved overlord.

  The chaotic ancient universe of all parties, even if there are eternal giants, and even the first generation giants, must succumb to the rule of the origin holy race.

   Later, the emperor of heaven and the first generation turned out to be, leading all the giants to launch the holy war of origin.

  The scale of that origin holy war is no less than today, and even more terrifying, because the three invincible overlords of the sea of ​​chaos, the ancestor of the origin holy race, the emperor, and the first generation participated in it.

   In the end, the Chaos Sea party paid the heavy price of the death of many tycoons, completely breaking the rule of the origin of the holy race.

   The ancestors of the immortal also rose, and the prehistoric world quickly became stronger.

   Later, there was also the Emperor of the Universe, who was born against the sky, who was the master of the ancient chaotic universe. It was stronger than the origin of the holy race and had to retreat by three points, directly from the position of dominating the Chaos Sea to now retreat in the dark.

  Today, this large number of eternal giants participated in the event, which disturbed the ancestor of the origin holy race sleeping at the deepest level, and also reminded him of the origin holy war.

"The speed of the rise of the fighting king is too fast, this is only tens of thousands of years, not more than 300,000 years, and I have actually cultivated to this point, and there is a vague potential to become a new chaotic sea overlord." Xuan Yiye Exclaiming, remembering one thing, secretly said: "It may be a blessing for the little guy to be by his side!"

The terrible giant-level melee directly affected hundreds of realms in a radius. There were no less than twenty ancient Chaos universes in this vast and endless territory, but their respective giants appeared, guarded and blessed the Chaos. The ancient universe, avoid being too big an impact.

  Moreover, other early-generation giants were alarmed, and they joined many eternal giants to severely warn that they should not affect the Chaos Ancient Universe too severely, otherwise they would stand on the other side and attack them.

It is precisely because of this that even in the battle of life and death, the two sides have been able to contain them to a large extent, and have not affected those ancient chaotic universes. Otherwise, in such a large-scale war of eternal giants, it is unknown how many ancient chaotic universes will collapse. , Endless creatures will also die out.

During this time, Ye Chen was completely insane. He exploded a boundary and directly targeted Yu Hongtian and another first-generation tycoon. One enemy two, no wind left, even if he is currently injured. In the state, he is still extremely fierce.

   All parties are shocked to see!

  The Fighting Saint King grew up too fast, and he was better than before almost every time he met.

   Now, it has reached a level that is stronger than the original giants.

   Next time I meet, how strong will he be?


   At the same time, with the full recovery of many eternal soldiers, Ye Chen even took out an alien giant and detonated them again and again, causing the two great alien giants to suffer terrible suppression.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Chen struck again and slaughtered an alien giant with the strongest strength, blasting its eternal body, killing it, completely annihilating the Xing Shen, causing a great vision to come, but soon But this eternal war broke up.

   Then, another eternal giant was killed by the immortal kings.

   Until now, since leaving the Celestial Race, it has only been a foreign race, and five eternal giants have been damaged in Ye Chen's hands. It can be described as an incredible record.

This does not include the three foreign giants of the early Yuan Dynasty Emperor, the Emperor of Jiyue, and the Great Emperor of Destiny, nor the three eternal giant-class ancestors of the Celestial Race. Otherwise, the eternal giants that add up to more than two hands will be damaged by him. On hand.

   I really want to count it, saying that it’s too light to shake the ancients and the present. Throughout the ages, how many people have been able to suppress or kill so many eternal giants?

   I am afraid that only the most powerful emperor, the first generation, the immortal ancestor, the universe emperor, the ancestor of the origin holy race, etc. may have done it.

   But these people, none of them claim to be the real and well-deserved invincible overlord-level existence of Chaos Sea, above all the giants.

   Nowadays, the Fighting Saint King also seems to be a newly promoted hegemonic giant, capable of completely overpowering the past and present.

   "Battle Saint King, is going to become the new invincible overlord of Chaos Sea!"

   "Oh my god, what a young overlord of the world, throughout the ages, it seems that only the fighting king can do it."

   "It's unbelievable that a worldly overlord who is only more than two hundred thousand years old!"

   All parties were shaken up, and with such a magnificent record, all of them created the prestige of being the overlord of the fighting king.

   But some people also questioned: "The overlord of the world? No, the Fighting Saint King is still a bit worse, he has not gotten that far!"

   "Now his situation is also very dangerous, so many foreign giants besieged, no matter how strong he is, he will undoubtedly die!"

   " don’t you find out that the burial ground of Chaos is also eyeing you?"

At this time, many people discovered that the ancient universe of the chaotic burial ground in an empty and silent area of ​​the Chaos Sea emerged silently at this time. It is faintly visible that many emperor-level emperors are looming, seemingly acting. View from above.

   But no one can question the horror of Chaos Burial Grounds. In fact, the horror of Chaos Burial Grounds is even more amazing than imagined.

   However, Chaos Burial Ground didn't seem to have the urge to take action, and had been observing quietly in secret.

   Here, the battle of Chaos Sea is still going on.

  Naturally, although they killed two eternal giants of foreign races one after another, Ye Chen also paid a heavy price. Two supreme immortal kings were also killed, blood-stained Chaos Sea, their lives were killed here, causing a huge shock.

This caused a great shock to the prehistoric world. I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years have passed. The predominant state of immortal kings has never been lost. Even in the blood-stained era, it has never been like this. He has always been guarding the chaos. The name of the sea's most powerful chaotic ancient universe, no one dares to take it easily.

   Today, the immortal king finally began to fall, and they were still two at once.

   With the passage of time, under the peak battle that swept the entire Chaos Sea, perhaps more fairy kings will fall one after another.


   Suddenly, the long river of years descended from the sky, and this time involuntarily descended, the mysterious time and space enveloped all the giants.

  :. :

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