Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3978: God is now!

The giants all entered this mysterious space-time dimension directly from the sea of ​​chaos, and this time they all looked solemn.

  Because of the long river that descends this time, it is unprecedentedly vast and magnificent, and it has tributaries no less than the long rivers seen in the past.

   The Emperor said with a serious face: "This is the real time!"

   Yes, this is the real river of years. What I have seen in the past is actually just a tributary of the river.

   The real long river of years has completely run through the ages, and there are not many people who can influence it at all.

The long river of years that can enable the Supreme Emperor to be able to induce the arrival is actually just a small tributary of the long river of years, or even just a short projection. The scope of influence is limited, and it is the time of the past and the present that happened in a special place. segment.

   The real long river of years encompasses the entire Chaos Sea, and it is difficult for the eternal giants to provoke it.

   Now, the peak battle of the giants has had too great an impact. It is completely shocked, and it is pulled out by birth.

   The vast and boundless river of years is filled with endless causal power, protecting the river from damage.

   Even though the giants are fighting at the peak, all the forces that escaped are disintegrated by the power of cause and effect, and even swallowed in Hanoi over the years.

   Ye Chen stood on this real river of years, feeling the energy of the river of years, endless, even if it was stronger than him, he felt hard to shake and was shocked.

I also feel the terrible scouring of the years, with special power, not just the simple power of the years, the power of time, but also other terrible powers. Under the real scouring of the long river of years, it is not known as the years. The immortal supreme emperor body, the supreme immortal body, even the eternal body, will gradually decay into the sky.

"Years and years are like swords. They are the most terrifying power between heaven and earth. The supreme emperor, the quasi-giant, and the eternal giant must bow their heads in front of the years. Only eternity can be truly eternal." Inexplicably, Ye Chen appeared in his heart. Such a sentence.

   Along the real river of years, I saw countless branches, large and small, and countless fragments of time flowing in front of my eyes.

It belongs to the past, including the Pangu universe, the prehistoric immortal world, the ancient alien universe, the chaotic burial ground, the eight wilderness ancient universe, and other chaotic ancient universes... It records everything from the Chaos Sea to the present, which can be seen in the long river. To.


   Inexplicably, Ye Chen raised his head and saw a stalwart figure with his back facing all living beings, his back to the giants, and an ancient monument, holding an emperor sword in his hand, wearing an emperor armor, and blocking the heavens.


  He also appeared!

   is standing on a magnificent tributary, so eye-catching.

   The giants of both sides were also taken aback, as did the other giants outside the river. After many years, they saw the Emperor of Heaven again.


  Panguguan closed, Ruoxi appeared. Although the number of meetings was not many, or even a handful, he knew the responsibility of his father.

   "Senior Tiandi!"

   Ye Chen fiercely blasted away the two giants of the first generation of the alien race, rushing to the position where the emperor was, and said: "Senior, I will help you!"

   Now, he is about to become a brand-new Chaos Sea Invincible Overlord, qualified to help the Emperor of Heaven.

  The Emperor of Heaven is one of the most powerful overlords of the Chaos Sea. One person can be comparable to many giants, and they are extremely powerful.

   If the Emperor of Heaven can return, the overall strength of the Pangu Universe will inevitably increase innumerably, even if the ancient universe of other races is extremely afraid.

   Hongtian ruler's expression changed drastically: "Worse, the Emperor is also here!"

   And only those first-generation giants who lived long enough can truly understand the terrible God of Heaven.

During the years when the Emperor of Heaven guarded the Pangu universe, the most prosperous era of mythology was realized. The Pangu universe was the last born chaotic ancient universe. Many giants of the ages were born. There were many ancient emperors and quasi-giants. There is no absolute confidence in the universe that can destroy the Pangu universe.

  Even, if there is no primordial existence that can check the emperor, the ancient alien universe would not dare to launch an attack on the Pangu universe.

   The more ancient the existence, the more he understood the power of the emperor's level.

  If the Emperor of Heaven returns and sits in Pangu Universe again, although the Ancient Alien Universe is strong, it will also be extremely jealous, and will not dare to attack without permission, unless the first generation personally takes action.

  Ran, Shidai doesn't know how many eras have never actually taken a shot. Even if the myth is shattered, it is just setting the eternal situation, attracting the most terrifying supreme existence of the past and present to contain the emperor.

   And, Shidai never shot.

   "Little friend, don't come!"

   The Heavenly Emperor spoke, still facing his back, but his voice was steady, giving people an infinite sense of security.

He was covered in blood and had enemies. I don’t know if he had his own. The corpses under his feet were one after another, at least at the supreme level. There were many quasi-giants. There were also many eternal giants, and even the first-generation giants. Demonstrating an extremely terrifying record.

   That is the result of the battle from the Great Shattered Myth.

   There are still extremely terrifying supreme existences in front of them, and there are still many eternal giants, and even vaguely, several early giants of taboo exist.

   This shocked the giants of all parties.

   Only when Ye Chen reaches this level can he deeply feel how terrifying the situation the Emperor of Heaven faced back then.

   One person faced so many supreme giants throughout the ages, and there were many first-generation giants, no less than Ye Chen faced all foreign giants today, and even worse.

   is in the most dangerous situation!

   But the emperor doesn't say, no one knows.

   The scenes that I could see back then were only a bit of a bit. In fact, it was far more serious than imagined.

   Ye Chen felt depressed. The Emperor of Heaven was very bitter. Facing these giants alone, it is no wonder that invincible overlords who were stronger than him back then were unable to take care of him!

   Other giants were also shocked. They are indeed the invincible emperor of the past and the present. If it weren't for such a situation created by the first generations, it is really hard to say whether the ancient alien universe could destroy the myth of the Pangu universe.

   Ye Chen said: "Senior Tiandi, I can help you!"

   Looking at the Chaos Sea, there are not many people who can speak like this, but Ye Chen is definitely one of them, and he is indeed qualified to speak like this, because of sufficient strength.

   "It's okay!"

   The Emperor of Heaven is still facing her back, and the Emperor of Heaven is dripping blood continuously, all of which is the blood of the eternal Dao.

   Ye Chen stayed a step, a little unclear, but the Emperor of Heaven said so with his own deep meaning.

   Moreover, even if he wanted to, the alien would certainly not agree.

  :. :

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